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21. Foundation For Spinal Cord Injury Prevention, Care & Cure The Foundation for spinal cord injury Prevention, Care Cure (FSCIPCC) is a free informational and support resource for the prevention, care and cure of http://www.fscip.org/ | |
22. MedlinePlus: Spinal Cord Injuries spinal cord injury (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke) Short Summary; View slideshow on Myelogram spinal cord injury. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/spinalcordinjuries.html | |
23. Record-Journal Her dog helped her through the pain of spinal cord injury. Now Kate Nicoll uses Bear in her business of social work. RecordJournal, Meriden, CT http://www.record-journal.com/articles/2003/10/12/news/news07.txt | |
24. MedlinePlus Tutorials: Spinal Cord Injury MedlinePlus Tutorials spinal cord injury http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/tutorials/spinalcordinjuryloader.html |
25. About The Association spinal cord injury Association of Illinois provides information, resources and news regarding spinal cord injuries. http://www.sci-illinois.org/ | |
26. Welcome Private practice providing treatment for arthritis, brain injury, carpal tunnel syndrome, musculoskeletal disorders, multiple sclerosis, myofascial pain, spinal cord injury, and neurological disorders. http://www.rehabassoc.net/ | |
27. Lakeshore Foundation Serves men and women, children and adults, who have experienced a wide range of conditions including arthritis, MS, spinal cord injury, strokes, amputations, head injury or cerebral palsy. Support comes from a wide variety of programs and includes sponsorship, coaching, resource materials, and education. http://www.lakeshore.org/ | |
28. Spine And Nerve Center At MGH/Harvard Other information on back and neck pain/injury; spinal cord injury links. Information on Arnold ChiariMalformation and Syringomyelia. http://neurosurgery.mgh.harvard.edu/Spine/default.htm | |
29. Sexuality And Spinal Cord Injury Archive d Information Sexuality and spinal cord injury. where we are and where we are going. Sexuality Reborn Sexuality Following spinal cord injury. Videotape. http://www.ed.gov/pubs/AmericanRehab/spring97/sp9707.html | |
30. Home Page Tells the story of his preterm birth (23 weeks), spinal cord injury and bout with cancer. Includes lots of pictures, a glossary, links, and suggestions for books and toys. http://kalibneil.tripod.com | |
31. Factsheet #1: Common Questions About Spinal Cord Injury National spinal cord injury Association Resource Center. Factsheet 1 Common Questions about spinal cord injury. 1. What is spinal cord injury? http://www.makoa.org/nscia/fact01.html | |
32. QUAD-LIST Discussion Group A forum for anyone who suffers a partial or full loss of function all 4 extremities of the body, i.e. a quad due to any reason, not just spinal cord injury. http://www.makoa.org/quadlist.htm | |
33. Spinal Cord Injury: Research Research Northwest Regional spinal cord injury System (NWRSCIS). http://depts.washington.edu/rehab/sci/ | |
34. Www.neurotraumaregistry.com Online directory listing programs and professionals specific to brain and spinal cord injury, or other neurotrauma. Search by state, by specialty area, or both. Includes a brain map, spinal cord map, glossary,and links to other resources. http://www.neure.com |
35. Spinal Cord Injury Information, SCI-Info-Pages Free and informative resource for those with a spinal cord injury or other disabling injury or disease of the spine. Added a spinal cord injury News Blog . http://www.sci-info-pages.com/ | |
36. Dr. Anders Laboratory Research on low power laser irradiation, spinal cord injury research and diabetes. Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology. http://www.usuhs.mil/nes/Anders.htm | |
37. About NSCIA Who is the National spinal cord injury Association? The purpose is to serve individuals who become paralyzed as a result of spinal cord injury. http://www.erols.com/nscia/ | |
38. Chaz Southard Web log and artistic expression sharing information about spinal cord injury, photographic moments, poetic thoughts, and political statements. http://www.ChazSouthard.org | |
39. Music By Jon Weems: Recordings Of Original Songs Songs, lyrics, and artist information from this musician who shows that life doesn't end after a spinal cord injury. http://www.jonweems.hostrack.com/ | |
40. Thomas Land Publishers Home - Main Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI SCIThe Rehabilitation Research Center for Traumatic Brain Injury and spinal cord injury strives to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities. http://www.thomasland.com/app/home/main.asp?wasp=2gurm83hxj6ypw2g9m7j |
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