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81. Oxfam Canada - Education - Page Title Oxfam Campaigner special Issue on education Date Fall 1999 Author Oxfam FilenameOxfam Campaigner - special Issue on education English version OxCampFall http://www.oxfam.ca/education/ | |
82. Autism And Learning Disability Child Education Cards, 350 most requested in 3 sizes, with Instructions Two Mothers look at lifeafter Autism Fire and Street Crossing animated songs special learning Games http://www.dotolearn.com/ | |
83. Research And Educational Services. New York State United Teachers. A Guide to special education What you need to know about special educationfor New York State students ages 321. 1. What is special education? http://www.nysut.org/specialed/ | |
84. AERA SIG Communication Of Research :: Ejournals In Education Teaching and Learning USA; Journal of special education TechnologyUSA; Journal of Statistics education USA; Journal of Technology http://aera-cr.asu.edu/links.html | |
85. ERME Math Education European Society for Research in Mathematics education http://math.unice.fr/~iremnice/erme/index.html | |
86. Tax Breaks For Higher Education A guide to the variety of tax breaks available to make higher education more affordable. http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/taxbreaks/index.html | |
87. Proedinc.com Home Speech, Language, and Hearing; Psychology and Counseling; special education (includingDevelopmental Disabilities, Rehabilitation, and Gifted education); http://www.proedinc.com/ | |
88. Educational Software - Special Education educational Software. Sorry! We currently haveno software listed for special education. http://www.epicent.com/software/subjects/special-ed/special-ed.html | |
89. Home Page The Northern Ohio special education Center is an educational agency serving schooldistricts, parents, and the entire community as they live and work with http://www.leeca.org/northernohioserrc/ | |
90. AERA Special Interest Group Main Page index of AERA SIG Websites. special Interest Groups (SIGs) provide a forum withinAERA for the annually in the June/July issue of Educational Researcher. http://www.aera.net/sigs/ | |
91. CITE BS.ED. programs such as Elementary education, Early Childhood, Career and Technicaleducation, Secondary education and special education develop professional http://www.temple.edu/education/cite/ | |
92. Special Education Legal Primer For Parents Of Children With Learning Disabilitie Mental Health Journal. special education Primer. The MDC is primarily heldto determine a child s eligibility for special education services. http://www.therapistfinder.net/journal/sped/ | |
93. Special Education - Home Grants and Funding. special education Policies. For Parents. Scheduled Training.special education Supervisors. Information and Publications. http://www.mde.k12.ms.us/special_education/ | |
94. Emporia State University S Department Of Psychology And Special year college or university in 2002 is Kenneth A. Weaver, Professor and Chair of theDepartment of Psychology and special education at Emporia State University. http://www.emporia.edu/psyspe/ |
95. Electronic Journal For Inclusive Education - Dr.Patricia Renick A peer reviewed electronic journal which deals with research concerning inclusive education with scholarly contributions from faculty and graduate students. http://www.ed.wright.edu/~prenick/index.htm | |
96. NPR : Looking Back: Brown V. Board Of Education Brown v. Board of education Memories Commentator and legal scholar Walter Dellinger More Brown Features. special NPR Coverage of the Brown Anniversary. http://www.npr.org/news/specials/brown50/ | |
97. The Institute For Higher Education Policy A nonprofit, non-partisan organization whose mission is to foster access to and quality in postsecondary education. The institute's activities are designed to promote innovative solutions to the important and complex issues facing higher education. http://www.ihep.com/ | |
98. The Heartland Institute Articles reporting on school issues and reform efforts in the US. http://www.heartland.org/IssueSuites.cfm?issId=3 |
99. Cordell Hull Foundation Home Page A nonprofit organization assists in the recruitment, selection and administration for J-1 visa sponsorship for exchange teachers to teach in bilingual, math, science and ESL programs. http://payson.tulane.edu/cordellhull/ | |
100. QEC Science Education Homepage A diverse set of resources for science students and science educators dedicated to improving learning outcomes. http://www.qeced.net | |
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