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121. MSCD Speech Communication Program prepares graduates for success in law, industrial and organizational communication, educational administration, public relations, speech writing for political http://www.mscd.edu/~speech/dept8.htm | |
122. Articles And Speeches By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Articles and speeches by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Prepared Written Webcast Text `Preparing for the PostCheney Era October 22, 2003. http://www.larouchepub.com/lar_writings.html | |
123. Internet Resources - Writers Resources - Writing Links & Writers Links For Write Google Technical writing links About.com - Technical writing Michael Bradley / Tech Pubs - Resources for Technical Writers Speech writing /writers Internet http://www.internet-resources.com/writers/wrlinks-nonfiction.htm | |
124. Speech Making: Unit Plan [English Online] speed, pauses, repetition. Record on a chart for reference. Teacher to write and model 5 or 6 one minute speeches on topics of interest or passion (eg. http://english.unitecnology.ac.nz/resources/units/speechmaking2/home.html | |
125. Chinese Cultural Studies: The Chinese Language And Alphabet A style of writing which reflected everyday speech had developed as early as the Sung dynasty (AD 9~0lZ79), but had made little impact on the dominant Wén http://acc6.its.brooklyn.cuny.edu/~phalsall/texts/chinlng2.html | |
126. AllWords.com - Dictionary, Guide, Community And More allwords.com english dictionary with multi-lingual search. Search in German, Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish and English. Pronunciation files get rid of http://www.allwords.com/Speeches.php | |
127. Were My Dreams Realized? - Lesson Plan Students will write and deliver a speech. (Refer to the Virtual Presentation Assistant or Toastmasters International for guidelines on speech writing.); http://www.michigan.gov/hal/0,1607,7-160-17451_18670_18793-53757--,00.html | |
128. Intercom 12/03 McConnell said that the current presidential speech writing team is small compared to previous administrations. ÂPresident Bush http://www.temple.edu/sct/intercom/mccon.htm | |
129. The State Of The Union Address with the potential threat of terrorists with weapons, went through more rewriting and green-eyeshade inspection than any other part of the speech. We refuse http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/2004/01/sotu-address.htm | |
130. The National Book Foundation This speech may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. This speech may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. http://www.nationalbook.org/nbaacceptspeech_sking.html | |
131. CBS News | If I Were Bush's Speechwriter ... | November 3, 2003Â 08:36:15 Andy Rooney, Speechwriter. I wish President Bush would ask me to write a speech for him now. Years ago, I was asked to write a speech for President Nixon. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/10/31/60minutes/rooney/main581171.shtml | |
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