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101. Sports : College Sports -- MercuryNews.com Thursday, May 13, 2004. College sports, FEATURED STORY, Slain Athlete s Mother Won t Sue Baylor The mother of a slain South Bay athlete http://www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews/sports/colleges/ | |
102. Welcome To Erie, PA Information and links on Presque Isle, sports teams, network TV affiliates and colleges. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pines/8335/ | |
103. W E L C O M E T O M U M B A I U N I V E R S I T Y Offers various degrees in many fields of study. Information on faculties, departments, admissions, programs, sports, library, maps, distance education, and affiliated colleges and institutes. http://www.mu.ac.in/ | |
104. Tribnet.com - Sports/College colleges UW signs 69 center with 2 bad knees CRAIG HILL; The News Tribune. The Washington Huskies added some needed height http://www.tribnet.com/sports/college/story/5017539p-4945849c.html | |
105. Tribnet.com - Sports/College NW colleges Western Washington golf finishes fifth at nationals News Tribune Staff; The News Tribune. The Western Washington University http://www.tribnet.com/sports/college/story/5078190p-5005575c.html | |
106. BayArea.com San Jose State Sports News coverage from the San Jose Mercury News. http://www.bayarea.com/mld/bayarea/sports/colleges/san_jose_state/ |
107. OrlandoSentinel.com: College Sports Online Exclusives. Scores Stats. Orlando Magic. Pro Football, colleges, Varsity, Recruiting Central. Motor sports. Extreme sports. Golf. Baseball. Columnists, Business. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/sports/college/ | |
108. Gunston Day School A coeducational, college preparatory day school. Campus news, student life, sports, and contact details are highlighted. Accredited by the Middle States Association of colleges and Secondary Schools and by the Association of Independent Maryland Schools. http://www.gunstondayschool.org/ | |
109. OrlandoSentinel.com: Seminoles colleges, Varsity, Recruiting Central. Motor sports. Extreme sports. Golf. Become a member of our site and sign up for our College sports newsletter. FSU FOOTBALL. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/sports/college/seminoles/ | |
110. Ron Christopher Photography Photographic services for weddings, families, sports, teams, high schools, colleges, youth leagues and various activities. Phoenix. http://www.ronchristopherphoto.com |
111. The Www.danvillecalendar.com Website Calendar of events located in the Dan River area. Arts, charity events, churches, colleges, dances, festivals, historic occasions, lectures, films, museums, exhibits, meetings, recreation, schools, and sports. http://www.danvillecalendar.com | |
112. San Jose/Silicon Valley Websites - Information Directory Directory that includes information on news, sports, restaurants, events, entertainment, nightclubs, companies, government, education, schools, colleges and universities. http://www.sanjose-siliconvalley.com | |
113. Rochester NY Sites | Rochester Directory | Rochester Guide | Portal Into Links F Guide to Rochester and Monroe County for points of interest, news sports, colleges, government resources. http://www.rochesternysites.com | |
114. The Ontario Colleges Athletic Association - OCAA Official women's basketball web site of the Ontario colleges Athletic Association with schedule, information, and history. http://www.ocaa.com/sports/basketballw.html | |
115. Welcome To Baltimore Sports.NET The official source for Baltimore sports. Information regardings recreation, high schools, colleges, professional teams and special events in the Baltimore metropolitan area. http://www.baltimoresports.net | |
116. Washingtonpost.com The Washington Post's news coverage of USNA sports. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/sports/colleges/20002001/navalacademy/ | |
117. Sports : University Of South Carolina -- TheState.com sports news about the Gamecocks teams. http://www.thestate.com/mld/thestate/sports/colleges/university_of_south_carolin | |
118. Sports : UM -- Herald.com Online coverage and news about the team. http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/sports/colleges/university_of_miami/ | |
119. Sports : Ohio State University -- Ohio.com Newspaper coverage of the OSU Buckeyes featuring articles by Marla Ridenour. http://www.ohio.com/mld/ohio/sports/colleges/ohio_state_university/ | |
120. Sports : Penn State -- CentreDaily.com Includes schedule results, roster, coaches, and highlights. http://www.centredaily.com/mld/centredaily/sports/colleges/pennsylvania_state_un | |
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