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81. Sri Lanka - Map - Geography Map, sri lanka. geography, sri lanka. Location Southern Asia, island in the Indian Ocean, south of India. Geographic coordinates 7 00 N, 81 00 E. http://www.exxun.com/SriLanka/b_mp.html | |
82. Reef Relief - Coral Reef Science Education: Geography: Sri Lanka sri lanka. In Puttlam District in sri lanka (130 km north of Colombo) mangrove area was reduced from 3650 ha in 1983 to about 2000 ha in 1994. http://www.reefrelief.org/Coral Forest/MapSriLanka.html | |
83. Access International Domains Brief summary of geography n sri lanka; http//www.1uptravel.com/geography/srilanka.html Brief summary of geography in sri lanka; http://webdb.iu.edu/internationalprograms/scripts/accessinfo.cfm?categoryid=29&C |
84. Sri Lanka Travel Guide: Geography & Climate geography. sri lanka is an island in the Indian Ocean, located to the south of Indian Subcontinent. Sprawling over the area of 65 http://www.sri-lanka-tour.com/travel-guide/ | |
85. Garments.lk geography CLIMATE. sri lanka is an island endowed with natural beauty and a wealth of natural resources. Because of its topography http://www.garments.lk/SL_WhereAbout.htm | |
86. The World Factbook 2000 -- Sri Lanka 1980s. Tens of thousands have died in an ethnic war that continues to fester. sri lanka. geography. Top of Page. Location Southern http://www.exportinfo.org/worldfactbook/srilanka_WFB.html | |
87. Antique Prints - India And Sri Lanka System of Universal geography, London, about 1788. Copper engraved print. Plate mark and good margins. Price GBP 20. sri lanka (Ceylon) . None at present. http://www.antiqueprints.com/Prints/india_prints.html | |
88. Department Of Geography, Academic Staff Specialization and teaching areas geography of sri lanka, Regional geography of South Asia, Developing Countries and Geographical Thought and Methodology http://www.pdn.ac.lk/arts/geo/geost.html | |
89. Sri Lanka In Pictures (Visual Geography) - Bookchecker.com Booksearch sri lanka in Pictures (Visual geography). Links to book stores where you can buy sri lanka in Pictures (Visual geography). http://www.booksearch.nu/0822518538 | |
90. Alt-Ruhuna - Tissamaharama, Sri LankaCommission For General And Comparative Arch Translate this page archaeological relics of the Godavaya harbour, in Domroes, M. - Roth, H. (eds.), sri lanka, Past and Present. Archaeology - geography - Economics (Weikersheim http://www.dainst.org/index_616_en.html | |
91. Applications In Sri Lanka Ms. KWG Rekha Nianthi University of Peradeniya, Department of geography, Peradeniya. Dr. WL Sumathipala Open University of sri lanka Nawala, Nuggegoda. http://www.columbia.edu/~lz144/slmon/slapplicationnetwork.htm | |
92. FRONTLINE/WORLD . Sri Lanka - Living With Terror . Links And Resources | PBS nearly 20year-long civil war. The site also has links to further information about sri lanka s geography, economy and government. http://www.pbs.org/frontlineworld/stories/srilanka/links.html | |
93. Sri Lanka - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia geography. Main article geography of sri lanka The island of sri lanka, formerly Ceylon, lies within the Indian Ocean, with the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Lanka | |
94. Sri Lanka geographyÂnote strategic location near major Indian Ocean sea lanes. conventional long form Democratic Socialist Republic of sri lanka conventional short http://www.wifak.uni-wuerzburg.de/fact98/ce.htm | |
95. Resources From Www.BiologyBrowser.org Animal Kingdom. Main Category geography. Results 1 2 of at least 2 sri lanka Malaria Maps online article, Malaria Journal; Wildlife Heritage http://www.biologybrowser.org/bb/Geography/Asia/Sri_Lanka/index.shtml | |
96. Sri Lanka Country Information. sri lanka Tokyo Donor Conference - Remarks and Other Releases - International Seminar on sri lanka - U. S. Embassy - Country Reports/Other Resources. sri lanka. Highlights. Human Right Reports and Development of sri lanka (the United States, European international community's support of sri lanka's peace process. http://www.state.gov/p/sa/ci/ce | |
97. Economy Of Sri Lanka facts, maps, flags and pictures from countries around the world. The Economy of sri lanka. Economy overview In 1977, Colombo abandoned http://www.abacci.com/atlas/economy.asp?countryID=327 |
98. Sri Lanka sri lanka History. sri lanka history, travel As a new civilisation flourished sri lanka became rich and prosperous. In the mid 2nd http://www.travelwizard.com/asia/SriLanka_History.html | |
99. GeographyIQ - World Atlas - Asia - Map Of Sri Lanka World Asia sri lanka. flag of sri lanka, sri lanka. Introduction The Sinhalese arrived in sri lanka late in the 6th century BC, probably from northern India. http://www.geographyiq.com/countries/ce/Sri_Lanka_map_flag_geography.htm | |
100. GEsource World Guide - Sri Lanka Links, sri lanka. Astronaut Photography of Earth. sri lanka, 1 sri lanka, GEsource World Guide sri lanka. http://www.gesource.ac.uk/worldguide/html/1028_satellite.html | |
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