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181. Hockey Camps International Hockey schools Summer Ice Hockey Camps. Hockey Camps. ENTER. InternationalHockey schools is your summer ice hockey camp choice. http://www.incamps.com/ | |
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183. Www.varsityonline.com Volunteer sports Reporters are an important part of VarsityOnline.They promote their school and team by contributing to our site. http://www.varsityonline.com/ |
184. ASAA - WELCOME week multisport camp July-August 2004. The camp is located at the InternationalPeace Garden on the Manitoba/North Dakota Border and is open to school-aged http://www.asaa.ca/ |
185. Sports - StatesmanJournal.com Dan Itel Thoughts on high school sports. Golf can bring down the best. McKay duonow in semis Charles Tran and Vetu Mam prevail in three quarterfinal matches. http://news.statesmanjournal.com/index_sports.cfm | |
186. High School Sports: South Florida Sun-Sentinel High School sports Show Sundays at 1030 am on WB39 Click for more details. VIDEOFROM THE SHOW. MESSAGE BOARD. Post your comments on high school sports! http://www.sun-sentinel.com/sports/highschool/ | |
187. US Sports Camps - America's Largest Camp Network Select a Sport, http://www.ussportscamps.com/ | |
188. Albany, N.Y. : Timesunion.com : High School Sports Fax to 4545819 or mail to Times Union sports, News Plaza, Box 15000, Albany, NY Encourageyour coach call our High School Hotline at 454-5413 or fax stats to http://localsports.timesunion.com/ | |
189. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - High School Sports (05/25/2004). High School Baseball Blackhawk tops Riverside Maybe the thirdtime will be the charm. Clair, 51 (05/21/2004) High School Highlights Mt. http://www.post-gazette.com/highschoolsports/ | |
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192. TSSAA Home Page Please Take Time to Visit Our Sponsors 200405 TSSAA Calendar TSSAA Encourages MemberSchools to Join National Association of sports Public Address Announcers http://www.tssaa.org/ | |
193. Teachers College Press sports in School The Future of an Institution John R. Gerdy, Editor Pub DateSept 2000, 192 pages Paperback $19.95, ISBN 0807739707 Cloth $48, ISBN http://store.tcpress.com/0807739707.shtml | |
194. Schoolpop Registration Schoolpop, Welcome Guest. Sign In or Register to benefit your school. Register Now.schools Click the Join Schoolpop Now button below; Pick your school if listed. http://www.schoolcash.com/ |
195. Monroe County Public Schools Athletic Association Monroe County Public School Athletic Association. Search MCPSAA SportsSchedules (Use dropdown boxes to limit your search.). Participating http://www.schedulesonline.org/ | |
196. Detroit Free Press: College Sports College sports. Saturday, May 22, 2004. NCAA SOFTBALL Storm postponessoftball regional The NCAA softball regional at Michigan s http://www.freep.com/index/college.htm | |
197. Connecticut Sports - Pro, College, High School News From The Hartford Courant - sports ctnow provides professional, college and high school sports coverageincludingfootball, baseball, basketball, hockey, golf, auto racing, skiing and http://www.ctnow.com/sports/highschool/ | |
198. CITIZEN-TIMES.com: Sports Select. sports. -Select. http://www.citizen-times.com/sports.html | |
199. Big 12 Conference - Official Athletic Site Choose Sport. Choose School. http://www.big12sports.com/ | |
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