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101. Michael W. Coopet Practicing in the areas of tax and estate law, personal injury, corporate law, entertainment and sports law. http://coopetmichaelwesq.uswestdex.com/ |
102. LexisNexis Customer Service Center Marquette sports law Review. Library/File Location, LAWREV/MSPLR WISC/MSPLR. Coverage, From 1992 through current; Marquette sports law Journal Vol. 3 (1992) Vol. http://web.nexis.com/sources/scripts/info.pl?140721 |
103. MSU-DCL Entertainment and sports law considers these, and various other, legal questions. This field ranges from contract and antitrust law to torts and copyright law. http://www.law.msu.edu/students/dcleslj/ |
104. North, Pursell, Ramos & Jameson, P.L.C. Civil litigation, personal injury, medical malpractice, employment law, and sports law. http://www.nprjlaw.com/ |
105. Home = Sport Exercise = Sports Law sports law 19. No. of records 19, page 1 2. Australia and New Zealand sports law Association. This is the Web site for ANZSLA http://altis.ac.uk/browse/126/10.html | |
106. Sports--Law sports law 415FINDING LEGAL INFORMATION K. Otto. CONDITIONS. Law of Professional and Amateur Sports (Ref KF 3989 .L38) Updated regularly; Limited to sports law; http://www.wcu.edu/library/ResearchTools/ResearchGuides/SL415.htm | |
107. Overview > Category: Sports Law sports law . Overview by Category. Category Overview. sports law. Diritto sportivo · sports law · Sportrecht. http://www.legamedia.net/dy/list/cat_sports-law_0.php | |
108. University Of Illinois College Of Law - Student Organization Descriptions sports law Society. This group promotes awareness of legal issues that affect the sports world. Topics such as interscholastic, intercollegiate http://www.law.uiuc.edu/students/OrgDesc.asp?ID=33 |
109. Sports Law-Lazaroff- Index.html LLS Intranet Logo, sports law. Professor Lazaroff. Spring 2004. 1158. sports law. Wednesday 600 pm 800 pm, B206. Office Hours. Wednesday http://classes.lls.edu/spring2004/sports-lazaroff/ | |
110. Combative Sports Occupations Code - The Texas Department Of Licensing And Regula Combative Sports Occupations Code. You can download the entire Combative sports law document (196kb) as an Adobe PDF file, suitable for printing. http://www.license.state.tx.us/sports/sportslaw.htm | |
111. Sports Law 635 Links Sport Law 635. sports law Research Links. sports law and Sports Business Online. sports law Organizations. sports lawyers Association. http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~splaw635/bookmarks.htm | |
112. Chapman Tripp - What We Do - Sports Law sports law, More about sports law at Chapman Tripp Our experts in this area. Related practice areas. Our track record in this area. http://www.chapmantripp.co.nz/what_we_do/practice_area.asp?id=134 |
113. Villanova Sports Entertainment Law Journal Top/Society/law/Products/Publications/law_Reviews/Entertainment_and_Sports_law http://vls.law.vill.edu/students/orgs/sports/ |
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118. More Sports Celebs Named In Gold Club Trial CNN http://cnn.com/2001/LAW/06/06/gold.club.01.ap/index.html |
119. Today's ANI-GRAM - Animated Anagram Humor! A commentary on world news plus sports, medicine, technology and law. All involve anagrams which animatedly form before your eyes. http://www.ani-gram.com/ | |
120. THEMATICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES - S LOAC Resource provided by the Defense, Civil Protection and sports Administration of Switzerland. http://www.vbs.admin.ch/internet/gst/KVR/e/biblio2-e-index.htm | |
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