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61. School And Youth Exchanges coach training projects abroad,; coach training courses in In addition sports equipment(including balls and sportswear) is donated to schools and associations http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/www/en/aussenpolitik/kulturpolitik/austausch_html | |
62. Sports Equipment: Trimm-Tramp For Use In Schools, Training, Physiotherapy And Fi Eurotramp sports Equipment. For use in schools, training, physiotherapy fitness. Trimmtramp. Technical information Frame of galvanized steel. http://www.designswithmerit.com/equipt/etrimmtramp.htm | |
63. Estonia-Wide Web: Education/Private Schools http//www.eabc.edu.ee/ estonian/russian/english - 02.03.2000 - backlinks 62 ErkiNool Athletics School sports training based on athletics for children and http://www.ee/www/Education/Private_Schools/welcome.html | |
64. :: Ez2Find :: Schools And Instruction ez2Find Home Directory sports Martial Arts schools and Instruction (573) MartialArts Sales and Services (10) sports People training (107) http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Sports/Martial_Arts/Schools_ | |
65. Schools sports Butch Ulrich offers tips for adventure racing, trail running, biking, andkayaking. training partner finder. http//www.makebreak.com Challenge School http://www.zookle.com/Sports/Adventure_Racing/Schools/ | |
66. Aero Clubs & Flying Schools:Aerial:Sports:Sports & Leisure - New Zealand YELLOW Gliding; Planes, Air, Flying, Clubs,Aircraft, Aviation, sports, Flights, New Zealand,Instruction, Winching Flight training Manawatu. Aero Clubs Flying schools. http://www.yellowpages.co.nz/all-categories/sports-and-leisure/sports/aerial/aer | |
67. Stopwatches, Digital For Labs, Sports, Schools, Homes, Industry, Training, Racin several models of highly accurate, Digital Stopwatches for a wide range of uses includinglaboratory, sports, school, home, industry, training, racing, testing http://www.franklinclock.com/stime.htm | |
68. Prince William County & Manassas Virginia VA Schools, Training, Daycare, Childca Services Lodging and Travel Pet Services Professionals Real Estate Recreation Salons and Spas schools and training Shopping sports and Fitness http://www.princewilliamcountywebsite.com/schoolsandtraining.html | |
69. St. Charles North High School - SCN Trainer & Sports Medicine an interest in the profession of Athletic training or sports Medicine to basic skillsin first aid and athletic training by working Charles North High School. http://www.d303.org/schools/scn/scnathletics/scntrainer.html | |
70. New Judo Training Scheme For Schools Judo is one of the sports promoted under the Joint schools sports training Programmeof the schools sports Programme jointly organised by the LCSD and the http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/200403/27/0327107.htm | |
71. CC! Sports Training Program For Coaches On Ethics, Sportsmanship And Character-B A training Program for Coaches on Ethics, sportsmanship and is a conscious objectiveof a sports program or 77% of educators say schools can and should play a http://www.charactercounts.org/sports/Olympic/olympic-report-strategies.htm | |
72. Perfectskater Hockey Schools, Hockey Camps, Hockey School , Hockey Camp, Power S FROM LOCAL sports CAMPS Rated PerfectSkater Best School Montreal PerfectSkater HockeySchools Quebec - ecole de Camp - Off- ice training - entrainement hors http://www.perfectskater.com/ | |
73. Training And Schools - PainterDude.com Arts Business Computers Games Health Home News Recreation Reference Science Shopping Society sports. training and schools. http://www.painterdude.com/directory/Business/Training_and_Schools/ | |
74. Parisi Speed School: Speed Training Instructors as Nike CorporationÂs sports training Department, the NFLÂs New York Giantsand New England Patriots, along with numerous high schools, professional, and http://www.parisischool.com/instructors.html | |
75. West Berkshire Council - Active Schools Sports Development forge links between schools, sports clubs and the community. increase training opportunities;keep PE staff abreast of new developments; enhance delivery of the http://www.westberks.gov.uk/WestBerkshire/services.nsf/Public/AllServices/BF9A73 | |
76. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Sports > Adventure Racing > Schools Breakaway sports Butch Ulrich offers tips for adventure racing, trail running RacingDallas Fort Worth based Adventure Race training, schools, and sprint race http://www.alexa.com/browse/general?catid=84519&mode=general |
77. Sports Massage Therapy Schools | Ashmead College sportsrelated injuries. At Ashmead College we offer advanced studiesin clinical and sports massage training. This specialty offers http://www.trade-schools.net/ashmead-college/clinical-sports-massage-specialist. | |
78. A Day At The Sports Schools A day at the sports Extended Secondary School Timetable of 7th grade students Lessons.Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thuesday. Friday. 7.007.45. training. German. German. http://www.hal.shuttle.de/hal/sportgymn/englday.htm | |
79. The British Council - Russia and Partnerships British Council Education and training Group 10 Applications forfunding during the school year 2003 Specialist Arts sports Visits We will be http://www.britishcouncil.org/education/schools/russia.htm | |
80. Aviation Schools Online.com - Aviation Schools Flight Training Schools The school operates in a stateof-the-art classroom training on a wide array of bothjet and piston world as well as several professional sports teams provide http://www.aviationschoolsonline.com/aviation-schools/featured/national_aviation | |
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