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101. Speech Therapy Jobs Speech Language Pathology Jobs Physical Therapy Jobs Occupat speech therapy Jobs Speech Language Pathology Jobs Speech Language Pathologist Jobs Speech Therapist Jobs Physical Therapy Jobs Physical Therapist Jobs Travel http://www.kayconcepts.com/ | |
102. Speech Therapy From The HANDITEL Disability Database Rehabilitaion program including various services, such as therpeutic recreation, occupational therapy, physical therapy and speech therapy. http://www.socialnet.lu/handitel/searchresults.msql?i_name=&i_domain=speech ther |
103. Pediatrics - Pediatric Physical And Speech Therapy Pediatric Physical, Occupational SpeechLanguage Therapy. Team members include Physical therapists; Occupational therapists; Speech-language pathologists; http://www.csmc.edu/2482.html | |
104. Center For Language And Literacy (Bilingual Speech Therapy Center) speech therapy services (Spanish/English) in Houston, Texas. http://www.tejas-slp.com/ | |
105. Speech Therapy Software Special Software for speech therapy. Applications. OLT Optical Logo-Therapy; Speech Viewer - IBM s interactive speech therapy tool. Downloadable demo! http://www.cs.uta.fi/~curly/mulmod/software.html | |
106. Help With Insurance Coverage For Communication Disorders Discussing insurance denials for speech therapy. http://www.speech-express.com/diagnosis-destinations/apraxia/insurance.html | |
107. Milestones Children's Therapy - Home Provides occupational, physical, and speech therapy for children. Site includes a list of services, glossary of terms, and job opportunities. http://milestonestherapy.com/ | |
108. Speech Therapy The Speech Pathology Department at Community Memorial Hospital provides care to a wide spectrum of ages, from the neonatal unit to the older adult. http://www.communitymemorial.com/clinicalservices/SpeechTherapy.htm | |
109. Typical Careers In Speech Therapy Typical Careers In speech therapy Presented below is a list of careers. The community speech therapist has an important educational role. http://ec2.wits.ac.za/servlet/app/template/EnterCareer.wm?careercategory=SPEECH- |
110. Audiology And Speech Therapy Communication: The Important Human Connection Audiology And speech therapy Communication The Important Human Connection by Mike Rick One of the greatest rewards of being an http://www.black-collegian.com/career/career-reports/audiology2003-2nd.shtml | |
111. Index For Speech Therapy Professionals - British Stammering Association Stammering Information Information for speech therapy professionals. New Link to When the words won t come . When the Words Won http://www.stammering.org/slt.html | |
112. SPECTRUM Therapy Operates 5 outpatient rehabilitation clinics in Central Virginia, providing physical, occupational, and speech therapy. http://www.spectrumtherapy.com/ | |
113. Stevens Hospital - Speech Therapy ICU / PCU Mental Health Prevention Wellness Occupational Therapy Oncology Physical Therapy Sleep Center Social Services speech therapy Surgery Radiology http://www.stevenshealthcare.org/ab_speech_therapy.php | |
114. Speech Therapy News - Topix.net speech therapy News. Advertise Here. Interested in reaching speech therapy News readers? Topix.net Targeted Ads. Advertise Here. http://www.topix.net/med/speech-therapy | |
115. Speech Therapy - Lucile Packard Children's Hospital speech therapy. Location Lucile Packard Children s Hospital 725 Welch Road Palo Alto, CA 94304 Click here for map. speech therapy Services Overview. http://www.lpch.org/clinicalSpecialtiesServices/Services/PhysicalOccupationalThe | |
116. South Riding Speech Therapy Speech and language evaluation, diagnostic, and therapy services. http://home.earthlink.net/~phyll/index.html |
117. Speech Therapy The SpeechLanguage Pathology Department supports Parkland Memorial Hospital s mission and philosophy of Patient Centered-Patient Valued Care. http://www3.utsouthwestern.edu/parkland/pmr/speech.html | |
118. Speech Pathology Services Of Robeson Inc. Private practice dealing with speech therapy services. Posts contact and company information, and positions available. http://sps.150m.com | |
119. Speech Pathology - A Growling Old Geezer's Therapy Tool Box Storybook therapy  Using popular children s literature in therapy. Tuning Into speech  Help students develop their listening skills in preparation for http://www.tcsn.net/geezer/ | |
120. The Speech Ring Home Page The speech Ring is a ring of websites that relate to speech and language therapy Physical therapy, Occupational therapy, speechLanguage Pathology, Respiratory Care and Audiology. therapy and http://www.bungalowsoftware.com/webring.htm | |
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