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121. Snap Benefits Program - Repeating 20% - 50% Off At Restaurants, Movies, Sports A Provides discount card for fundraising to schools, community organizations and corporations. Savings benefits on restaurants, shopping, sports and entertainment. http://www.snappass.com | |
122. Sparc.org.nz - Sport & Recreation New Zealand SPARC works with schools, community clubs, sports organisations, iwi, regionalsports trusts and local authorities to create opportunities for all New http://www.sparc.org.nz/ | |
123. United States College Athletic Association Official site of an organization sponsoring sports for colleges established in June of 2001. Site contains a listing of member schools, scores, and game summaries. http://www.theuscaa.com/ | |
124. Resources To Help You Choose The Best Fundraisers For Your Group Scratch card programs for sports teams, schools, churches and other nonprofits. http://www.usafundraisers.com | |
125. Colorado Amateur Youth Wrestling High School And College Tournaments And Competi Athletic competitions for amateur sports freestyle wrestling tournaments hosted in Colorado for high schools and colleges to wrestle in state meets or nationals matches with Rocky Mountain Nationals in Denver. http://www.rockymountainnationals.com/ | |
126. Innovative Fundraising Ideas Traditional And Online Fundraisers - schools, sports teams, and other organizations can earn up to 90% profit on proven fundraising programs including scratchcards, magazines, chocolates and gift brochures. http://ads.efundraising.com/index.php?opendirectory |
127. Youth Sport Trust And Schools - Working In Partnership participating and progressing. YST home, sport. sports Colleges are partof the Government s specialist schools programme. As well http://www.youthsporttrust.org/yst_schools.html | |
128. Markel Insurance Company Provides property and casualty coverages for children's camps, child care centers, martial arts and gymnastics schools, social service organizations, and other niche markets. Also offers accident and health coverages for sports organizations and varied types of equine related coverages. Includes product listing, application, claims information, and news. http://www.markelinsurance.com/ | |
129. Youth Sport Trust And Schools - Sports Colleges sports College affiliation. sports Colleges are part of the specialist schoolsprogramme run by the Department for Education and Skills (DfES). http://www.youthsporttrust.org/yst_schools_sc.html | |
130. Fanhuggers - Decorative Ceiling Fan Covers That Cut The Dust Decorative ceiling fan blade covers with images or logo available for fundraisers or promotions for organizations. sports themes, schools, churches, holidays, and kid themes. http://www.fanhuggers.com | |
131. Www.delawareonline.com : The News Journal : SPORTS : High Schools Join News Journal sports reporters in online discussions  Nominate an Athleteof the Week  Make your top 10 picks for high school sports  Do you http://www.delawareonline.com/newsjournal/sports/hs/ | |
132. Software For Schools,Colleges,Universities,Educational Instituitions ::www.profi Software for schools, Universities. Providing you with an integrated, multi disciplinary solution. Fully integrated modules for Administration, Registration, Accounting, Library, Payroll, sports and facilities management make it an ideal software for your entire school administration needs. http://www.profilez.net/schoolpro.html | |
133. Buffalo News - Sports : High Schools sports. a Cardinal O Hara senior, won the 100 meters in 11.02 and the 200 in 22.24Saturday at the New York State Catholic High schools Athletic Association http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/highschools.asp | |
134. Fundraising Ideas For Schools, Sports Teams, Churches, Youth Groups And Non-prof Custom imprinted air fresheners for schools, sports teams, churches, youth groups and other nonprofits. http://www.rpmfundraising.com | |
135. Training Management Software For Class Based Businesses. Software For Computer T Provides training management software for training firms and class based software for computer, aviation, sports, gymnastics, after school, music and acting schools. http://www.atlantic-associates.com | |
136. EducationGuardian.co.uk | Schools Special Reports | Special Report: School Sport Cadbury condemned over school sports sweetener. Initiatives. Away goalMost private schools sports facilities lie unused in the holidays. http://education.guardian.co.uk/schoolsports/0,12750,863049,00.html | |
137. Tip-A-Canoe Chocolates Chocolate bars for fundraising by schools, sports teams, scouts, guides, cadets, and other nonprofit organizations. http://www.tipacanoe.ca |
138. Active Australia - Schools Network The Active Australia schools Network is managed by National ACHPER (the AustralianCouncil for It is funded by the Australian sports Commission as part of the http://www.activeaustralia.org/school/ | |
139. General Communications, Inc. Murray, Utah firm specializing in video, telecommunications and computer network integration services for schools, hospitals, sports facilities and convention centers. http://www.sysint.com |
140. CNN.com - Cash-strapped Schools Look For Sponsors - August 15, 2002 Commercialism in sports is hardly new, even at the prep level, but it s a route cashstrappedschools are taking with greater frequency to pay for new athletic http://fyi.cnn.com/2002/fyi/teachers.ednews/08/15/school.sponsors.ap/ | |
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