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181. Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center - Internet A full range of more than 32 residency and fellowship programs. New Hampshire. http://www.hitchcock.org/dhmc/webpage.cfm?site_id=2&org_id=118&morg_id=0 |
182. FolkbildningsrÃ¥det: Translations / Ãversättningar An introduction to the popular nonformal and voluntary educational system for all ages in Sweden. http://www.folkbildning.se/default.asp?C=59 |
183. Welcome To Campus2go.com Access traditional and webbased training for restaurant managers and employees. Responsible alcohol service training, TABC certified. http://www.campus2go.com/ | |
184. Acacia Park Center For Mental Health Continuing Education Accessible, affordable, accredited continuing education courses for mental health professionals including ethics, practice, and theories. http://www.continuingedu.org/ | |
185. PURE (Chicago, Illinois) http://www.pureparents.org/ | |
186. Tri-County Homeschoolers A nonprofit organization which assists and encourages parental involvement in education, wherever that education takes place. http://www.croton.com/allpie/ |
187. Education Courses for novice and experienced riders. Program descriptions and schedule. http://www.arkansasabate.org/educatio.htm | |
188. .:: Welcome To EuroCHRIE EuroCHRIE is an international organisation that supports education and training for the industry. Management, news, conferences, publications, and members' directory. http://www.eurochrie.org | |
189. Becta :: Quick Links a secondary school ICT policy? Using ICT in special needs and inclusiveeducation. Communication difficulties and ICT Information http://www.becta.org.uk/leas/display.cfm?section=13_1 |
190. International Association For Jazz Education Association with thousands of members in more than thirty countries. Current and past issues of newsletter, annual conference, membership application, bulletin board, teacher training institute, links directory, sponsorship and patron recognition. http://www.iaje.org/ | |
191. Fitness Industry Education - Online Fitness Instructor & Personal Trainer Course Courses in Aerobics, Step, Circuit Training, Resistance Training, Personal Training, Nutrition. http://www.fitnessindustryeducation.com/ | |
192. A Meeting Organised By The Royal Statistical Society Centre For Statistical Educ A meeting organised by the Royal Statistical Society Centre for Statistical education in conjunction with the Learning and Teaching Support Network (LTSN) for Mathematics Statistics and OR. London, UK; 14 November 2001. http://www.ltsn.gla.ac.uk/workshop/Workshop_at_Errol_St_Nov_01.htm | |
193. Linguistics And Education A quarterly international research journal on all topics related to linguistics and education. Includes description, free sample copy, ordering information, order form, table of contents, authors, editors information, abstracting and indexing. http://www.elsevier.com/locate/linged/ | |
194. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Distance Education Catalog of internet resources. http://bubl.ac.uk/link/d/distanceeducation.htm | |
195. Mindset - Home Sustainable poverty alleviation through technologybased education http://www.mindset.co.za/ | |
196. Alternative Education Can Improve The Problems Of Public Education Article by Oh Jeonghee from the Pioneer, supporting the establishment of alternative schools in South Korea. http://pioneer.gsnu.ac.kr/current/society/alternative.php |
197. Seven Faces Of Information Literacy In Higher Education Describes how information literacy is experienced by those who use information. Addresses informationseekers conception of information literacy. http://www2.fit.qut.edu.au/InfoSys/bruce/inflit/faces/faces1.htm |
198. ALA | Information Literacy Competency Standards For Higher Education Describes how to a new information literacy program or assessing an existing program. These standards, performance indicators, and examples are approved by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlstandards/informationliteracycompetency.htm | |
199. The Page You Requested Is Not Available. Follow The Link Below To The page you requested is not available. Follow the link below to returnto The Future of Children. http//www.futureofchildren.org/. http://www.futureofchildren.org/lto/ | |
200. Welcome To IDEA Practices! IDEA Law Regulations. Don t miss out on court cases that affect specialeducation law. Access the IDEA Law Regulations by going http://www.ideapractices.org/ | |
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