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21. Advanced Projects Map Future Of Spaceflight but researchers at Marshall say by then space travel will or prevent a lot of theseprojects from leaving time and corporate partners, this technology and the http://www.space.com/businesstechnology/technology/advanced_projects_000621.html | |
22. Innovation A bimonthly publication of the Commercial technology Division at NASA Headquarters and your source for information on NASA projects and opportunities in the areas of technology transfer/commercialization, aerospace technology development, and the commercial development of space. http://nctn.hq.nasa.gov/innovation/index.html | |
23. Aviation Week's Aviation Week & Space Technology Directed energy weaponslasers and highpower microwavesare emerging from the black world of classified projects as the time nears for their debut on aircraft, vehicles, ships and eventually even spacecraft http://www.aviationnow.com/content/publication/awst/20020722/aw173.htm | |
24. Space Technology - Beagle 2 Mars Lander space technology The Website for the space Industry. Return to Industry projectsIndexReturn to Industry projects Index, BEAGLE 2 MARS LANDER, UNITED KINGDOM. http://www.space-technology.com/projects/beagle/ | |
25. SPL Space Plasmas Description The space Physics Laboratory (LMSPL) is a Department within Lockheed Martin Missiles and space Company's Advanced technology Center. http://www.spasci.com/projects/sp_descrp.html | |
26. Bienvenue à L'Agence Spatiale Canadienne - Welcome To The Canadian Space Agency Updated information on satellite, manned space flight projects, Earth observation and other peaceful application of space technology by the Canadian government. http://www.space.gc.ca/ | |
27. CSA - Space Technology Homepage to major international space projects have given a worldclass reputation to CSAengineers and scientists. In addition to R D activities and to its technology http://www.space.gc.ca/asc/eng/csa_sectors/technology/technology.asp | |
28. Brazsat Space Services Ltd. Brazilian space technology company offers management services for space projects and access to microgravity platforms. http://www.brazsat.com/ |
29. Aerospace Technology - Industry Projects XMMNewton (X-ray Multi Mirror) space Telescope, International. Aerospace TechnologyHome, Aerospace Industry projects, Aerospace Industry Products and http://www.aerospace-technology.com/projects/ | |
30. Projects Within Space Science And Technology Department space Science and technology Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory http://www.sstd.rl.ac.uk/SSD/Projects.html | |
31. Aerospace Technology - Bristol Spaceplanes Ascender - Sub-Orbital Space Plane, U Aerospace technology The Website for the Aerospace projects IndexReturn to Industryprojects Index, spacePLANES ASCENDER SUB-ORBITAL space PLANE, UNITED http://www.aerospace-technology.com/projects/ascender/ | |
32. Space Top Links the satellite industry with assessment of technology, financing and links futurespace Information on future space propulsion, projects and missions http://www.space-techlist.com/ | |
33. STS - Projects - Space Technology - GRACE http://www.fuchs-gruppe.com/sts/englisch/projekte/raumfahrt/satellit/grace.html |
34. STS - Projects - Space Technology - CHAMP space technology CHAMP, more on the topic. With regard to the light project CHAMP(Challenging MicroSatellite Payload for Geophysical Research and Application http://www.fuchs-gruppe.com/sts/englisch/projekte/raumfahrt/satellit/champ.html |
35. 3-5 Web-based Lessons, ESC-20 projects with next to them are from outside Region 20 the Sky; space Exploration WebSites; Wetlands; space; Beyond Our Agricultural Science technology Education. http://www.esc20.net/etprojects/formats/3_5.html |
36. Space Projects Directorate Canadian space Agency (CSA) for the following two Major Crown projects. and the developmentand application of Canadian space and ground technology to meet http://www.pwgsc.gc.ca/sipss/home1/sipss/spaceprojdir-e.html | |
37. Science & Technology: Ocean, Atmosphere & Space (Code 32) lightweight, broadband acoustic sources and volumetric arrays; space technologyfor ocean and atmosphere remote sensing; Highlighted projects http://www.onr.navy.mil/sci_tech/ocean/ | |
38. Austrian Research Centers In Seibersdorf (ARC) - Homepage has a long record of successful projects performed with the European space Agency(ESA European Community (EC) Research technology Development Programmes http://www.arcs.ac.at/space | |
39. EducationGuardian.co.uk | Higher | High-risk Space Projects Should Continue, Say said today that highrisk space projects should continue from the British and Europeanspace Agency (ESA is a Beagle 3, which takes forward this technology. . http://www.guardian.co.uk/Education/higher/sciences/story/0,12243,1113751,00.htm | |
40. ES CSTC: About The Center ES CSTC Home Public News projects Directory Reports Library EnvironmentalSystems Commercial space technology Center at the University of Florida Dept http://www.ees.ufl.edu/escstc/ | |
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