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81. Sport & The Law sports law. c. broadcasting rights. REQUIRED BOOKS AND ESTIMATED COSTS Books GARDINER, sports law, 2 nd edition (?35 but available cheaper on line). http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/law/ug/modules/sportslaw/ | |
82. Personal Injury Attorneys Voltolini And Voltolini, Columbus, Ohio Lawyers Medica Columbus firm offering services for personal injury, medical malpractice, business law, real estate, estate administration, disability claims, consumer law and sports law. http://www.voltolinilaw.com/ | |
83. LeClair Ryan's Practice Areas sports law LeClair RyanÂs sports law group regularly represents professional athletes and their agents in various legal matters. http://www.leclairryan.com/selectedPracticeArea.asp?selectedPracticeArea=P1290 |
84. Yaphett K. Powell, Esq.& Associates - Entertainment Law & Sports Law Offices Los Angeles attorney offering services for entertainment and sports law, management, and finance. http://www.entertainmentsportslaw.com/ |
85. Entertainment, Art, And Sports Law Society To promote and support interest in the current issues affecting entertainment and sports law, and to establish and cultivate networks within this specialized http://www.law.fsu.edu/current_students/organizations/EASL/index.php | |
86. The Coe Law Group, PLLC - Real Estate Law, Corporate And Business Law Practicing in areas including real estate, business law, contracts, estate planning, probate, entertainment and sports law, employment, intellectual property, computer law, general civil transactions and litigation. Based in Seattle. http://www.coelaw.com/ | |
87. Forwarding To V3 Interface West Group Champion s sports law in a Nutshell, 2d Champion s sports law in a Nutshell, 2d. By Walter T. Champion, Jr. Free Shipping. All of the elements of sports law explained in an organized, coherent manner. http://heinonline.org/HeinOnline/CollectionIndex.pl?journal=tresl |
88. West Group - Fundamentals Of Sports Law, 2d Includes practicetested strategies on sports law topics. Fundamentals of sports law, 2d. By Walter T. Champion, Jr. List Price In Stock, ships in 2-4 days. http://west.thomson.com/product/13514137/product.asp |
89. Goldberger & Goldberger Counsellors At Law - Home Emphasizing sports law matters from offices in Clifton. http://www.reflaw.com/ | |
90. P Media Entertainment Sports Law Br Topic Media Entertainment sports law. Looking for Prior Articles? Select your date criteria. Period All available data. http://law.freeadvice.com/aff/mdq/mondaq_topics/media.htm | |
91. Yale Law School | @YLS | Entertainment And Sports Law Conference Brings Giants B March 31, 2004 Entertainment and sports law Conference Brings Giants behind the Stars to YLS. Prominent sports agents, litigators http://www.law.yale.edu/outside/html/Public_Affairs/461/yls_article.htm | |
92. University Of Miami School Of Law: Current Students Website Avi Marcus VP Sports (amarcu2@hotmail.com). Gina Gerardi- Secretary- (gg3012@students.law.miami.edu). 7TH ANNUAL ENTERTAINMENT AND sports law SYMPOSIUM. http://currentstudents.law.miami.edu/esls/ | |
93. Topics In Sport - Law The ANZSLA The sports law Association will be able to direct you to lawyers specialising sports law. Want more information on sports law .. http://www.ausport.gov.au/info/law.htm | |
94. Osborne Clarke agreements Public law and regulation of sporting bodies Dismissals/disciplinary procedures and hearings Dismissals. sports law Philosophy. http://www.osborneclarke.com/whatwedo/sport.asp | |
95. The O'Connor Law Firm Full service firm including practice in all areas of taxation and sports law. http://foconnor.home.mindspring.com | |
96. Griffith Law School - International Sports Law Flip to Text Version. PLAYING THE sports law GAME. If you are looking for a program that offers Flexibility Breaking sports law News. For http://www.griffith.edu.au/school/law/sportslaw/content.html | |
97. AccessToLaw - Sports Law Legal Resources·Legal Subject Areas · sports law. This section provides annotated links to sports law sites in the UK and worldwide. Council of Europe Sport, http://www.accesstolaw.com/site/default.asp?s=85 |
98. Carolina Academic Press - Sports Law sports law. Cases and Materials. Order sports law now! This innovative casebook is accessible to professors and students not thoroughly http://www.cap-press.com/books/67 | |
99. WorldLII - Categories - Countries - Australia - By Subject - Entertainment, Arts Australian and New Zealand sports law Association (ANZSLA) Search An organisation that aims to facilitate information and resources regarding Sport and the http://www.austlii.edu.au/links/114.html | |
100. Marshall-Wythe Law Library Sports Law Research printfriendly sports law Research by Fred Dingledy January 2003 Jump to » Books » Journal Articles » Looseleaf Services Newspapers » W M Online http://web.wm.edu/law/lawlibrary/research/researchguides/research_sports.shtml | |
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