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101. The Geelong Club Dancers A square dancing club meeting every Wednesday. http://www.webspawner.com/users/geelongclubdancers/ | |
102. Square Dance Conventions And Festivals USA This page is about square dancing festivals and conventions in all fifity states of the united states AL, Alabama, LA, Louisiana, OH, Ohio, AK, Alaska, ME http://www.squaredancefestivals.org/ | |
103. A New Song And Dance Routine Text and pictures from a square dancing promotional brochure published by the Callerlab Foundation. http://www.chuckandgerry.com/nsdr.htm | |
104. Website Disabled Weekly square dancing. Includes schedule and directions. http://www.celebritysquares.homestead.com/ | |
105. State Folk Square Dance-www.scstatehouse.net -LPITS square dancing is a traditional form of family recreation in South Carolina and is an activity for young and old which has been recorded throughout South http://www.scstatehouse.net/studentpage/square.htm | |
106. The Village Squares Details for this square dancing group located at the intersection of Hwy 560 and Bush River Road. http://jwh40.tripod.com/village_squares.html | |
107. The State Folk Dance Conspiracy: Fabricating A National Folk Dance Article opposed to the campaign to make square dancing the national folk dance. http://www.tackytreasures.com/julie/sqdconsp.html | |
108. SQUARE DANCE CLASSIFIEDS 6 Bachelor of square dancing Diploma s. 5 Plus diploma s. Wanted I am looking for a good video tape for C1 and C-2. G2 Ideas - Innovation in square dancing. http://www.dmerrill.com/sdcads.html | |
109. Fairs 'n Squares square dancing club; calendar, directions, and information on club purpose. http://members.aol.com/fairsnsqs/ | |
110. Square Dance Instructional Videos square dancing Today Video VHS Only $29.95 Get ready, it s time to join the old with the new and learn square dancing as it is danced today! http://www.activevideos.com/square.htm | |
111. Maui Clubs Maui, Hawaii. Complete listing of clubs, schedule, and directions. http://www.inix.com/squaredancehawaii/maui.html | |
112. Square Dance, Maryland State Folk Dance In 1994, square dancing was designated the State Folk Dance (Chapter 707, Acts of 1994; Code State Government Article, sec. 13313). Square dancers. http://www.mdarchives.state.md.us/msa/mdmanual/01glance/html/symbols/folk.html | |
113. Dancearama2003.com Singles square dancing event. Includes schedule and registration information. http://dancearama2003.com/ |
114. Welcome To Our Homepage Jutland, Denmark. square dancing on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Basic, mainstream and plus level. Schedule, directions and contact information. http://users.cybercity.dk/~nmb4976/page1.html | |
115. NetIdentity - Personalized Email Addresses And Web Sites! Hi there ! Thanks for dropping by and welcome to my site of my favorite hobby - square dancing. Please stop a while. Why come square dancing ? http://www.jeff.garbutt.com/page1.htm | |
116. Square Dance Videos Square dance videos, it s time to join the old with the new and learn square dancing as it is danced today! square dancing Today $29.95. http://www.centralhome.com/ballroomcountry/square_dance_videos.htm | |
117. GAYSQDN's Home Page Birmingham, Alabama. square dancing on every Thursday. Member of the IAGSDC. Schedule, contact information, and directions. http://members.aol.com/gaysqdn/ | |
118. Square Dance - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Square dance. The various movements used in square dancing are based on traditional folk dances of the various people who migrated to the USA. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square_dance | |
119. Square Dance Sources Special Square Dance Sources. B D s square dancing Apparel, 8930 South Western Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, 900473548, United States, (323) 758-3559, http://www.pettipond.com/sources_sd.htm | |
120. Santa's Swingers Square Dance Club Fairbanks, Alaska. square dancing every second and fourth Saturday throughout the year. Club history, schedule, directions, and contact information. http://www.fairnet.org/Agencies/Dance/SanSwinhp.html | |
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