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21. Australian Square Dancing Contacts for all square dancing clubs in Australia. Conventions, Clogging and Competition Down Under. AUSTRALIAN square dancing. http://www.squaredanceaustralia.com/ | |
22. DANCING PEOPLE Essay on the introduction of square dancing to the people of Nagasaki in 1946 and its increase of social mixing between sexes and cultures. http://www.uwosh.edu/home_pages/faculty_staff/earns/niblo.html | |
23. History Of Square Dancing (Index) History and Heritage of Modern American square dancing. A summary of the essays by Dorothy Shaw, Bob Osgood and Kenny Reese. The http://eaasdc.de/history/sheindex.htm | |
24. EAASDC - European Association Of American Square Dancing Clubs Informationen des Dachvereins der Square Dance Clubs in Mitteleuropa. Veranstaltungskalender, Clubverzeichnis, Artikel aus dem Bulletin. http://eaasdc.de/ | |
25. National Square Dance Conventions - 53rd - Western Square Dancing & Round Dancin National Square Dance Conventions 53rd in Denver Colorado focused on education, Western square dancing, Round Dancing. square dancing in Denver, Colorado. http://www.53nsdc.com/ | |
26. Tennison Home Page Joy and Ray present photographs and information on their family and grandchildren, as well as travel and square dancing interests. http://www.angelfire.com/trek/joyraytennison/ | |
27. Square Dance Calgary Welcome to Square Dance Calgary. Calgary was the host for the 1988 Winter Olympic Games in which square dancing played a major role in the opening ceremonies. http://www.nucleus.com/~dennislevitt/Index.htm | |
28. Central Ohio Western Square Dancing Provides dance schedules, club and caller directory. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4255/index.htm | |
29. Have Fun Square Dancing!! I have been trying hard in advertising Square Dance through my page. I made animations to describe basic movements of Square Dance. http://members.tripod.com/~noriks/ENGLISH/English-Index2.html | |
30. Eric Henerlau - Modern Square Dancing/Home Page Teaches square dancing, line dancing and mixers for novices and groups. Services, FAQ, related links, and contact details. http://www.erichenerlau.com/ | |
31. Have Fun Square Dancing!! Uses animated GIFs to illustrate modern western square dance calls through A1. http://members.tripod.com/~noriks/ENGLISH/English-Index3.html | |
32. Chain Gang Square Dance Club Modern American square dancing club. Includes club history, details of upcoming events and contact information. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/jonkozy/ |
33. Square Dance And Round Dance In Wisconsin neighboring states. pages. Other excellent links are the SDAW SEA page , Guy Adams Home Page , and square dancing on the Web . Nate http://www.celticgraphics.com/boardinghouse/squaredance/ | |
34. History Of Square Dancing In Wisconsin, 1948-1998 square dancing in Wisconsin? square dancing in Wisconsin is an anthology created by Aggi Thurner for the sesquicentennial celebration of Wisconsin s statehood. http://www.celticgraphics.com/aggi/ | |
35. NORTEX 100 square dancing, round dancing and clogging clubs in the Dallas, Fort Worth area with special dances, club, officer and caller contacts. http://www.nortex.org/ | |
36. Web Page Under Construction Area square dancing club. Includes schedules of upcoming dances in Hereford and surrounding areas, and provides a list of club officers with their names, home towns and email addresses. http://www.toptex.org/ | |
37. Introduction To (Challenge) Square Dancing Introduction to (Challenge) square dancing. by Lynette Bellini and Kathy Godfrey. Challenge dancing is square dancing taken to its puzzlesolving extreme. http://www.lynette.org/intro.html |
38. 54th National Square Dance Convention Learn more about our attempts to raise funds to reserve the Lloyd Center Ice Arena for a public square dancing exhibition during our convention. http://www.54nsdc.com/ |
39. Sundown Square Dancing Club, La Mesa California Features square and round dancing. Classes, photos, caller, and cuer. http://www.angelfire.com/folk/sundownsquares | |
40. Hawai'i Federation Of Square Dance Clubs What is Modern American square dancing? Where Can I Go To Learn? Click here for information on Western square dancing. This site is a member of WebRing. http://www.inix.com/squaredancehawaii/ | |
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