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21. Standards Of Learning high academic standards, known as the standards of learning, or (sols), ; tests to measure student progress in the standards of learning,; http://www.spotsylvania.k12.va.us/instruction/sol.htm | |
22. Sol StudyWeb® Professional_Development standards of learning tests ((sols)). Starters For Creating Sol-Related Library Lessons -11 great ideas. http://www.techtrekers.com/sol.html | |
23. VA SOLs form of (sols) View all of the standards of learning at this This site also provides a timetable for revisions of these standards. Spring 2000 Released tests. http://teachereducation.wlu.edu/va_sols.htm | |
24. What Are The SOLs? A team of educators has developed tests which are based on the content that has been established as the Virginia standards of learning for each of the http://www.southampton.k12.va.us/sms/standol.html | |
25. Arlington's Spring 2001 Standards Of Learning Scores Show Improvement In Achieve Arlington Public Schools achieved an increase in the proportion of students passing the 20002001 Virginia standards of learning tests ((sols)) that will result http://www.arlington.k12.va.us/about/press_releases/0102/080901_sol.html | |
26. Arlington Releases 2003 Standards Of Learning Scores Arlington Public Schools achieved an increase in the proportion of students passing the 2003 Virginia standards of learning tests ((sols)) that will result in at http://www.arlington.k12.va.us/about/press_releases/0304/030807_sol.html | |
27. Teacher Efficacy & Training: Standards Of Learning And The At-Risk Student increasing academic rigor and accountability along with the use of standardized assessments such as the Virginia standards of learning tests, (sols), is having a http://www.educationreview.homestead.com/TeacherTrainAtRisk.html | |
28. Richmond.com SOL stands for standards of learning. The (sols) are tests that the Virginia Board of Education approved in 1995 in four core content areas mathematics, science http://www.richmond.com/output.cfm?ID=773910 |
29. Richmond.com year, based on the achievement of students during the 200203 standards of learning tests. when at least 70 percent of its students pass the (sols) in English http://www.richmond.com/education/education_out.cfm?ID=2736890 |
30. High-Stakes Testing Slights Multiculturalism - Vol 14 No 3 - Rethinking Schools elementary school who do not meet (sols) in math must Further, if the tests are to ensure that our education is ignored in the development of learning standards. http://www.rethinkingschools.org/archive/14_03/tale143.shtml | |
31. SOLpass - Virginia SOL Test Practice And Review Review and practice for Virginia (sols) standards of learning tests - with fun, interactive activities and quizzes. Elementary School http://www.solpass.org/ | |
32. Number 2 Pencil: Setting Standards In Virginia past few years I have heard complaints from just about everyone about the Virginia standards of learning ((sols)) and the accompanying assessment tests But the http://www.kimberlyswygert.com/archives/000202.html | |
33. SOL Online Practice Tests to Poquoson Elementary School, this useful resource offers quizzes selectable by grade level and specific (sols). Virginia standards of learning tests for 4th http://page.gc.k12.va.us/public/gets/soltests.htm | |
34. Standards Of Learning Accreditation requires a pass rate of 70 percent on (sols). this year by achieving a pass rate of 70 percent or higher on all standards of learning tests. http://www.roanoke.k12.va.us/schools/fishburn/sol3.html | |
35. Food For Thought Question 1 The SOL (standards of learning) tests are an over 22% had not formulated an opinion, while 17.7% supported the view that the (sols) are an http://www.co-opliving.com/coopliving/issues/2000/June/food.htm | |
36. E. B. Stanley Middle School to heat up! Along with all the concerts, track meets, ballgames, field trips, book fairs, and picnics come the Virginia standards of learning tests ((sols)). http://ebsms.wcs.k12.va.us/default.htm | |
37. Spring '99 -- Standards Of Learning: Beyond The Debate More than half the states are using standardized tests to apportion rewards Education is preparing teachers to incorporate the standards of learning, or (sols) http://curry.edschool.virginia.edu/foundation/newsletter/sp99/sol.htm | |
38. Florida [Casio] Calculators Give Wrong Answers - Ticalc.org Hey I live in Virginia too. I m in 8th grade which means I have to take the F***** standards Of learning tests((sols)). We get to use school provided TI83s =). http://www.ticalc.org/archives/news/articles/2/27/27319.html?p=3 |
39. New Page 1 The standards of learning ((sols)) are a series of tests given to students in the third, fifth, and eighth grades, and high school. http://davealbo.bigstep.com/generic.jhtml?pid=38 |
40. Index Grade 5 SOL Review Sites standards of learning Currently in Effect for Virginia Public Schools Note The Grade 5 SOL tests cover all 45 (sols) in science, math http://www.kgcs.k12.va.us/pes/ptaindex.htm | |
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