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1. Western Square Dancing - DOSADO.COM. The Premier Internet Portal To Western Squa Western square dancing DOSADO.COM. The Premier Internet Portal to Western square dancing! Western square dancing - DOSADO.COMÂ Bill Heyman - Webmaster http://www.dosado.com/ | |
2. SquareDancing.com "Square Dance", "Round Dance", "Square Dancing" & "Round Danci Square Dance, Round Dance, square dancing, Round Dancing, squaredancing, rounddancingSquare Dance Callers, Round Dance Cuer Information Pages new way to tell your friends about square dancing! http://www.squaredancing.com/ | |
3. International Association Of Gay Square Dance Clubs or sexual orientation. Gay square dancing is high energy dancing. Since many gay square dancers can dance both Gay square dancing got started in Florida in the late 1970's when http://www.iagsdc.org/ | |
4. Bob Lafleur's Square Dancing Resource List In an effort to eliminate duplicate square dance resource related websites, and to support having only one centralized source for information, I have decided to take my information page offline. http://pages.map.com/~bobl/sdance.htm | |
5. A/C SgDance Home Vic Ceder. Challenge square dancing. NORTEX. Folk Dance Association. Steve Kopman. square dancing in Mesa, Arizona. Grand Square Inc http://acsquaredance.dmans.com/ | |
6. Square Dancing - The Art Of Making Friends FREE for ALL Square Dance listings. Add your own square dance group to this popular listing FREE. http://www.square-dancing.com/ | |
7. Challenge Square Dancing's Home Page Introductory Items. Learn to Square Dance. Articles about square dancing. Links to other Square Dance Pages. Computer Programs for use in square dancing. Challenge Dancing's Call Concept Lists. Definitions of Challenge Calls Concepts discussions of various aspects of Challenge square dancing are available for those who do dance http://www.lynette.org/chaldance.html |
8. Front Door Information on square dancing and square dance clubs for people with disabilities (mostly developmental disabilities, but some wheelchair groups). http://www.ushandicapable.org/ | |
9. California Heritage Dancers California Heritage Dancers recreate old time dancing that are the roots to modern square dancing. Historical Square Dance Exhibitions. http://www.heritagedance.com/ | |
10. Articles And Links For Square Dance History Articles and Links Relating to the History of square dancing. square dancing The Historical Geography of an American Folk Custom Richard MacKinnon; http://www.heritagedance.com/articles.html | |
11. Oregon Federation Of Square And Round Dance Clubs Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs. square dancing is the Official State Dance of Oregon the encouragement and enjoyment of square dancing and its associated activities. http://www.squaredance.gen.or.us/ | |
12. Square Dance Center & Campground At Lolo, Montana For information about square dancing and round dancing in the Missoula area http//www.cybernet1.com/missoula.sqrd-dancers. http://missoula.bigsky.net/sqrdance/ | |
13. Square Dance History In The U.S. - DOSADO.COM couples. This is the manner in which square dancing and its director (or caller) developed. As neighbors. square dancing filled this need. The http://www.dosado.com/articles/hist-maca.html | |
14. Challenge Square Dancing Challenge lists and definitions, articles on Challenge dancing. http://www.lynette.org//chaldance.html |
15. Square Dancing And Round Dancing In Florida All you want to know about square dancing and round dancing in the state of Florida Square Round Dancing. In The State Of Florida of the Foundation for the Preservation and Promotion of square dancing is to support the funding of projects that will http://www.floridadancing.com/ | |
16. Colorado Square Dancing Icons & Clipart (page 1 Of 5) square dancing Icons Clipart. This is Page 1 of 6. geocities free home page information. 96©Colorado Front Range square dancing, last revised Aug. 2001. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/1503/Icons.htm | |
17. Welcome Thank You For Visiting Our Site! This site is designed to provide information on square dancing, Round Dancing and related activities in the State of Colorado and is for both the dancer and http://www.squaredancing.com/colorado/ | |
18. SQUARE DANCING AND LINE DANCING DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS Don has been calling and teaching square dancing for 29 years and square dancing for 31 years http://members.aol.com/cactusstar/home.htm | |
19. Square Dance Etiquette What is square dancing all about? To keep square dancing pleasurable, we must all observe a few guideline. After all, square dancing is a group activity. http://www.iagsdc.org/etiquette.html | |
20. Bozeman Folklore Society An all volunteer non-profit organization dedicated to promoting, preserving, enjoying and sharing the music, dance, arts, crafts, and skills of traditional cultures, with a special focus on country and square dancing and fiddle music. http://geocities.com/bfsdancing/ | |
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