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61. A History Of Japanese Space Projects Japan s postwar space development project work began in the National space DevelopmentAgency of Japan developed the level of production technology of American http://spaceinfo.jaxa.jp/note/rekishi/e/rek07_e.html | |
62. Chapter 30 -- Space Law Treaty, was enacted to help the UN in assessing liability and to serve as a basisfor helping to clean up the space debris when the technology becomes available http://www.space.edu/projects/book/chapter30.html | |
63. Astronomy News . Coming Space Projects the advanced scientific and technological capabilities, a number of space projectswill go on a faculty member of Khaje Nasir University of technology in Tehran http://www.parssky.net/news/archive/news.asp?NewsID=452&NewsTitle=Coming space p |
64. Techbridge: Encouraging Girls In Technology by talking to girls to find out what kinds of technology projects appealed to From20002003, Chabot space Science Center hosted Techbridge programs at 10 http://www.chabotspace.org/visit/programs/techbridge.asp | |
65. :: Xinhuanet - English :: currently the largest water conservation projects in the chief designer of China smanned space program, won country s top science and technology prize along http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/tech.htm | |
66. USING MINI ACTION RESEARCH PROJECTS AND TECHNOLOGY USING MINIACTION RESEARCH projects AND technology TO TEACH EQUITY The gender equityproject helped me to that is because they had just studied space and knew http://www.ed.psu.edu/CI/journals/96pap3.htm |
67. NASA FTCSC Educational Page A variety of projects that students and educators can use to learn about science,math, technology, engineering, and geography. Amazing space Activities Fun http://www.ag.iastate.edu/centers/ftcsc/pages/educate.htm | |
68. Univation: July 1997 - Australian Rocket Projects Reviving Interest In Space Tec Australian Rocket projects Reviving Interest In space technology. A consortiumof universities, working with the Australian space Research Institute Ltd. http://www.avcc.edu.au/news/univation/jul97/page19.htm | |
69. Space Optics Manufacturing Technology Center - Current Projects are desirable for space applications. Marshall space Flight Centeris advancing replicated optics technology. Facilities involved http://optics.nasa.gov/current.html | |
70. ECHO Science & Technology Virtual Center Historians of science and technology will find useful the pages devoted to Dismukesand Radislav Sinyak, NASA Information on current projects (space station etc http://echo.gmu.edu/center/searchcat.php?DBN=echo&TBL=directory&FLD=aviation&REC |
71. Shanghai Star space projects call for young scientists By Shi Hua. SHANGHAI Academyof space technology is securing top staff for its space programmes. http://app1.chinadaily.com.cn/star/history/00-04-21/c14-space.html | |
72. NASA's Flight Projects Directorate At MSFC on space elevator concepts and technology include the additional information contactthe Advanced projects Office at the NASA Marshall space Flight Center http://flightprojects.msfc.nasa.gov/fd02_elev.html | |
73. NASA's Flight Projects Directorate At MSFC Research and definition of future space projects as requested by the Human Robotics technology Progam in the Office of Exploration Systems at NASA http://flightprojects.msfc.nasa.gov/fd02.html | |
74. Space Mission Acronym List And Hyperlink Guide With as few exceptions (typically technology demonstration missions such as HighEnergyAstrophysics Instrumentation; NASA/Marshall space Flight projects; http://ranier.oact.hq.nasa.gov/Sensors_page/MissionLinks.html | |
75. Domestic Space, Home, And Technology: Research Projects Archives at home changed the way we perceive domestic space? The mission of the House_n projectis to and their interaction patterns with new technologies and home http://arago.cprost.sfu.ca/smarthome/archives/cat_research_projects.html | |
76. Demos - Projects - Black Sky Thinking With the launch of a new generation of satellites, and major EU space projects suchas Galileo, space science and technology has the potential to generate a http://www.demos.co.uk/projects/currentprojects/peopleflow/ProjectsPrivate/Black | |
77. United Nations Programme On Space Applications Regional Centres scientists, through rigorous theory, research, applications, field exercises, andpilot projects in those aspects of space science and technology that can http://www.oosa.unvienna.org/SAP/centres/centres.html |
78. global, public/private concerns technology impacting public of geography, architecture public space with new and coalitions in public projects - the front http://www.nettime.org/pipermail/nettime-ann/2004-April/000824.html | |
79. Space Projects - The Past - Mars Pathfinder Mission The space projects Division managed the development of the aftplate thermal effortsof key contributors from the space Sciences and space technology Divisions http://spaceprojects.arc.nasa.gov/Space_Projects/ThePast/pathfinder.html | |
80. Space Projects - The Present - Introduction space projects SF Division The Past The Present The and other cryocoolers for spaceapplications that The Infrared Detector technology Development Program at http://spaceprojects.arc.nasa.gov/Space_Projects/ThePresent/ | |
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