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61. Garbl's Editorial Style Manual Provides advice on abbreviations, capitalization, grammar, numbers, plurals, possessives, punctuation, spelling and word usage. http://garbl.home.comcast.net/stylemanual/ | |
62. Spelling, Grammar Still A Worry spelling, grammar still a worry. Dominion 31 October1996. AgnesMary Brooke (Nelson). This opinion starts by quoting Marva Collins New http://www.home.school.nz/meddom01.htm | |
63. English Activities Online For Kids Interactive material to build vocabulary, spelling, grammar and reading skills. Automatic grading with immediate feedback. http://www.syvum.com/online/english.html | |
64. Spelling, Grammar Still A Worry The real world is not really too attractive. Contact 18 March 1999. Vivienne Ball. Hands up all home schoolers who have been told http://www.home.school.nz/medcon01.htm | |
65. EFL Worksheets, Printable And Copiable Materials For English Language Students Subscription fee for downloadable grammar, vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation material for classroom and selfstudy use. Samples available for intermediate and advanced learners. http://www.eflworksheets.com/ | |
66. RPG Chat - Spelling/Grammar Mentors spelling/grammar Mentors. With this noted, spelling and grammar issues should be included in any regular diagnosis, in my opinion. Reply With Quote. http://forums.rpgchat.com/showthread.php?t=34168 |
67. Word Web Vocabulary Ties together vocabulary, spelling, grammar, reading and writing, speaking and listening. http://www.wordwebvocabulary.com | |
68. The Grammar Slammer Family Of Grammar & Spelling Programs Get rid of those English headaches! Now available with spelling and grammar checkers! Satisfied with the grammar and spelling Checkers that you Have? http://englishplus.com/gramslam.htm | |
69. LanguageGalaxy Online English School.(ESL) Offers tests, grammar, spelling and vocabulary exercises and games. Reading and listening activities. Requires fee and login. http://www.languagegalaxy.com/index.htm | |
70. FUDforum: Bug Reports => Mis-spelling/grammar In 2.3.5 FUDforum Development » Bug Reports » misspelling/grammar in 2.3.5 mis-spelling/grammar in 2.3.5 message 7723, Thu, 12 December 2002 1231. http://fudforum.org/forum/index.php?t=msg&goto=7723& |
71. Copyediting And Proofreading Of German Texts For your German texts Correct spelling, punctuation and grammar. Consistent and adaquate word usage. Modern and readeroriented style http://www.german-editors.de | |
72. UserFriendly Strip Comments Back to UserFriendly Strip Comments Index. Painful impair your spelling/grammar post!!! by EvilLionsPhil, 2004/05/11 1123. The more http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/read.cgi?id=20040511&tid=1166588 |
73. Writing And Revision Stylebook - Grammar, Business Writing, Essays Handbook on how to write winning essays, with advice on editing, grammar, spelling, and revision. http://www.cooperhill.com/ | |
74. ClothesFree.com/forums: Spelling/ Grammar , ClothesFree.com/forums » Off Topic » Suggestions » spelling/ grammar (Page 1). This topic comprises 2 pages 1 2. Author, Topic spelling/ grammar. http://www.clothesfree.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=16;t=00011 |
75. ACE Copyediting.com: Self-help Writing Guide And Writer Tips For Reading Writing A free monthly selfhelp writing guide for students of the English language who want to communicate more effectively. Guide covers grammar, punctuation, spelling, cliches, and jargon. http://www.acecopyediting.com/ACEcopyediting - Self-Help Guide.htm | |
76. Re: Spelling/grammar Checks Re spelling/grammar checks. From Sakeena Date 1712-03 Time 151421 Remote Name Comments. Aww come on guys, this http://www.camara.dk/_bantaba/00000708.htm | |
77. Activities In English : ESL, EFL, Reading, Grammar Activities and games related to grammar, reading, spelling, vocabulary and proverbs. http://www.syvum.com/english/ | |
78. Re: Spelling/grammar Checks Re spelling/grammar checks. From kajaw Date 1612-03 Time 164810 Remote Name Comments. I didnt want to dignify http://www.camara.dk/_bantaba/000006f4.htm | |
79. Free-English-Games Free quiztype game rotated each month. Topics covered include vocabulary, spelling, reading, listening and grammar. Requires Macromedia Flash Player. http://free-english-games.com/ | |
80. English Software - Secondary: Ages 12 To Adult. Reading, Spelling, Grammar And V English Software s educational software for secondary and adult students to learn and practice reading, spelling, grammar and vocabulary skills. http://www.englishsoftware.com.au/reading/sc_read.htm | |
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