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21. Sri Lanka Wedding Customs Geography and Map of sri lanka geography and maps of Sri Lanka. http//geography.about.com/library/cia/blcsrilanka.htm?iam=metaresul http://www.blueglobus.com/kenya/cgi-bin/search/search.cgi?searchtype=Web&keyword |
22. Sri Lanka Geography Geography. SRI LANKA LIES practically in the center of the Indian Ocean and thus has climatic and cultural links with three continents. http://www.country-studies.com/sri-lanka/geography.html | |
23. Sri Lanka Geography - Adam's Bridge Geography. The island of Sri Lanka is located in the Indian Ocean, about 400 miles (645 kilometers) north of the equator. It is separated http://www.suzannessource.com/SriLanka/facts/geography.htm | |
24. Government And Political In Sri Lanka SRI LANKA Geographic Information - sri lanka geography - Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography, Climate, Natural Resources, Current Issues, International Agreements http://www.kasbah.com/vitalstats/government/sri_lanka_sri_lanka_1.htm | |
25. Mahavilachchiya - Visit A Rural Village In Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka Geography. The Horizon School is situated in Mahavilachchiya village. It is some 240 km from the capital Colombo, in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. http://www.horizon77.org/village/geography/ |
26. CIA - The World Factbook -- Sri Lanka Spain. Spratly Islands. sri lanka. Sudan. Suriname. Svalbard. Swaziland Eelam began a ceasefire in December 2001, with Norway brokering peace negotiations. geography. sri lanka. Top of Page http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ce.html | |
27. Travel Sri Lanka Offering geography, culture, history and major attractions. http://ecosrilanka.xasia.lk/travelsrilanka/intro/ |
28. Library Of Congress / Federal Research Division / Country Studies / Area Handboo A searchenabled study covering the history, geography, economics and politics of the country. http://rs6.loc.gov/frd/cs/lktoc.html | |
29. Geography And Map Of Sri Lanka Search. geography sri lanka, sri lanka. Introduction. Top of Page. Background Occupied by the Portuguese in the 16th century and the http://geography.about.com/library/cia/blcsrilanka.htm | |
30. Sri Lanka Embassy Cairo-Egypt Has contact information for the Embassy of sri lanka in Cairo, and brief information on the history and geography of sri lanka. In English and Arabic. http://www.lankaemb-egypt.com/ | |
31. ABC Country Book Of Sri Lanka - Geography Flag, Map, Economy, Geography, Climate sri lanka Interactive Factbook geography, Flag, Map,geography, People, Government, Economy, Transportation, Communications. http://www.theodora.com/wfb/sri_lanka_geography.html | |
32. Travelanka.com THE Site For Planning A Holiday To Sri Lanka. The Files. Fact File. geography. Places Events. Fauna Flora tiny islets and sandbars called Adam's Bridge separates sri lanka from the subcontinent of India across the Palk Straits http://www.travelanka.com/ver01a/english/climate&geography.html |
33. Sri Lanka Reference And Travel Guide All about sri lanka including facts, maps, flags, history, culture, geology, geography, and travel information. http://countriesandcities.com/countries/lk/ | |
34. Sri Lanka geography, Maps, News, Literature. Old Geogrpahical data of sri lanka. Map of sri lanka. World Map showing sri lanka http://www.rootsweb.com/~lkawgw/index3.html | |
35. Library Of Congress / Federal Research Division / Country Studies / Area Handboo sri lanka A Country Study sri lanka. Foreword. Acknowledgments. Preface. Country Profile. COUNTRY. geography. SOCIETY. ECONOMY http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/lktoc.html | |
36. Sri Lanka sri lanka GenWeb. sri lanka, is one of the smallest of the South Asian nations History Sociology, Statistics. geography, Maps, News, Literature http://www.rootsweb.com/~lkawgw | |
37. Sri Lanka : Geography, Statistics, Maps, Travel Guides sri lanka geography, map, flag, statistics, photos and cultural information about sri lanka. http://www.studentsoftheworld.info/pageinfo_pays.php3?Pays=SRI |
38. Sri Lanka : Geography, People, Policy, Government, Economy... sri lanka Detailed information geography, People, Policy, Government, Economy, Communication, Transportation, Military geography, sri lanka. http://www.studentsoftheworld.info/infopays/wfb.php3?CODEPAYS=SRI&PAYS=Sri Lanka |
39. Sri Lanka - Geography geography. sri lanka Table of Contents sri lanka LIES practically in the center of the Indian Ocean and thus has climatic and cultural http://countrystudies.us/sri-lanka/30.htm | |
40. Information On SRI LANKA, The Culture, Geography, Weather, Cost Of Living, Etc., sri lanka is famous for its 1,600 km of unspoilt, golden beaches. ABOUT sri lanka. There s good swimming at any number of beaches along the southwestern coast. http://www.travellersworldwide.com/09-srilanka/09-srilanka-about.htm | |
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