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1. Belleview High School Appropriate course work and standardized testing are tools used to SAT or ACT scores,practice testtaking skills or assistance with passing the ged and attend http://www.marion.k12.fl.us/schools/bhs/guidance.html | |
2. Testing - Testing & Accountability (CA Dept Of Education) Information regarding the development, coordination and implementation of Californias statewide testing programs created to improve Californias schools and to increase the achievement of all Student testing. General guidance for California Educational Development Test (ged standardized testing and Reporting (STAR) program. Test results are used for student and school http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg | |
3. 4Tests.com - Your Free Online Practice Exam Site! 4Tests.com Your one stop practice test site for High school, College, Professional, and standardized Exams and Tests ged. SAT* the education and testing markets and we're guidance through their online services and publications along with seminars in your local area. If you are in high school http://www.4tests.com/ | |
4. Parents' Guide To Transition: What Happens After High School? standardized testing, and, later, college classes. For help with documentation, your child can consult with the high school guidance their General Education Development (ged) tests. http://www.pluk.org/trans.html | |
5. Alabama Homeschooling : Church School Directory Homeschooling information, links, and resources from HEART A high school diploma program. Resources available for check out. standardized testing least a high school diploma/ged What's Provided Curriculum guidance. Newsletter. Classes / field http://www.educationalfreedom.com/heart/pages/churchschooldirectory.html | |
6. KernLearn.net -> Home -> Guidance -> Teacher portion of the school guidance curriculum that deals with 9 and 10. ged A high school equivalency exam; consists STAR (California's standardized testing and Reporting Program) A http://www.kernlearn.net/GUI/TEA/CounselingTerminology.asp | |
7. ERIC/CEM - School Choice Discussion school diploma or a ged standardized testing only; sixteen others provide an alternative to testing. Lawsuits to secure homeschoolers' access to publicschool a guidance counselor to http://eric.uoregon.edu/trends_issues/choice/home_schooling.html | |
8. Colleges, Universities, And Trade Schools Programs Adult educationÂged and life/job skills servicesÂcareer assessment,standardized testing, financial aid contact your high school guidance counselor http://www.geocities.com/transitionlink/postsecondary.html | |
9. Alternatives To Day School The ged tests are for adults who did not The Ontario High school Equivalency Certificateis awarded successful completion of five standardized tests in the http://www.markhamdistrict.hs.yrdsb.edu.on.ca/guidance/Alternatives to Day Schoo | |
10. New Canaan High School Common Application A standardized admission application adopted by approximately200 colleges. ged General Educational Development testing Program. http://www.newcanaan.k12.ct.us/high/StudentServicesHandout/lexicon.htm | |
11. Freshman Application & Admission submit a copy of their ged certificate along or by writing the Education testing Service(CEEB that the secondary school record, standardized test scores, final http://www.ju.edu/admissions/policies_freshmanApplicationAdmission.asp | |
12. Kaplan: World Leader In Test Prep, Admissions And Tutoring Post Company, MCAS, ged, FCAT, New counselor, high school, practice, SCORE preparation,prepare, standardized test, standardized testing, scholastic aptitude http://www.stealsonline.us/main/taxhotline.htm | |
13. Bradford Area School District Support Learning Disabilities Program standardized testing Program Home schoolingHomebound Instruction ged testing Center Other in the school district include http://www.bradfordareaschools.org/services_programs.cfm | |
14. Manchester NH School District: Careers/Guidance Website Links websites by allowing teachers to post school information on The web can help studentsprepare for standardized tests. with SAT, PSAT, ACT, AP, ged, CLEP, and http://www.mansd.org/departments/technology/help/links/curriculum_connections.ht | |
15. To: Guidance Counselors And ISAEP Coordinators The parent will sign ÂReferral for testing form referral to an alternative program/schoolor ISAEPged. equivalent or higher on a standardized reading test http://www.opencampus.vbcps.k12.va.us/ISAEP explanation.htm | |
16. Fort Pierce Central High School S Main Page standardized tests. personal records; for class ranking; for ged (high school equivalencydiploma) counseling; for inormation about testing; to request http://plato.stlucie.k12.fl.us/fpc/main.html |
17. Lauderdale County Optional School written and has allowed the Optional school Program to specifically to prepare usersfor the ged, ACT, Competency, and other standardized testing. http://www.lauderdale-lea.lauderdale.k12.tn.us/rhs/optional/ | |
18. Standardised Tests In High School, College, And Beyond - Suite101.com ged If you quit high school and now want to MCAT The master of all standardized tests,the MCAT is a For more information, contact the testing company or your http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/8072/90432 | |
19. Rogers High School Graduation Requirements Open Admissions policyÃmay enroll with a HS diploma or ged; No standardized testsrequired; Sands Community school in the Night school, Summer school, or Full http://www.elkriver.k12.mn.us/rogerssh/guidance/guidancehome.htm | |
20. WJ Guidance FAQ Page We have standardized test registration packets (SATÂs and ACTÂs), a listing ofaverage SAT testing information (SAT, PSAT, ACT, TOEFL ged information. http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/schools/wjhs/studserve/guidance/FAQ.html | |
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