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81. Speeches.Com - All You Need For A Speech SPEECH BUILDER. Build your own unique speech in a few quick, easy steps. CLICK the speech you d like to build. Copyright © Instant speeches Ltd. http://www.speeches.com/index.aspx | |
82. From Revolution To Reconstruction: Presidents: Thomas Jefferson Inaugural addresses, state of the nation speeches, over 200 letters, and Jefferson's writings on the issue of slavery. http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/P/tj3/tj3.htm | |
83. MemorableQuotations.com Quotations gleaned from the writings and speeches of the world's most memorable individuals. http://www.memorablequotations.com | |
84. Lyrics Unlimited - Custom-written Toasts, Tributes, Speeches, Songs And Poems Fo Custom written songs, poems, toasts, tributes, or speeches for any event or occasion. Includes sample writings and testimonials. http://www.lyricsunlimited.com/ | |
85. Project Gutenberg - Bibliographic Record Downloadable etext from Project Gutenburg. http://www.gutenberg.net/browse/BIBREC/BR2169.HTM | |
86. Project Gutenberg - Bibliographic Record Downloadable etext from Project Gutenberg. http://www.gutenberg.net/browse/BIBREC/BR2170.HTM | |
87. Speech Writing Mark Up Your Script What script? Your speech! It s a good idea to think of anything you write to read out loud as a script. So when http://teacher.scholastic.com/writewit/speech/sayit.htm | |
88. E-Texts And Women's History From About.com, listing of electronic versions of books, poetry, speeches, and other writings that illuminate women's history. http://womenshistory.about.com/library/weekly/aa020199.htm | |
89. Memorial Day Includes historical section, memorials and casualty files, reproductions of writings and speeches, remarks from presidents, flag etiquette, and links. http://www.mountaindragon.com/memorial/ | |
90. Speechwriting, Speechmaking, Public Speaking, Writing, Ghost Writing, Speech, Rh Speechwriters Books, periodicals, associations, seminars, plus freelance writers, speech coaches and humor consultants. Keeping in Touch http://www.executive-speaker.com/ | |
91. John Renesch Conscious Business, Spirituality In Business, Corporate Responsibil Veteran business man and entrepreneur turned futurist and business philosopher - John Renesch is internationally-known for his writings on progressive business. His speeches include Getting to the Better Future and Conscious Leadership. http://www.renesch.com |
92. Samuel Brittan - Articles, Speeches, Books A collection of the writings (articles, speeches, publications) of the economic commentator and Financial Times columnist. http://www.samuelbrittan.co.uk/ | |
93. Frederick Douglass At The Blue Neon Alley Complete texts of selected speeches and writings with auto searches and quotes. http://www.geocities.com/terry_young/douglass.html | |
94. Mandela Speaks - Speeches And Writings Of Nelson Mandela Selected speeches, statements, and writings of Nelson Mandela. http://www.anc.org.za:80/ancdocs/history/mandela | |
95. Aung San Suu Kyi Biography, speeches, honours and writings by the General Secretary of the National League for Democracy of Burma. http://www.burmafund.org/Pathfinders/nld/ASSK/aung_san_suu_kyi.htm | |
96. Strategies To Succeed In Writing - School For Champions Speech writing. http://www.school-for-champions.com/writing.htm | |
97. SpeechGems: Make Persuasive And Powerful Presentations add credibility to your talks? save preparation time? write a persuasive speech? Do You Need To make a technical report? motivate your people? make a toast ? http://www.speechgems.com/ | |
98. The Hon Paul J. Keating News, speeches and writings from former Prime Minister Paul Keating. http://www.keating.org.au | |
99. Writing Tools Organize and Write Your Speech writing Tools. Getting celebration. Then check out the related speech writing resources gathered by David Slack. http://www.abacon.com/pubspeak/organize/writools.html | |
100. The Holy See - The Holy Father - John Paul II At the Vatican's web site. Biography. Archive of his papal writings and transcripts of speeches. Classified by type of document, then in reverse chronological order. All of his encyclicals are online, but sometimes spotty coverage of other material before 1999. http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/index.htm | |
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