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81. Uncle Sams Little Wars The Spanish-American War, Philippine Uncle Sams Little wars The spanishamerican war, Philippine Insurrection, and BoxerRebellion, 1898-1902 (GI, the Illustrated history of the american Soldier http://www.historyofmilitary.com/Uncle_Sams_Little_Wars_The_SpanishAmerican_War_ |
82. Spanish-American War 1898 spanishamerican war 1898 (Brasseys history of Uniforms). Book spanish-americanwar 1898 (Brasseys history of Uniforms) Customer Reviews http://www.historyofmilitary.com/SpanishAmerican_War_1898_Brasseys_History_of_Un | |
83. The Olive Tree Genealogy: Spanish American War Read the books An Army for Empire The United States Army in the spanishAmericanWar (Texas A m University Military history Series, No 59) by Graham A http://olivetreegenealogy.com/mil/usa/span_amer.shtml | |
84. Re-enactment Groups Here for a list of spanish american warrelated events Click Here for a contact listof spanish american war Living history and Re-enactment groups Click Here http://www.spanamwar.com/reenct.htm | |
85. Spanish American War Events/Exhibits have guided tours of the remaining buildings and sites of the spanishamerican war.It will be a total historic overview for visitors and history buffs with http://www.spanamwar.com/events2.htm | |
86. Bridgeport Harbor Lighthouse, Bridgeport, CT history plus descriptive information on lighthouse which was outfitted with ten inch guns during the spanish american war. http://www.ais.org/~lsa/ct11.html | |
87. Viewing Your Lesson Plan - Lesson Planner - Discovery School.com Grade 9th Subject Causes and Results of the spanishamerican war and TheirEffect on the US as a World Power Class SPED United States history. http://school.discovery.com/lessons17/reiffhome/html/1038511256101.html | |
88. Spanish American War Centennial - Commemoration Of Events That Shaped Tampa's Hi spanishamerican war Living history Encampment Sponsored in part by the Rough Ridersand the Veterans Memorial Museum and Park.Living history program with http://www.tampagov.net/documents/Spanish_American_War_centennial.asp | |
89. Connecticut Servicemen, Spanish American War -- Genealogy Database For Family Hi Considered by some to be the first truly international conflict in american history,the spanishamerican war elevated the United States to a global power. http://www.familybirthrecords.com/db.asp?dbid=3803 |
90. Indiana Spanish American War Records -- Genealogy Database For Family History Re american war Records, Search the Indiana spanish american war Records DatabaseFor Your Genealogy. Discover Your Family history and Build Your Family Tree. http://www.familybirthrecords.com/db.asp?dbid=4305 |
91. Indiana In The Spanish-American War Gatewood, Willard G., Jr. Indiana Negroes and the spanish american war. IndianaMagazine of history, 69 (1973) 11539. Detailed examination of the topic. http://www.statelib.lib.in.us/www/ihb/publications/spbib.html | |
92. Spanish Ameican War Tampa in the spanish american war (Florida history Internet Project) Tampawas the embarkation port for main US invasion fleet that sailed for Cuba. http://pml.suffolk.lib.ny.us/spamweb.htm | |
93. The Spanish-American War: The Leap Into Overseas Empire, Part 1 The spanishamerican war, whose centennial we observe this year, was a and volunteers(not by conscripts), the war quickly entered the history books as http://www.fff.org/freedom/1298e.asp | |
94. Connecticut Servicemen, Spanish American War -- Family History Search Connecticut Servicemen, spanish american war, Search the ConnecticutServicemen, spanish american war Database For Your Family history. http://www.familyhistory.com/db.asp?dbid=3803 |
95. Indiana Spanish American War Records -- Family History Search Indiana spanish american war Records, Search the Indiana spanish americanwar Records Database For Your Family history. Build Your http://www.familyhistory.com/db.asp?dbid=4305 |
96. Spanish-American War --Â Britannica Student Encyclopedia the spanishamerican war Resources on the history of yellow fever research, focusingon the efforts of the commission during the spanish-american war of 1898. http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?eu=299291&query=philippines&ct=ebi |
97. New York Spanish-American War Units - NY Military Museum And Veterans Research C New York spanishamerican war Units NY State Unit history Project. Please SelectUnit Type. Artillery. not yet available. Cavalry. updated 28 March 2003. http://www.dmna.state.ny.us/historic/reghist/spanAm/spanAm_index.htm | |
98. Historical / History Books: Uniforms And Equipment history Book Store. Civil war, Indian wars, spanish american war (SpanAmwar) World war One (WWI,WW1). Historical Information and Reference. http://www.ushist.com/books_film_music/books_historical_uniforms_and_equipment.h | |
99. NARA | Prologue | Prologue: Selected Articles of the spanishamerican war, which was fought between May and August 1898. For manyreasons, this short war was a turning point in the history of the United http://www.archives.gov/publications/prologue/spring_1998_spanish_american_war_1 | |
100. Spanish American War Newly updated, very intensive site on the spanish american war. Internationally respected site covers battles, such as Manila Bay, Santiago, San Juan Hill, etc.; reenactment groups, Geneaological http://www.spanamwar.com/ | |
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