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81. APL Engineer To Lead Space Research Team eight NSBRI technology projects. The team focuses on developing devices and systemsto improve research techniques and medical care on the ground and in space. http://www.jhuapl.edu/newscenter/pressreleases/2001/011219.htm | |
82. NASA - Space Research - Advanced Human Support Technology Program Advance Human Support technology Program Elements The AHST Program is comprised ofthree projects Advanced Life Support (ALS), space Human Factors Engineering http://spaceresearch.nasa.gov/research_projects/ahst.html | |
83. NASA's LTP -- Projects Signals of Spring; space Mysteries; The NASA Why? Files A ProblemBased studentsin grades 3-5 to math, science and technology concepts using Legacy projects. http://learn.arc.nasa.gov/organization/proj_sum.html | |
84. IO2Technology Heliodisplay/ Interactive Free-Space Display PROJECT VIDEO INTO AIR The Heliodisplay (TM) projects TV, streamingvideo and computer images into free space (ie midair). It http://www.io2technology.com/ |
85. Spacelink - NASA Projects or browse through the project areas listed DIR Aerospace technology Responsiblefor http://spacelink.nasa.gov/NASA.Projects/.index.html | |
86. Virtual Ifu - Student's Space - Projects - Curiosity, Intuition, And Information Curious? That internet in the first world societies is used to disintegrate,to fragmentize society rather than bringing people together . http://www.vifu.de/students/curiosity/ | |
87. The Hipparcos Space Astrometry Mission The Future, space Astrometry after Hipparcos. Go to The Astrophysics MissionsDivision web site. Go to The ESA Science technology web site. http://astro.estec.esa.nl/Hipparcos/ | |
88. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia to formulate and execute R D projects that would developed and transferred technologyprograms encompassing national issues, including space, ballistic missile http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_Advanced_Research_Projects_Agency | |
89. European Funding Such As Eu Funding, Eu Grants, Eu Loans Eu The European space Agency (ESA) has chosen a further 20 projects from LOSTEC (leveragingon space technologies th enhance SME competitiveness) programme to be http://www.welcomeurope.com/news_info.asp?idnews=165 |
90. The Ã
ngström Space Technology Center Homepage on two domains to develop basic Micro /Nano technology (MNT) for space applicationsand MPEG animation of The Thruster Unit Go to Micro Propulsion Project. http://www.astc.material.uu.se/ | |
91. Science And Technology (Ohio ESL) Science and technology. The space Shuttle NASA s site on the space Shuttle Tour Takea trip through some of the digitized images from the Visible Human Project. http://www.ohiou.edu/esl/project/science.html | |
92. VSEL/Telepresence Home Page The Virtual space Exploration Lab (VSEL) represents a subset of these projects thatinterrelate through both collaboration or shared technologies. Contents. http://cdr.stanford.edu/html/telepresence/VSEL.html | |
93. CNN - New Space Plane Project Takes Off - July 15, 1999 test reusable launch vehicle technologies (NASA/Boeing); X38 space lifeboat crewreturn vehicle (NASA); X39-X42 classified or Department of Defense projects; http://www.cnn.com/TECH/space/9907/15/space.plane/ | |
94. MITSEDS talks by professionals in spacerelated fields, observing sessions using the chapter stelescopes, educational outreach projects, and technical projects. http://web.mit.edu/mitseds/www/ | |
95. AFRL Propulsion Directorate Projects PROPULSION DIRECTORATE projects Privacy Security Notice a timephased and goal-orientedtechnology development program cost of access to space for commercial http://www.pr.afrl.af.mil/projects.htm |
96. Virtual Space - User Interfaces Of The Future The Virtual space project has developed the LumePong game to assess the technologyof the game space and the functionality of the sensors in the floor of the http://www.vtt.fi/tte/projects/lumetila/ | |
97. Welcome To The Center For Space Power At Texas A&M University Active TwoPhase Thermal Systems The Center for space Power also Energy storage projectsinclude electrochemical and mechanical technologies. http://engineer.tamu.edu/tees/csp/projects.html | |
98. BNSC BNSC space Exploration - space projects, UK Participation in the ESAScience Programme. UK participates in the ESA Science Programme by. http://www.bnsc.gov.uk/index.cfm?pid=288 |
99. RAND Science & Technology | Issue Areas | Space And Aviation Research effective strategies for space system project management, our community play in operatingthe space Shuttle The Science and technology Policy Institute at RAND http://www.rand.org/scitech/topics/space.html | |
100. Andrews Space :: Corporate :: Projects of its work under the space Launch Initiative is under contract to support NGLT stechnology and architecture team under the NGLT Systems Analysis Project (SAP http://www.andrews-space.com/en/corporate/NGLT(200311).html | |
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