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61. BBC SPORT | Other Sport Duo in medal quest. DISABILITY SPORT. More success for set for olympics. SKIING.Rap for skier Schoenfelder. squash. lift Athens hopes. Foster fails in olympic bid. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/other_sports/default.stm | |
62. BBC SPORT | Other Sport | Exciting Times For Squash the game and our chances of olympic entry may coverage remains elusive for the sport,however. squash s most prestigious tournament, the British Open, has only http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/other_sports/3699473.stm | |
63. Mid Day - Sports All articles of playing on the Professional squash Association (PSA Olympics Dhanraj,Jugraj in probables list. http://web.mid-day.com/sports/sports.htm | |
64. Squash Magazine the consideration of a sport for the Olympics is to be as key elements in the analysisof sports for these is, indeed, a Âkey element, then squash in its http://www.squashmagazine.com/vcm/squashmagazine.RULES.Rules_of_Game:In_your_dre | |
65. Dance Sport In The Olympics Golf and squash are two of the most widely practiced and in fact have cut some sportsin recent years in order to protect olympic tradition ( 10,000 http://www.eijkhout.net/rad/dance_other/olympic.html | |
66. Squash Online games. squash and the olympics. Why squash isn t an olympic Sport?The official story of the bid to put this right. squash World http://www.groveparksquash.org.uk/squashonline.htm | |
67. UEA Sportspark - Classes/Sports refer to the information on the squash court notice pool is normally in the 50m Olympicformat on competitors who can benefit from our sports bursary scheme http://www.sportspark.co.uk/activities_s.html | |
68. Fairplay - Sport And Leisure - Ireland - Links 2003 www.2003specialolympics.com Special Olympics Ireland www Ireland www.csid.ieFingal sports Partnership www squash Irish squash www.irishsquash.com Ulster http://www.fairplay.eu.com/links/ | |
69. Books > Sports > Racket Sports > Squash Books sports Racket sports squash. Found 9 articles. Displayingarticles 1 to 9 squash A History of the Game North Am squash http://www.growingsport.com/j/59310/ | |
70. Håkons Hall Sport Centre (Olympic Park) Håkons Hall Sport Centre. Photo Marianne Mobæk. We can offer  2 handballcourts/6 volleyball courts or 6 badminton courts.  2 squash courts. http://www.olympiaparken.no/Engelsk/HakonSports2/HHSportssenter engelsk.htm | |
71. Mmegi Online ::> News We Need To Know first time. Serwadi also noted that the World squash Federation ispushing for squash to become an olympic sport. Botswana will http://www.mmegi.bw/2004/April/Friday23/9437899071966.html | |
72. WinningRackets.com - About The Company the sport. OUR FIRST OBJECTIVE Getting squash to become an olympic sport!!Sign the ISF s olympic petition. Winningracket s SPECIALTY http://www.winningrackets.com/globals/about.shtml | |
73. Sports And Games/Ball Sports/Most Squash Titles sports AND GAMES BALL sports MOST squash TITLES. Most World Championshipsquash Titles Since the World Open was inaugurated in 1975, Jansher Khan has http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/content_pages/record.asp?recordid=44363&Reg= |
74. Racquetball org/ For all the latest info, event coverage, press updates, Intercollegiate SquashAssociation Women s sports Foundation. US olympic Committee Press Box. http://www.unitedstates-online.com/Sports/Racquetball.htm | |
75. Al-Ahram Weekly | Squash In 2004? THANKS to Egypt, the nonolympic sport of squash might make its long-awaiteddebut at the 2004 Games. Al-Ahram Weekly 22 - 28 April 1999 Issue No. 426. http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/1999/426/sp2.htm | |
76. Al-Ahram Weekly | Squash For The Olympics? According to Chilli, squash meets most of the IOC requirements. We are a copy bookof what you have to be in order to be an olympic sport, Chilli said, but http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/1998/399/sp2.htm | |
77. International World Games Association : Transparent News squash 1 of 30+ sports of The World Games fourth year, the one following the SummerOlympics, they jointly may click on any pictogram of the 30+ sports of The http://www.worldgames-iwga.org/vsite/vcontent/content/transnews/0,10869,1044-127 | |
78. International World Games Association : Transparent News with great efforts made by our entire society, we can ill afford a failure in theorganization of The World Games for the nonolympic sports, DSB President http://www.worldgames-iwga.org/vsite/vcontent/content/transnews/0,10869,1044-126 | |
79. NSW Sports Federation - The Voice Of NSW Sport isquashmedia supported by Dunlop Sport, esquash, Head, Hi-Tec sports, GerrardLtd. www.squashDiscount.com. Home From the Stands News Index », http://www.sportnsw.com.au/newsitem.asp?id=7944&orgID=1248&Oname=From the Stands |
80. Jamaica Gleaner - Future Of Squash Tied To Olympics - Beckford - Monday | Januar whole picture of funding, coaching, accessibility to coaching, if you are not anOlympic sport you re are behind the eightball, and although squash has made http://www.jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20040119/sports/sports4.html | |
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