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121. Square Dancing In CENTRAL CALIFORNIA CALLERS|CUERS|CLUBS|ASSOCIATION square dancing in Central California San Joaquin Valley from Stockton to Merced, including towns east. You can find animated calls http://www.penrod-sq-dancing.com/ | |
122. Diablo Dancers - Concord/Walnut Creek, CA A gay and lesbian square dance group located in Concord/Walnut Creek, California. Open to all square dancers, Diablo Dancers does not discriminate in any way regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, religion or for any other reason.We are a social group focusing on having fun, working as a team, and generally supporting each other through the common bond of square dancing. http://www.diablo-dancers.org/ |
123. Home Page square dancing club schedule, contact information, gallery, links and cookie recipes. http://www.iagsdc.org/goldenstate/ | |
124. Square Dancing And Round Dancing In Florida This web site contains information about all phases of the square and round dancing movements in the state of Florida. Square Round Dancing. http://floridadancing.com/ | |
125. Square Dance Caller - Transfer To Sover.Net club or organization banquet, picnic, or any other type of affair and you want very reasonably priced entertainment for everyone, then square dancing may be http://www.monmouth.com/~gmalinowski/ | |
126. Square Dance Caller Notes - Square Dance Choreography On Line - All8.com A Square Dance Caller s Notes by Rich Reel Most callers keep notes on calling. Here I share my notes with you Interested in square dancing? http://www.all8.com/ | |
127. Plus Dusters Square Dance Club Lincoln, Nebraska. square dancing on the second and fourth Mondays. The program is comprised of the plus level emphasizing dancing by definition. http://sqdancer.com/nebraska/clubs/dusters/ | |
128. Gandy Dancers Schedule square dancing group. Includes information on classes schedules, and member details. http://www.ncinternet.net/~pmack21/gandysched.html | |
129. Square Dancing In Western New York Example Imagesquare dancing in Pennsylvania You ll find a lot of information on Square Dance Clubs all over Pennsylvania and links to nearby areas. http://www2.cecomet.net/rce/squaredancer.htm | |
130. Duke City Singles Square Dance Club Home Page Albuquerque, New Mexico. square dancing every Friday. Calendar of events, directions, class schedule, and photographs. http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/Opry/3948/ | |
131. Santa Cruz Squares A square dancing club for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning folks, their supporters and friends. http://www.santacruzsquares.org/ | |
132. Illinois State Dance About the symbol. square dancing is a folk dancing tradition of the United States. Other Internet resources on square dancing might be of interest. http://www.museum.state.il.us/exhibits/symbols/dance.html | |
133. Grand Canyon Square Dance Association a nonprofit organization, in order to provide an organization for the development and coordination of interest and activities in square dancing among clubs in http://www.azsquaredance.com/ | |
134. Downtown Attractions Home Page Information on Sampede Week attractions including rope square, chuckwagon breakfasts, parades, old time rigs and square dancing. Provides photos, videos and links. http://www.stampede-downtownattractions.com/ |
135. Contra And Square Dance Playing - Voyager Recordings And Publications: Old Time CONTRA AND SQUARE DANCE PLAYING ©1998 Phil Vivian Williams. Tune To Match Dance Moves. Tunes suitable for contra and square dancing come from many sources. http://www.voyagerrecords.com/ardance.htm | |
136. FARMALL PROMENADE - SQUARE DANCING TRACTORS square dancing itself is nearly a lost art and square dancing on tractors is something you must see to believe. NemahaÂs gentlemen http://www.farmallpromenade.com/ | |
137. Grand River Squares A gay square dancing group. http://grsquares.org/ | |
138. Wilde Bunch Web Site square dancing group. Includes schedule, contact information, and links. http://www.iagsdc.org/wildebunch/ | |
139. Redirect To Bows & Beaus Singles & Couples Square Dance Club Mountain View, California. square dancing every Wednesday, plus level. Dance schedule, news, related links and contact information provided. http://home.att.net/~kmferguson/bows-and-beaus/ | |
140. A Brief History Of Square And Round Dancing - DOSADO.COM A Brief History of square and Round dancing. By Herb Egender. It is difficult to trace exactly the roots of our modern square and round dancing, for they are deep and varied. published the first http://www.dosado.com/articles/hist-sd.html | |
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