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121. Bird Hybrids Database Worldwide database compiled from the ornithological literature of birds with two different species as parents. Includes complete references for each species combination. In English, French, and spanish. http://www.bird-hybrids.com/ |
122. Old Catalan Language And Literature Class notes for a course in the study of Old Catalan language and literature, offered by the Department of spanish Portuguese Group in Romance Philology at the University of California (Berkeley). http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/~catalan/ | |
123. English.html Information on history, American and British literature, immigration, radio stations and newspapers. Has an alphabetical listing of all information. Also in spanish. http://www.kulmbach.net/~MGF-Gymnasium/redarrows/english.html | |
124. Vicente Blasco Ibáñez Article on the spanish author's life, political activism, and writing. http://www.ctspanish.com/literature/ibeneaz.htm | |
125. Modern Languages At CCSU Offers the BA degree in French, spanish, Italian, and German, the MA in spanish and French, and the MS in spanish. Courses in literature, civilization, composition and oral expression are integral to all these programs. A major in International Studies with a focus on Russian Studies is also offered. http://www.modlang.ccsu.edu/ | |
126. Folk Literature Of The Sephardic Jews Multimedia archive of ballads and other oral literature in Judeospanish collected from 1957 to 1993 by S. G. Armistead and J. H. Silverman (University of California), and I. J. Katz. http://flsj.ucdavis.edu/ | |
127. 3i Translation Services Translation services into French, English, spanish, German for websites, documents and literature, movies, and television. http://www.3itraductions.com/home/translation.htm |
128. Index.page Translation of German, English, spanish, Russian, French into Italian, in economics, law, science and literature fields. http://www.geocities.com/amc_servizi_linguistici/ | |
129. Department Of Spanish -- Bucknell Unviersity The major in spanish is designed to give students proficiency in the oral and written language, to acquaint them with Hispanic culture, and to develop their appreciation of literature both as an art form and as a reflection of social and political realities. http://www.departments.bucknell.edu/spanish/ | |
130. Index Language and literature study. Faculty expertise covers both Peninsular and spanish American regions. http://www.brown.edu/Departments/Hispanic_Studies/ | |
131. Renaissance Tragedy And Investigator Heroes Comparative essay of Shakespeare's Hamlet and Thomas Kyd's The spanish Tragedy. http://www.english-literature.org/essays/renaissance_tragedy_investigators.html | |
132. Spanish Poetry - Universal Poetry And Literature Links http://www.secrel.com.br/jpoesia/link11.html | |
133. Literary World Web By RYC Esta página intenta reunir la mayor información posible en la red sobre la historia de la literatura española e inglesa. http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Hills/7985/literature.htm | |
134. Golden Age Sonnets http://sonnets.spanish.sbc.edu/ |
135. Romance Studies At Cornell Our department offers courses that explore the complexities of Francophone, Hispanic and Italian literatures and cultures. We also teach Romance linguistics and offer language instruction in French, Italian, spanish, Portuguese and Quechua! http://www.arts.cornell.edu/romance/index.htm | |
136. Department Of Romance Languages And Literatures A department in the Division of Humanities that offers programs in French, Italian, spanish, and Portuguese literatures of both Europe and the Americas. http://humanities.uchicago.edu/humanities/romance/ |
137. Category Birth Control (spanish) Most women can become pregnant from the time they are in their early teens until they are in their late 40s. http://sales.acog.com/acb/stores/1/category.cfm?CustomerID=3668997&ACBSessionID= |
138. Literary World Web By RYC Translate this page Esta página intenta reunir la mayor información posible en la red sobre la historia de la literatura española e inglesa. Catedrático Lengua Literatura. http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Hills/7985/literatura.htm | |
139. Proyecto Sherezade http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~fernand4/ | |
140. PARNASEO, Un Ciber Paseo Por La Literatura Translate this page Información y normas de edición y publicación en la Revista LEMIR Revista Electrónica LEMIR (Literatura Española Medieval y del Renacimiento) Anexos de la http://parnaseo.uv.es/ | |
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