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Home - Basic_S - Speleology Clubs & Associations |
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61. WWW.HR - Sports And Recreation:Associations cave diving, cave rescue, scientific speleology, karstology, events of the Croatian Mountaineering Association is a the activity of some caving clubs in Croatia http://www.hr/wwwhr/sports/assoc/index.en.html | |
63. Slider Index - Beef Breeders. Beekeeping. Apitherapy. associations. Beekeeping Information Outdoors, Hunting, Foxhunting, associations_and_Clubs, Europe. Outdoors, speleology, Organizations, Europe http://es.slider.com/index/indexbe_2.htm |
64. Institutions And Clubs Italian Alpine Club) is the oldest National association. Objectives of the Club are teaching the also easier excursions, mountain skiing, speleology and much http://www.wayitalia.net/rooten/club_club_1214.html | |
65. Youth Information - Sport, Leisure And Travel - Outdoor Activities The National Caving Association is the national contact point It supports local caving clubs and is caving publication called SPELEOscene (speleology is the http://www.youthinformation.com/infopage.asp?snID=437 |
66. Recreation > Outdoors > Speleology > Organizations > Europe > United Kingdom http//gosh.ex.ac.uk/activities/AU/speleology/. Club Affiliated with the National Caving Association and BCRA. 57 Council of Southern Caving clubs Regional Body http://www.xasa.com/directorio/mozilla/Top/Recreation/Outdoors/Speleology/Organi | |
67. Croatian Sport Sites CROATIAN speleology HOME PAGE Speleological clubs and societies in cave rescue, cave diving Golf Club Pula (Golf klub Pula) Scout Association of Croatia http://www.appleby.net/sports/sport.html | |
68. Gruppo Puglia Grotte - Links of the Central Commission for the speleology Top Websites laventa.it/ Website of the Association of Geographic Top Websites of speleological clubs www.welcome http://www.gruppopugliagrotte.org/link_eng.htm | |
69. Information About Adult Education In Andalucia, Southern Spain. A large variety of clubs and associations also operate and some, such as the music appreciation association, serve educational as well as social aims. http://www.andalucia.com/education/adultcourses.htm | |
70. Home = Leisure Recreation = Sport And Leisure Activities of contents are available for the journal, speleology. The Council of Southern Caving clubs is a of the National Caving Association (described separately in http://altis.ac.uk/browse/128/177.html | |
71. Links, Enlaces by Edouard Alfred Martel the father of modern speleology . Held by the Association of Polish Geomorphologists, and Index of caves, of clubs, magazines and book http://www.ramales.com/enlac_en.htm | |
72. Canadian Rockhound: Links To Clubs Worldwide Mineralogy clubs in Spain This site contains information on mineral collecting Rock Mineral associations of Scandinavia Directory of mineralogical societies http://collection.nlc-bnc.ca/100/201/300/cdn_rockhound/1997-2000/links_clubs.htm | |
73. CCCC Links General information on speleology at Dundee; Southampton York University Cave and Pothole Club (YUCPC); Souterrains Union of Alpine associations (UIAA) Mountain http://www.path.cam.ac.uk/~mrc7/cccc/links.html | |
74. Born2Walk activity; the treat between the Italian Alpine Club and the Association of Italian ski instructors (CollNaz), the National Alpine and speleology Aid (CnSas http://prova.borntowalk.com:8080/FFM/JSPPrincipale.jsp?Parametro=Articolo&IDArti |
75. Hot 5 Courses Of The Week - Nightcourses.com for all things caverelated is speleology, which means can write to them c/o Association for Adventure are a lot of mountaineering/hillwalking clubs that you http://www.nightcourses.com/top.html | |
76. Chicago Clubs, Government club interested in urban speleology and underground Longtime amateur golf association with publications, tournaments, member clubs, calendar, and http://www.seekon.com/L/US/IL/Chicago/Clubs.html | |
77. Conditions For Organizing Speleological Expeditions In Croatia - By Croatian Spe The future possibilities for certain association to organise such of Speleological Societies and Caving clubs in Croatia Come back on page speleology IN CROATIA http://public.srce.hr/~mgarasic/uvjetien.htm | |
78. 1Up Travel - Travel Links - Outdoors - Snowmobiles and information regarding snowmobiling. Offers information about manufacturers, associations, clubs, dealerships, and vacations. http://www.1uptravel.com/travellinks/outdoor-snowmobiles.html | |
79. BCRA Constitution Membership of the Association shall be open to all has given outstanding service to speleology; Honorary Membership to all properly constituted clubs that are http://www.bcra.org.uk/constitution.html | |
80. Historique Translate this page entre les différents groupes ou associations spéléologiques. de lÂALES avec le Spéléo Club de Vienne au Middle East Symposium of speleology 2001- Liban http://www.alesliban.org/historique.asp | |
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