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21. Information Gateway Links List Display Page Bank Central Bank of sri lanka Banking Central Bank. Chambers Business PromotionLocal / regional Chambers. Govt Political history Govt Political history. http://www.opic.gov/links/countryInfo.asp?country=Sri Lanka®ion=asia |
22. AsiaSource: This Day In Asian History - A Resource Of The Asia Society receive This Day In Asian history by email its programs, publications, exhibitions,regional centers, membership Ceylon becomes the Republic of sri lanka as its http://www.asiasource.org/thisday/ah_mp_01.cfm | |
23. AsiaSource: AsiaBOOKS - A Resource Of The Asia Society SW An introduction to sri lanka s geography, people foreign rule, independence, andmodern history is followed The interaction of national, regional and local http://www.asiasource.org/books/ab_mp_03_history.cfm?BookSection=135 |
24. Table Of Contents Page 7. VII. The Contemporary Period, 1945-2000. 2001. The Enc The Encyclopedia of World history. 2001. Table of Contents. 1. Overview. a. CulturalDevelopments. b. regional Diplomacy. e. Bangladesh. f. sri lanka (Ceylon). http://www.bartleby.com/67/toc7.html | |
25. Britannica.com: Worlds Apart: The Roots Of Regional Conflicts Britannica. history of sri lanka since Independence Concise historyfrom 1947 to the present, from Encyclopædia Britannica. Map http://www.britannica.com/worldsapart/5_WebLinks.html | |
26. Sri Lanka Briefing to the United States in sri lankan history and was very By helping to resolve srilanka s internal war, the an important contribution to regional stability and http://www.usaid.gov/locations/asia_near_east/countries/one_pagers/srilanka01a.h | |
27. USAID: Sri Lanka to the United States in sri lankan history and was By helping to resolve sri lankaÂsinternal war making an important contribution to regional stability and http://www.usaid.gov/pubs/cbj2003/ane/lk/ | |
28. Regional Genealogy And Local History Research Caledonia Niue - Palau - Papua New Guinea - Samoa - Solomon Islands - sri lanka- East Timor regional Genealogy and Local history Research Copyright http://www.academic-genealogy.com/geneal.htm | |
29. Sri Lanka Web Links: Library And Links: Jeannette Rankin Library Program: U.S. I Human Rights Policy Web Links and regional Resources Asia. Internet resources whichdescribe the background, history and current events in sri lanka. http://www.usip.org/library/regions/sri_lanka.html | |
30. Books On Sri Lankan Tamils, Sri Lankan War,... regional powers and small state security India and sri lanka, 19771990KM De Silva. 1. A history of sri lanka KM de Silva. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/5180/srilnk.html | |
31. Sri Lanka (British Empire & Commonwealth Land Forces) US Army/Library of Congress); history of sri lanka, by Alexander Ganse (World historyat KMLA); Defense Forces. regional Colonial Period, 17961948 A http://www.regiments.org/milhist/srilanka/srilanka.htm | |
32. Wauu.DE: Regional: Asia: Sri Lanka: News And Media www.info.lk. sri lanka News Portal Gateway to News and information on sri lanka.Lots of Links for Travellers, about obtaining Visas, history, Photo galleries http://www.wauu.de/Regional/Asia/Sri_Lanka/News_and_Media/ | |
33. Wauu.DE: Regional: Asia: Sri Lanka: Society And Culture sri lanka A Country Study A search-enabled study covering the history, geography,economics and politics of the country. http//rs6.loc.gov/frd/cs/lktoc.html. http://www.wauu.de/Regional/Asia/Sri_Lanka/Society_and_Culture/ | |
34. ASIANMONTH~ENGLISH~Focus On Asia administration practices of Portugal, the Netherlands and Great Britain in sri lanka. Hissystematic research contributes to creating a new regional history. http://www.asianmonth.com/english/facp/body.html | |
35. List Of Possible Topics Research article on developing regional communities in sri lanka. and cultural capitalin regional communities Terminologies Main techniques history Case studies. http://itira.cqu.edu.au/encyclopedia/topics.htm | |
36. Country Profile: SRI LANKA | Asia Ethnic Conflict In sri lanka And regional Security (Kumari Jayawardhan);A Short history of the Tamil Eelam Liberation Struggle (Tamil Tigers); http://www.essex.ac.uk/armedcon/world/asia/south_asia/sri_lanka/default.html | |
37. TamilNet of Investment (BOI) has established a regional Economic Development Ulah a researchbook on the history of King May 21, 2004 1422 GMT sri lanka Police in http://www.tamilnet.com/ | |
38. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Regional > ... > Sri Lanka > Society And Culture > Sort by Most Popular. Information Center on sri lanka history About sri lanka http://www.alexa.com/browse/general?catid=264643&mode=general |
39. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Regional > Asia > Sri Lanka > Society And Culture Society and Culture Subjects regional Asia sri lanka Society and Forums (6);Communities (2); Education (2); Ethnicity (4); Genealogy (2); history (5); http://www.alexa.com/browse/categories?catid=25385 |
40. CIRDAP_PROFILE_Brief History Brief history. Council from 2 to 6 July 1979 at the regional office of of Germany,the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Lao PDR, Malaysia, sri lanka and Thailand http://www.cirdap.org.sg/history.htm | |
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