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61. Battleship Iowa BB4 history and technical notes. http://www.spanamwar.com/iowa.htm | |
62. Georgia History Includes vast range of historic topics from prehistoric Indians, spanish Georgia, French Georgia, an English colony, the american Revolution to the war of Southern Independence and Reconstruction to Georgia in the 20th Century. http://www.cviog.uga.edu/Projects/gainfo/gahist.htm | |
63. History Of The Iowa National Guard: The Spanish-American War And The Philippine The spanishamerican war and the Philippine Insurrection history ofthe Iowa National Guard CW2 David L. Snook. In the spring and http://www.iowanationalguard.com/pages/Pub_Affair/history/SA_War_and_Phil_Insurr | |
64. UVa-HSL Provides history of the Reed Commission of 18981901. Twelve Chapters with bibliography. http://www.med.virginia.edu/hs-library/historical/yelfev/tabcon.html | |
65. Pennsylvania Volunteers Of The Spanish American War 1898-1899 Rosters - Genealog 18981899. Pennsylvania spanish-american war Regimental Rosters names A B C D EF G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Regimental history Second Regiment http://www.paspanishamericanwar.com/rosters.html | |
66. The Fighting 2oth - KSGenWeb Digital Library A short history of the unit, including a roster and list of Medal of Honor recipents. http://skyways.lib.ks.us/kansas/genweb/archives/statewide/military/ks20.htm | |
67. Cuba After The Spanish American War & Taiwan After WWII Cuba after the spanish american war Taiwan after WWII Flowchart AnalysisCuba after the spanish american war, Taiwan after WWII. http://www.taiwanadvice.com/history/cubatw.htm | |
68. MSN Encarta - United States (History) Alfred Thayer Mahan presented this position in The Influence of Sea Power upon history,16601783 (1890). B, The spanish-american war Cuba and the Philippines. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_1741500823_12/United_States_(History).html | |
69. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Spanish-American War 4. spanishamerican war in the context of Cuban history. ArticleÂEncartaEncyclopedia. 5. US history, overview of the spanish-american war. http://encarta.msn.com/Spanish-American_War.html | |
70. Spanish American War Records Partial Roster, 2nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. K (hosted at Nance s Genealogyand history). F (hosted at spanish american war Centenial Web Site). http://www.accessgenealogy.com/military/spanish/ | |
71. Key Events & Battles: Spanish-American War Results of spanishamerican war. 1. 385 american battle deaths (1/20th the numberlost at Feldmeth, Greg D. US history Resources http//home.earthlink.net http://home.earthlink.net/~gfeldmeth/chart.spanam.html | |
72. INDEX TO SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR IN TAMPA s......TAMPA IN THE spanishamerican war. A Florida history Internet Project.IN THEIR OWN WORDS OBSERVATIONS OF TAMPA IN 1898. http://www.floridahistory.org/events/index98.htm | |
73. Picture History - Spanish-American War Educational web sites linked to historical programs A history of USGE Proud Sponser. spanish-american war. Items, 61 items on 6 pages. http://www.picturehistory.com/find/c/296/mcms.html | |
74. Picture History - Spanish-American War Educational web sites linked to historical programs A history of US GE ProudSponser. war Military spanish-american war. Items, 61 items on 6 pages. http://www.picturehistory.com/find/c/296/p/15/mcms.html | |
75. Spanish American War Drawing largely upon memoirs and other first person accounts of soldiers andsailors, Freidel presents a combat history of the spanish american war. http://www.balagan.org.uk/war/1898/ | |
76. Spanish-American War - Buffalo Soldiers - Presidio Of San Francisco Caribbean and Philippine islanders from spanish oppression, the April 30, 1898;just after war was declared The Black Press Views american Imperialism (1898 http://www.nps.gov/prsf/history/buffalo_soldiers/spanish_american_war.htm | |
77. Castonguay: Spanish-American War In United States Media Culture The war film craze continued through the summer of 1898 making the spanish Americanwar probably the most propitious event in the early history of the http://chnm.gmu.edu/aq/war/fs1.htm | |
78. MEDAL OF HONOR, SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR AFRO-AMERICANS spanishamerican war MEDAL OF HONOR RECIPIENTS AFRO-americanS (1898). SmithsonianAfrican american history And Culture. The american war Library. http://www.buffalosoldier.net/Spanish-AmericanWarMedalofHonorRecipients.htm | |
79. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Spanish-American War (U.S. History) - Encyclopedia AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete informationon spanishamerican war, US history. spanish-american war, US history. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/S/SpanAmWar.html | |
80. Spanish American War - War With Spain the battleship that became causus bellum of the spanishamerican war. This siteprovided by the US Navy gives great detail about this great ship of history. http://americanhistory.about.com/cs/spanishamwar/ | |
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