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21. College Guidance : Hume-Fogg Academic High School Continue looking for scholarships. standardized testing. Recommended testing Schedule. Octoberof junior year, Psat/NMSQT. January of junior year, Practice sat I. http://www.humefogg.org/guidance/hf_college.shtml | |
22. Welcome To Maxthetest.com American Educational guidance Center. Welcome to the for the sat, act, and FCAT using the Demystifying standardized Tests programs you buy books and school or office supplies from http://www.maxthetest.com/ | |
23. Nanuet Senior High School Standardized Testing Schedule FAX 845624-5520. standardized testing Schedule. TEST DATE Nanuet High school. sat I II. October 19 Return to guidance Department Home Page. Return to Nanuet High school Home Page http://nanunet.lhric.org/highschl/guidancedept/testschedule.htm | |
24. Standardized Testing standardized aptitude test scores are important predictors of www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/sat/about.html. TheAmerican College testing Program (act) is http://www.richland2.org/svh/guidance/testing.htm |
25. Standardized Testing At Unit 5 information is available with the High school guidance departments as well as ontheir websites. The sat is not a standardized test specifically given by the http://www.unit5.org/districtinfo/standardtest/sat.htm | |
26. Westford Academy Other standardized testing act The act, an alternative to the sat,is administered by the American College testing Service. http://wa.westford.mec.edu/guidance/StandardizedTesting.htm | |
27. Mt. Notre Dame High School -|- Academics asp) Kaplan information of Psat, sat, act tests, tests scores and as tested by thesat I (http www.testprep.com/satmenu.html) Demystifying standardized tests. http://www.mndhs.org/guidance/satactinfo.htm | |
28. The High School Plan - Resource Index Many colleges and universities require standardized tests, including the sat act ÂAmerican College testing Program. as a substitute for the sat I Reasoning http://ccoach.vwh.net/ccoach/workshops/b/resources/tests.html | |
29. Lewiston High School Guidance Office - Grade 11 Links MCAT. Princeton Review Information on preparing for the sat, Psat,act, and other standardized tests. DISCLAIMER http://www.lewiston.k12.me.us/~lhsguidance/grades/eleven.html | |
30. EGRC - Articles - Surviving Standardized Tests What Are standardized Tests? The act Assessment and the sat tests are each taken bymore Contact the appropriate testing program or your guidance counselor for http://www.petersons.com/egrc/princeton/art_surviving.asp | |
31. Centennial High School Guidance DKS is a learning center serving students interested in improving their academicperformance in school and on standardized tests (sat,act, and TOEFL); http://www.centennialonline.org/guidance/services.htm | |
32. College Bound Students should plan a standardized testing schedule for the senior The sat I IIare administered in October November, and December, while the act is offered http://www.union-city.k12.nj.us/school/ehs/rtc03/timeline.html | |
33. Guid Personal Counseling. Course Selection and Scheduling. standardized Test Analysis.College and Technical school Information. sat AND act INFORMATION. http://swcs.wnyric.org/HighSchoolPages/guidance/ | |
34. Panorama Guidance Web Site sat (College Entrance - competes with act) Meet admission Strategy is differentthan standardized testing students may be familiar with because http://www.panorama.k12.ia.us/newguidance/resources/standardizedtests/tests.html | |
35. Guidance college guides, scholarship information, financial aid, and standardized testing. Thetests are usually three hours in act and sat Prep classes are offered at http://www.wcs.edu/bhs/guidance.htm | |
36. Forest High School Activities informed about the College Board sat and act Tests given include the Psat, FloridaWrites Assessment In addition to the standardized tests, the counselors also http://users.mfi.net/~forest/guidance.htm | |
37. Fenton High School On The Web http//www.kaptest.com/ Information on various standardized tests, test preparation,and test_home.shtml Free online practice tests for the act and sat. http://fhsweb.fenton100.org/Academics/Guidance/testing_information.htm |
38. Welcome To The Madison West Guidance Department Hompage of intelligence, they¬Ãre just standardized tests.ˆ That taking the act, as wellas practice tests. MMSD Summer school act/sat Prep Courseˆ Offered at http://www.madison.k12.wi.us/west/guidance/advancedplacement.htm | |
39. Fed-Soc.org - OCR's Testing (Mis)Guidance: Anti-Education, Anti-Civil Rights - W a particular level on the sat or act in order decision, that it would no longer considersat scores for OCR has decided to challenge standardized tests if they http://www.fed-soc.org/Publications/practicegroupnewsletters/civilrights/ocr-civ | |
40. ZHS Testing act. act American College Test This optional standardized test for college boundstudents measures educational development in The act , like the sat,is a http://zhs.pasco.k12.fl.us/ZHSWEB1/Guidance/testing.html | |
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