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81. Dawson Creek Speed Skating Club History Tom Overend , Junior World Championships Assen Holland, Winter Olympics Insbruk. BCskater of the year.BC Team, National Team, Canadian speed skater of the http://www.neonet.bc.ca/dcspeedskating/HISTORY.HTM | |
82. Ukrainian Speed Skating Federation proved to be capable of fulfilling olympic requirements which enabled them to participatein the olympic Games 1994 Lillyhammer (Norway), 2 persons (skating). http://www.ussf.org.ua/eng/h_e.html | |
83. German Info: Germany At The Olympics Games have gone down in Olympics history was the performance of 16year-old NorwegianLaila Schou Nilsen, who at the time held every speed-skating record for http://www.germany-info.org/relaunch/info/publications/infocus/olympics2002/wg19 | |
84. Information Headquarters: Short Track Speed Skating simultaneously on a short indoor ice track (111 m). The sport is held at the OlympicWinter Games. history The sport of short track speed skating originates in http://www.informationheadquarters.com/Sports/Short-track_speed_skating.shtml | |
85. Winter Olympic Games 1998 Each racer will skate once in the inner lane, and The Luge is another high speed sledrace that made this one of the most difficult tracks in olympic history. http://www.damoon.net/dead/JapanOlym.html | |
86. Olympics And those were just the speed skaters. to capture his first gold medal in men s figureskating. for the longest jump on skis in olympic history 137 meters. http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/b/u/buw107/olympics.htm |
87. Hilton Lake Placid Resort - Attractions & Businesses - Olympics Then & Now and the expansion of crosscountry ski trails, the olympic stadium (speed-skatingoval), arena and During the 1980 Winter olympic Games, history was made http://www.lphilton.com/attractions_olympics.html | |
88. Zimmerman Family - Special Olympics Zimmerman Family Special Olympics history. led my family to be very active in SpecialOlympics. in are Cycling, Track and Field, speed skating, Swimming, and http://users.telerama.com/~mcelfres/SO/sohistory.html | |
89. HISTORY OF SPEED SKATING IN BRITISH COLUMBIA 5022 history OF speed skating IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. But a good skater s goal is Olympicstyle competition real development is to be made in speed skating in BC. http://www.calverley.ca/Part05-Dawson Creek/5-022.html | |
90. Current Biography Excerpts: Speed Skating Until February 18, 1994 the speed skater Dan Jansen was one of themost tragic figures in the history of the Olympics. For a decade http://www.hwwilson.com/currentbio/speedsk.html | |
91. Fitchburg Longsjo Classic Stage Race - Art Longsjo History for Longsjo s casket were three olympic speed skaters and three Davis Phinney, KathyWatt, numerous olympic teams, and Hearts of Lions The history of American http://www.longsjo.com/artlongsjo.html | |
92. U.S Speedskating General Info in US Winter olympic history! The organization was founded in 1966 when a small groupof speedskating enthusiasts broke away from the Amateur skating Union (ASU http://www.usspeedskating.org/geninfo/general.html | |
93. Washingtonpost.com: U.S. Ends Olympics With Record What is ending, however, are some memorable Winter olympic careers. Blair and Jansen,two of the most famous speed skaters in US history, are expected to retire http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/sports/longterm/olympics1998/history/1994/a | |
94. THE VOICE OF RUSSIA ( Olympic Games 2002 ) speed skates decided to put all athletes in equal conditions. Before starting competitionsall skiers will be ringed for the first time in the olympic history. http://www.vor.ru/Olymp/excl_next003_eng.html | |
95. U.S. Wednesday-Night History Peter Gzowski, recounts watching the shy, ponytailed teenager make history at the WednesdayFeb 13, 2002 bbc olympic skating gold sparks inquiry Version en http://www.wednesday-night.com/Sports.asp | |
96. Canadian Olympic Committee Nancy Greene. Organization olympic News 2002 Klassen makes Canadianspeed skating history at World Championships. Ottawa Cindy http://www.olympic.ca/EN/organization/news/2002/0318.shtml | |
97. Kiat.net: The Olympic Games Paralympic Committee; Japanese olympic Committee; MedalTally.com; NBColympics.com;Olympiad Portal history of Winter/Summer Games; Olympiaka http://www.kiat.net/olympics/ | |
98. Utah Olympic Oval: The Fastest Ice On Earth! history / Legacy The Utah olympic Oval was built with the purpose of hosting speedskating competitions during the 2002 Salt Lake olympic Winter Games, but http://www.utaholympicoval.com/about/history.html | |
99. Olympics 2002 - CBS.SportsLine.com Nova Scotia Special Olympics historyNova Scotia and Canadian Special Olympics history. She also took Gold in 330m SpeedSkating. 1997 Special Olympics World Winter Games in Collingwood, Ontario http://cbs.sportsline.com/u/olympics/2002/history/sbs/speed.htm | |
100. Subject Pathfinders For Kids- Winter Olympics olympic Museum Learn about Coubertin and olympic history, explore a Library Tompkins,Pat How to be an olympic Athlete, j796.91 Hilgers, Laura Great Skates. http://infozone.imcpl.org/kids_path_olympics.htm | |
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