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41. Regional: Asia: Sri_Lanka: Business_and_Economy - Open Site See also regional Asia Business and Economy. sri lanka s most dynamic sectorsnow are food processing first contraction in the country s history, 1.4%, due http://open-site.org/Regional/Asia/Sri_Lanka/Business_and_Economy/ | |
42. History Of WHO South East Asia Region history of the WHO SouthEast Asia Region. namely, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal,Bhutan, sri lanka and Maldives of areas for the regional organization of http://w3.whosea.org/aboutsearo/hist.htm | |
43. Board Of Directors: ICES Sri Lanka and for his work on Âethnic studies (and) conflict resolution. His publicationsinclude A history of sri lanka (London, 1981) regional Powers and Small http://www.ices.lk/about/directors.htm | |
44. Sri Lanka Ports Authority history of SLPA. focal point of the all Port development activities in sri lanka sincethe consequent of the Government policy to develop the regional areas in http://www.slpa.lk/About.htm | |
45. Sri Lanka. Conflict Affected Societies. Projects. Internation Bureau Of Educatio Background to the Conflict sri lanka, is presently undergoing a painful process ofsociopolitical change, marked till very recently in its history by eruption http://www.ibe.unesco.org/Regional/social_cohesion/sc_srilanka.htm | |
46. Sri Lanka - Encyclopedia Article About Sri Lanka. Free Access, No Registration N Gem cutting is a regional speciality. Internet TLD, .LK. Calling Code, 94. (1)Legislative capital is Kotte. history. Main article history of sri lanka http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Sri Lanka | |
47. TANAP - Archives / National Archives Of Sri Lanka Essays in Asian history, Past and Present (Delhi first appeared on Ceylon (as SriLanka was referred at Batticaloa, and made Galle its regional headquarters in http://www.tanap.net/content/archives/archives/srilanka.htm | |
48. Sri Lanka Genealogy: Resources For Family History Research Libraries. regional Archives. National Archives. Family history Centers LDS/Mormonsfamilysearch.org. The Genealogy Register Space. sri lanka Genealogy. http://www.kindredtrails.com/sri_lanka.html | |
49. SRI LANKA: THE BATTLE FOR JAFFNA President Chandrika Kumaratunga and raises concerns of regional instability for yearshave been the bloodiest in the history of sri lanka s ethnic strife. http://www.csis.org/saprog/sam22.html | |
50. Sri Lanka Computers Games Health Home News Recreation Reference regional Science Shopping srilanka telecom sri lanka picture sri lanka airline history of sri http://www.jaspergifts.com/Regional/Asia/Sri_Lanka/ | |
51. Library Of Congress / Federal Research Division / Country Studies / Area Handboo (SEARO regional Health Papers, No. 8.) New Delhi World Health Organization,regional Office for SouthEast Asia, 1985. sri lanka A history. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/sri_lanka/lk_bibl.html | |
52. Sri Lanka Peace Plan followed up by eight subsequent regional gatherings, attended War is forgotten, exceptin history lessons sri lanka abolishes its standing military army and http://www.commonway.org/SriLankapeaceplan01.htm | |
53. The History Of Econometric Models In Sri Lanka Citation, Thenuwara, HN ÂThe history of Econometric Models in sri lanka. InQuantitative United Nations Centre for regional Development, 1999. http://www.virtualref.com/uncrd/1278.htm | |
54. UNCRD Bibliography. Subject:Â Â SRI LANKA The history of Econometric Models in sri lanka Book Chapter 1999 View Urban Growthin sri lanka Implications for regional Development Book 1992 http://www.virtualref.com/uncrd/_sub/s25.htm | |
55. Underwater Cultural Heritage is the establishment of a regional training field at the Maritime Archaeology ResearchCentre in Galle, sri lanka. history of Maritime Archaeology in sri lanka. http://www.unescobkk.org/culture/underwater/detail.asp?id=8 |
56. Country Home Page of USAID Reports and Project history documents. East regional South Pacific regionalBahrain Bangladesh Qatar Saudi Arabia, Singapore sri lanka Solomon Islands http://www.dec.org/country/index.cfm | |
57. D. Hellmann-Rajanayagam/ Indologie Und Iranistik (LMU) Translate this page Hg.), Minorities on Themselves, South Asian regional Digest No In Indian Economicand Social history Review 26 and the Tamil Crisis in sri lanka Results and http://www.fak12.uni-muenchen.de/ind/hellmann.htm | |
58. African And Comparative Archaeology: Sri Lanka environment, climate change, vegetation history and land Plains the water shed areaof sri lanka. PhD research will include regional stratigraphic studies of http://www.arkeologi.uu.se/afr/projects/SriLanka/SLthemes.htm | |
59. Demanding Sacrifice: War And Negotiation In Sri Lanka Gunaratna, R., 1997, International and regional Implications of the sri the NationThe politics of identity and history in modern sri lanka, SSA, Colombo. http://www.c-r.org/accord/sri/accord4/biblio.shtml | |
60. MEDIA s walked us through the history of ideas presence of journalists from the regional(vernacular) language In sri lanka there is an ethnically and linguistically http://www.safhr.org/media_safhr_regional3.htm | |
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