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61. XI Italian-Hungarian Symposium On Spectrochemistry, Venice, Italy, Europe. Octob XI ItalianHungarian Symposium on spectrochemistry, Venice, Italy, Europe. XIItalian-Hungarian Symposium on spectrochemistry, Venice, Italy, Europe. http://w3.uniroma1.it/chemo/congress/veneziatoc/vstart.html | |
62. BookkooB UK : Spectroscopy & Spectrochemistry Browse Books Scientific, Technical Medical Chemistry - Spectroscopy spectrochemistry. There are no sub categories. This http://www.bookkoob.co.uk/browse/570726.htm | |
63. Untitled Document Elemental Speciation Past Practices  New Approaches, Winter Conference onPlasma spectrochemistry, Scottsdale , AZ , plenary lecture, January 2002. http://www2.uc.edu/plasmachem/presentations.html | |
64. European Virtual Institute For Speciation Analysis (EVISA) Nordic Conference on Plasma spectrochemistry. The Analytical Section of the NorwegianChemical Society invites scientists and users of science to this first http://www.speciation-analysis.net/Public/Events/2003/10/03/592.html | |
65. Institute Of Spectrochemistry And Applied Spectroscopy »ISAS JCAMP Homepage« has moved please update your links to http//www.jcamp.orgIf you are not automatically directed in a http://jcamp.isas-dortmund.de/ | |
66. Dictionary Definition Of SPECTROCHEMISTRY Chemical spectroscopy spectrochemistry Chemistry Spectrophotometry Chemical spectroscopy spectrochemistry Chemistry Spectrophotometry Luminescenceand Colour C Burgess. Chemical spectroscopy spectrochemistry http://www.dictionarybarn.com/SPECTROCHEMISTRY.php | |
67. Analytical Chemistry Chromatography Chemical Spectroscopy Spectrochemistry Physi Analytical chemistry Chromatography Chemical spectroscopy spectrochemistry Physicalchemistry Chemistry Trace Metal Analysis and Speciation Ira S Krull. http://www.lyricsbox.co.uk/Ira-S-Krull-Trace-Metal-Analysis-and-044488209X.html | |
68. FONTEYN SCIENCES - Scientific Books, Cd-roms And Journals For Science Profession Home Chemistry Chemistry Analytical chemistry Qualitativeanalytical chemistry Chemical spectroscopy, spectrochemistry. http://www.fonteynsciences.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=pub.pubDate&cat=178 |
69. Seminari Instituta Za Fiziku spectrochemistry WITH DIODE LASERS AT ISAS. The investigations conducted at theInstitute for spectrochemistry and applied spectroscopy will be presented. http://bobi.ifs.hr/seminar/Niemax310899.html | |
70. Spectroscopy : A Preview Of The 2002 Winter Conference On Plasma Spectrochemistr Spectroscopy A Preview of the 2002 Winter Conference on Plasma spectrochemistry. APreview of the 2002 Winter Conference on Plasma spectrochemistry. http://static.highbeam.com/s/spectroscopy/october012001/apreviewofthe2002winterc | |
71. Sample Preparation Databank 1993, PittCon New Orleans LA, March 1992; Introduction to Microwave Sample Preparation 1994 Winter Conference on Plasma spectrochemistry, San Diego, CA Jan. http://www.sampleprep.duq.edu/dir/previous-courses.html | |
72. HPST, S.r.o. - Chemické Analytické PøÃstroje European Award for Plasma spectrochemistry. Agilent Technologies Europehas donated the European Award for Plasma spectrochemistry http://www.hpst.cz/produkt.php?produktid=9999024.xml |
73. ISAS Department Berlin Institute of spectrochemistry and Applied Spectroscopy. Department Berlin ISAS - Institutsteil Berlin. PD Dr. N. Esser. Element Analytical Research. http://berlin.isas-dortmund.de/berlin_main.html | |
74. Welcome To Routledge Analytical Aspects of Atomic Laser spectrochemistry by K. Niemax.Area Physical Science Publisher Taylor Francis Pub Date 01 http://www.routledge-ny.com/books.cfm?isbn=3718648903 |
75. Bokkilden Chemical spectroscopy, spectrochemistry. Mass spectrometry 74. Bøker innenchemical spectroscopy, spectrochemistry sortert på utgivelsesår. http://www.bokkilden.no/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/ExecMacro/bk/main_engelsk.d2w/report? |
76. Spectroscopy Europe - News February/March 2002 European plasma award. The European Award for Plasma spectrochemistry aims to promoteanalytical plasma spectrochemical developments and applications in Europe. http://www.spectroscopyeurope.com/news14_3.html | |
77. Veröffentlichungen spectrometryÂ. 2000 Winter Conference on Plasma spectrochemistry,Fort Lauderdale, Florida (USA), January 2000. (oral). 10. Andrew http://www.chemie.uni-hamburg.de/ac/AKs/Bings/mitarbeiter/bings/tag.html | |
78. New Page 2 http://www.conferences.hu/winter2005/ | |
79. Www.nordicplasma.com/ http://www.nordicplasma.com/ |
80. Laser Spectrochemistry And Innovative Sensors http://www4.nas.edu/pga/rap.nsf/0/EA8D2656E93D1B9A85256DC8005E7C63?OpenDocument |
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