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41. Index Our Hall of space Museum features one of the most significant collections of USand Russian space artifacts in the world, including the actual Apollo 13 http://www.cosmo.org/museums/ | |
42. Archäologisches Museum Kurzvorstellung mit Âffnungszeiten des museums. http://space.tin.it/turismo/jreusche/a06.htm | |
43. Aviation Museum: Pima Air & Space Museum Pima Air space Museum. Click the image above for a panoramic view (99 KB). Avg. Contact,Phone, 520574-0462. Fax, 520-574-92. Giftshop, Yes. PIMA AIR space MUSEUM. http://www.aero-web.org/museums/az/pam.htm | |
44. Additional Space Science Education Resources Includes links to NASA Affiliated sites, Professional Organizations and Standards,Schools/museums/Planetariums, and more, from the space Science Data Operations Office of NASA/Goddard space Flight Center http://ssdoo.gsfc.nasa.gov/education/resources.html | |
45. Lightmode DESIGN FACTORY 3.0 Offers space design and production of interactive media, exhibits and displays for children's museums, science museums, natural history museums, zoos, aquariums and nature centers. Includes details, photos and contact form. Located in Lebanon, Ohio. http://www.lightmode.com |
46. The Science Education Gateway SEGway (formerly SII) is a collaborative NASA project which brings together the expertise of NASA scientists, science museums, and K12 educators to produce NASA science-based Earth and space science curricula for classroom and public use via the World Wide Web. http://cse.ssl.berkeley.edu/SegwayEd/index.html |
47. Aviation Museum: National Air And Space Museum National Air and space Museum. Avg. What is most interesting about this museumis the wide range of aircraft from WWI through the space programs. http://aeroweb.brooklyn.cuny.edu/museums/dc/nasm.htm | |
48. Aviation Museum: Wings Over The Rockies Aviation & Space Museum Wings Over The Rockies Aviation space Museum. Avg. visitor rating (21visitors), Photo Gallery, Exhibits, Reviews, Links. Address(1), Hanger No. http://aeroweb.brooklyn.cuny.edu/museums/co/wotrasm.htm | |
49. Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum Intrepid SeaAir-space Museum. The Intrepid is a 40,000 ton, 900 foot-longaircraft carrier which served the Navy from 1943 to 1974. http://www.ny.com/museums/intrepid.sea-air-space.museum.html | |
50. National Air And Space Museum Opens New Annex Near Washington, D. C. Washington, DC s National Air and space Museum opens new annex at DullesInternational Airport in Chantilly, Virginia. You are here http://dc.about.com/cs/museums/a/Udvar.htm | |
51. Air And Space Museum - Pars, France France Air and space museum is certainly the oldest aeronautic museumin the world. Originally created after Wold War I, it offers http://www.paris-tourism.com/museums/espace/ | |
52. Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum New York City - JimsDeli NYC Guide New York City Museum Guide Information and directions for the Intrepid SeaAir space Museum. New York City Museum Guide. Intrepid Sea-Air-space Museum. http://www.jimsdeli.com/new-york-city-museums/42-59_w/intrepid-sea-air-space.htm | |
53. DiscoverHongKong - Heritage - Museums Hong Kong space Museum Explore the final frontier learn all aboutastronomy and space technology at the space Museum. The museum http://webserv1.discoverhongkong.com/eng/heritage/museums/mu_kln_0004.jhtml | |
54. New York City Insider New York S Top Museums Intrepid Sea-Air New York, New York City, Manhattan, museum, Intrepid,aircraft, Intrepid SeaAir-space Museum. http://www.theinsider.com/nyc/museums/1intrepi.htm | |
55. Artcom Museum Tour: Neil Armstrong Air & Space Museum, Wapakoneta Neil Armstrong Air space Museum. Air space Museum honors Neil Armstrong,first man on moon and other Ohioans who have attempted to defy gravity. http://www.artcom.com/Museums/vs/mr/45895.htm | |
56. Artcom Museums Tour: National Air And Space Museum - Smithsonian Institution, Wa www.kappaelastin.com. National Air and space Museum Smithsonian Institution.7th Street Independence Avenue, Sw.. Washington, DC http://www.artcom.com/Museums/nv/mr/20560-06.htm | |
57. Smithsonian Institution -- National Air And Space Museum The National Air and space Museum chronicles the history of flight from the veryearliest attempts to the very latest, answers many of these questions, and http://www.tourofdc.org/museums/smithsonian/NASM/ | |
58. CNN.com - New Air And Space Annex Lifts Off - Dec. 13, 2003 One of the most popular museums in the world is expanding, as the Smithsonian Airand space Museum opens a new hangar to showcase more legends from the sky http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/space/12/13/aerospace.museum/ | |
59. The New Mexico Museum Of Space History - Alamogordo, NM< a wide variety of benefits including admission privileges, gift shop discounts, freeadmission to other museums, subscriptions to the new space Journal magazine http://www.spacefame.org/ | |
60. ParentCenter | National Air And Space Museum Tips Parents Picks Fun Activities Family Outings museums,National Air and space Museum ages 24 Washington, DC 16168 http://www.parentcenter.com/community/ppt/picks/funActivities/familyOutings/muse | |
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