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121. National Spinal Cord Injury Association. Official Website. seeks to bridge a gap between the scientific community and persons with SCI/D. Many scientists have never spoken to a person with a spinal cord injury and they |
122. Women With Disabilities - Spinal Cord Injury spinal cord injury. Have you heard about Christopher Reeve, formerly known as Superman? Additional information on spinal cord injury Publications. http://www.4woman.gov/wwd/wwd.cfm?page=83 |
123. Cardinal Hill Healthcare System A nonprofit, private facility providing services in stroke, orthopedic, amputee, MS, brain and spinal cord injury rehabilitation, developmental stimulation, occupational medicine, and pain management. Located in Lexington. http://www.cardinalhill.org | |
124. VA Spinal Cord Injury QUERI OTHER QUERI SITES. MORE LINKS. VA s Quality Enhancement Research initiative (QUERI LOGO linking to VA HSR D homepage for spinal cord injury. http://www.sci-queri.research.med.va.gov/ | |
125. Spinal Cord Injury: Hope Through Research Informational booklet about efforts to develop better treatments, compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). http://www.ninds.nih.gov/health_and_medical/pubs/sci.htm | |
126. Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine - Mount Sinai School Of Medicine Mount Sinai spinal cord injury Model System Highlights. he Mount Sinai spinal cord injury Model System (MSSCI-MS) provides comprehensive http://www.mssm.edu/rehab/spinal/ | |
127. Hospital For Special Care - Home Page A rehabilitation and chronic disease hospital for adult and pediatric stroke, brain injury, spinal cord injury, pulmonary, and medically complex patients. (New Britain) http://www.hfsc.org/ | |
128. Spinal Cord Injury - SCI Links spinal cord injury Links. Below are a few links relating to spinal cord injury, SCI research and Paralysis. Much more information http://www.ba-comm.com/sci/ | |
129. Spinal Cord Injury: Advancement In Recovery And Research Information on current research in spinal cord injurie and treatment. http://www.chem.uwec.edu/Chem412_S99/41299/spinal/index.htm | |
130. Whitney Hope - Encouraging Others By Bringing Hope Nonprofit organization which assists families and individuals with spinal cord injury and disabilities. http://www.whitneyhope.com | |
131. Spinal Cord Society - Newsletter Headlines spinal cord injury can be cured if the proper effort is made. To the uninformed curing spinal cord injury looks like a big job, almost impossible . http://members.aol.com/scsweb/private/newspage.htm | |
132. Rehabilitation Process Of Persons With Spinal Cord Injury This paper depicts the rehabilitation process and other aspects involved in aiding the spinal cord injured person to achieve optimal functioning physically, socially, and vocationally. http://users.stargate.net/~ozzy/scirehab.htm |
133. Medical Rehab - Spinal Cord Injury spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord Program. An estimated 7,000 to 10,000 new cases of spinal cord injury happen every year in the United States. http://www.einstein.edu/e3front.dll?durki=8105 |
134. Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation A national nonprofit organization whose mission is to encourage and support research to find a cure for paralysis caused by spinal cord injury and related disorders. Including the latest news and progress in research studies. http://www.apacure.com/ | |
135. Spinal Cord Injury spinal cord injury Links. Brain Injury Resource Center. Copyright © 1998 Head Injury Hotline. spinal cord injury Links. 206621-8558. Page sponsor. Attorneys at Law. http://www.headinjury.com/linksci.htm | |
136. AOTA - Consumer - Tip Sheets - Living With Spinal Cord Injury A person with a spinal cord injury typically has some paralysis and decreased or loss of sensation below the level of injury. Living With spinal cord injury. http://www.aota.org/featured/area6/links/link02k.asp | |
137. Spinal Cord Injury Levels And Classification spinal cord injury Levels and Classification. Wise Young, Ph.D., MD SW. M. Keck Center spinal cord injury Levels. Differences between neurological http://carecure.rutgers.edu/spinewire/Articles/SpinalLevels/SpinalLevels.html | |
138. W. M. Keck Center Home Page This is the home page for the WM Keck Center for Collaborative Neuroscience and the spinal cord injury Project (SCI Project). The http://carecure.rutgers.edu/ | |
139. Froomsplint™ Antispasticity Splint Supplier of the Froomsplint, designed to aid in the care of patients with spasticity that are recovering from stroke or spinal cord injury. Includes product information and sizing. http://www.rkfroom.com/ | |
140. AAOS Online Service Fact Sheet Restoring Hand Function After Spinal Cord Injury Restoring Hand Function after spinal cord injury. An injury to the upper part of the spinal cord can leave an individual with little http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/fact/thr_report.cfm?Thread_ID=317&topcategory=Hand |
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