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1. Sri Lanka States. history Gov't regional autonomy. But negotiations in 2003 achieved little. In June, a group of international donors pledged $4.5 billion in reconstruction aid to sri lanka http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0107992.html | |
2. CBSG Sri Lanka - History, Objectives & Activities IUCN sri lanka in preparation of the sri lanka Nationally Threatened Species Lists.He was also a participant in the recent regional Consultative Workshop for http://www.zooreach.org/CBSG/SriLanka/CBSG Sri Lanka.htm | |
3. Lecture On Global Terrorism By Lakshman Kadirgamar, Sri Lankan Foreign Minister The wider threat posed to regional and international security by Tamil of the network,both on the security of sri lanka and the world at history of Insurgency. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/sinhala/rohan.htm | |
4. Sri Lanka History lankan representation in the Executive Council and expanded regional representationin to become a turning point in the modern history of sri lanka and is http://members.tripod.com/~hettiarachchi/history.htm | |
5. The Open University Of Sri Lanka Educational Technology Information Technology regional Services Telephone The OpenUniversity of sri lanka Bugs/Suggestions ou.ac.lk Site history Design by http://www.ou.ac.lk/ | |
6. Regional Asia Sri Lanka sri lanka is an island nation in south Asia that is sometimes known as Ceylon and lanka. This category is for English language sites relating to sri lanka. Chats and Forums, history, Organizations, Personal Pages, Politics, Relationships, Religion, more.. http://www.aodr.com/Regional/Asia/Sri_Lanka | |
7. SECURITY IMPLICATIONS OF REGIONAL POWER IN SRI LANKA youth have usurped their place in history and in Negotiating regional powers withthem has no meaning security concerns of the larger sri Lankan nation run http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/mahnel/lbima18.htm | |
8. Sri Lanka Telecom - About SLT / Our History 7,800 million regional Telecommunication Development Project completed. SLT alsocompleted Rs. 44 billion infrastructure development project. 2002, , sri lanka http://www.slt.lk/inpages/aboutus_pages/history.htm | |
9. Sri Lanka Introduction - Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography, Climate, Natural Resou which bears on India s geopolitical perception of itself as a regional superpower Theelection proved to be the bloodiest in sri lanka s history, but the ballot http://www.workmall.com/wfb2001/sri_lanka/sri_lanka_history_introduction.html | |
10. :: Ez2Find :: History Guides, history. ez2Find Home Directory regional Asia sri lanka Society and Culture history (6) Archaeology (13). Related Categories http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Regional/Asia/Sri_Lanka/Soci | |
11. Social Issues - Sri Lanka Explorer and Reconciliation by Karunyan Arulananthan; A history of Tamil Report on sri lanka Feb 1996 by AI; Report on Ethnic Conflict and regional Security by Kumari http://www.infolanka.com/org/srilanka/issues.html | |
12. ETHNIC CONFLICT IN SRI LANKA AND REGIONAL SECURITY which gave Tamils a degree of regional autonomy, including had the foremost place in sri lanka, thus almost It is precisely this history that persuaded the http://www.infolanka.com/org/srilanka/issues/kumari.html | |
13. Sri Lanka: History throughout most of the islandâÂÂs history. The sri Lankan Tamils reached theisland approximately ethnic characteristics and seek regional autonomy or http://gbgm-umc.org/country_profiles/country_history.cfm?Id=153 |
14. Sri Lanka: Ethnic Conflict & Civil War homelands The verdict of cartograpic history (By Dennis N of War and Peace in SriLanka ( This is an 29, 1999 ); Book International regional Implications of http://www.lankalibrary.com/pol2.html | |
15. WWW Virtual Library - Sri Lanka - Sri Lankan Society, Culture & Literature Indigenous Wanniyalaeto A Case history (Report to sri beings ) Home Page (supportsri lanka s indigenous people Vedda language A regional dialect of Sinhala http://www.lankalibrary.com/cul.html | |
16. East Indian & Sri Lankan Theme Wedding & Party Guide including a design gallery, history culture RECIPES Wedding cakes, confections,regional foods, etiquette purchase Asian spices; sri lanka Curryingredients http://www.askginka.com/nationality/indian_east.htm | |
17. Regional, Asia, Sri Lanka: Travel And Tourism RegionalAsiaTravel and Tourism. sri lanka s attarctions, travel details, entertainment,culture and history. Explore sri lanka by Ari Withanage Explore sri http://www.combose.com/Regional/Asia/Sri_Lanka/Travel_and_Tourism/ | |
18. Regional, Asia, Sri Lanka, Society And Culture: History country. Information Center on sri lanka history About sri lanka,history, culture, economy, the war and services. Lakbima - The http://www.combose.com/Regional/Asia/Sri_Lanka/Society_and_Culture/History/ | |
19. South Asian Association For Regional Cooperation - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclope SAARC (the South Asian Association for regional CoOperation 1 Members. 2 history.3 Culture. 4 People. 5 Bangladesh; Bhutan; India; Maldives; Nepal; Pakistan; sri lanka. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAARC | |
20. South Asia Bibliographies: Sri Lanka HN670.8.A8 S531 1988 sri lanka history and the Main DS489.2 .S74 1990 sri lankayear 2000 Colombo Centre for regional Development Studies in association http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/SSEAL/SouthAsia/srilanka.html | |
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