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101. Association For Hospital Medical Education A national nonprofit professional organization involved in the continuum of medical education. http://www.ahme.org/ | |
102. Philosophy, Theory, And Education A set of resources on philosophy of education, educational theory, and related topics, maintained at the University of Illinois. http://w3.ed.uiuc.edu/EPS/category.asp?-token=phil_n_phil_of_ed&site=Res |
103. BT Education Although most components of this site are specific to the United Kingdom, one is accessible to all; the toolbox offers free lessons on technology such as how to create a database. http://www.bteducation.com/ |
104. NYISE's Helping Hand To The Internet on this site can be addressed to John Hernandez, Media CoordinatorNYISE lastrevised December, 1998 Copyright © 1998 http//www.nyise.org/education/. http://www.nyise.org/education/ | |
105. Electronic Resources For Adult/Distance Education Annotated collection of email listservs and ejournals relating to distance learning. http://www.cdlponline.org/onlineres/cdlpadultlist.html |
106. Religion And Education A journal of analysis and comment, with the purpose of advancing public understanding and dialogue on issues at the intersections of religion and education. http://fp.uni.edu/jrae/ | |
107. Education World® The Educator's Best Friend education World®. The Educator's Best Friend. The surfing is over. Here you will find the best education links and original content the Net has to offer. Dozens of other features Graduate degrees . http://www.education-world.com/ | |
108. Internet Resources For Special Children (IRSC) - Worldwide Resource For Disabili Reviewed and categorized links to resources. http://www.irsc.org/ | |
109. :::Americans For Better Education::: Americans for Better education is a nonpartisan, broadbased coalition of business leaders, parents and reform advocates working to pass legislation to improve K-12 education. http://www.bettered.org/1081/ | |
110. Environmental Education - Environmental Institute Of Houston A catalog of curriculum and other resources relevant to Texas. http://www.eih.uh.edu/education/ | |
111. KITSch Conducts research into the use of SMART Board interactive whiteboards and aims to support teachers, pupils, students and lecturers. Includes resources and files, publications, training and support, demonstrations and case studies. http://smarteducation.cant.ac.uk/ | |
112. New Jersey Department Of Education State level official education web site. http://www.state.nj.us/education/ | |
113. How2ed - Discount CD's And Casettes Discounted audios, videos, and books from motivational speakers and educators. http://www.How2ed.com | |
114. Distance/Online Education Page Of The De Vore Institute An extensive set of links to online and distance education programs in the US and abroad. http://www.devore.org.uk/education.html | |
115. Chaos Theory And Education Describes how chaos theory can impact educational theory. Explains chaos theory and gives examples in education. http://www.libraryreference.org/chaos.html | |
116. Discipline Based Art Education - Suite101.com Articles on the significance of this approach to teaching the arts. Topics include discussion techniques and lesson planning. http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/discipline_based_art_education | |
117. Agent Education A wide variety of insurance education programming ranging from prelicensing to continuing education. http://www.michagent.org/education/ed.htm | |
118. The Journal Of Economic Education A scholarly journal catering to undergraduate and graduate economics instructors. Online articles cover teaching methology, and evaluations. http://www.indiana.edu/~econed/ | |
119. ACTE Online Homepage A national education association dedicated to the advancement of education that prepares youth and adults for careers. Its mission is to provide educational leadership in developing a competitive workforce. http://www.acteonline.org/ | |
120. The Other Crisis In American Education A college professor,Daniel Singal, looks at the forgotten victims of our mediocre educational system the potentially high achievers whose SAT scores have fallen, and who read less, understand less of what they read, and know less than the top students of a generation ago. 1991.00.00 http://www.geniusdenied.com/Cybersource/Record.aspx?lib=1&sort=SourceName&am |
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