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         Space Mission Tracking:     more detail
  1. SpaceOps 92 proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Ground Data Systems for Space Mission Operations, November 16-20, 1992, Pasadena, California, USA (SuDoc NAS 1.55:194486) by NASA, 1993
  2. Research in software allocation for advanced manned mission communications and tracking systems final report (SuDoc NAS 1.26:188114) by Tom Warnagiris, 1990
  3. An orbit simulation study of a geopotential research mission including satellite-to-satellite tracking and disturbance compensation systems (SuDoc NAS 1.26:182353) by Peter G. Antreasian, 1988
  4. Debris/Ice/TPS assessment and integrated photographic analysis of shuttle mission STS-77 (SuDoc NAS 1.15:111679) by Gregory N. Katnik, 1996
  5. Continuous prediction of spartan visibility from orbiter over modeled free-flight mission (NASA technical memorandum) by Joseph C King, 1987
  6. Network operations support plan for the SPOT 2 mission by Victor Werbitzky, 1989

41. Shenzhou Circumlunar
circumlunar mission); tracking ships were already operational for worldwidecoverage of shortterm deep-space missions; The Shenzhou
Astronautica topic index
space wire
Shenzhou Circumlunar
Shenzhou in full thrust, heading for deep space, at 2003 exhibition.
Credit: Mark Wade
498 x 341 pixels - 32,280 bytes The creative conquest of space will serve as a wonderful substitute for war. McDonnell
Shenzhou Circumlunar
Shenzhou Circumlunar
Shenzhou passing moon in 2003 exhibition.
Credit: Mark Wade
Class: Manned Type : Lunar Orbiter. Nation : China. Agency : CASC. In January and February 2003 Chinese sources began discussing plans for a Chinese manned circumlunar mission by 2008. On January 4, Xu Yansong, a senior official of the China National Space Administration, declared that 'China will put men in space in the next six months and send a flyby mission to the moon in four years'. This was followed by a statement in February by Huang Chunping, General Director for Launch Vehicles for China's space program, that 'China has the full capability to send astronauts to the moon'. Then in March 2003, Ouyang Ziyuan announced a three-phase, 15 year plan for unmanned exploration of the moon. He also said a piloted mission to the moon was not a goal for China within the next decade. This authoritatively refuted the earlier reports. Therefore any Shenzhou manned circumlunar mission would probably not occur until 2015 at the earliest. A circumlunar flight by 2008 was certainly within Chinese capabilities. The decision to postpone a permanent space station until 2010 may have allowed the Chinese to briefly consider alternate missions. A circumlunar mission would be a real prestige item, far more interesting to the world than a small space station.

42. M&DS Products & Services-Space Mission Engineering
space Debris Management; Satellite tracking, Navigation, Geolocation;Total System View of RFI; spacecraft and Ground Hardware Reliability
  • Space Debris Management Satellite Tracking, Navigation, Geolocation Total System View of RFI Spacecraft and Ground Hardware Reliability, Availability Resource Allocation Analysis 3-D Visualization Capability

Contact: Jim Rodman
Providing a full systems engineering perspective

43. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Ice-tracking Satellite In Trouble
Icetracking satellite in trouble. By Helen Briggs BBC News Online science reporter.A US space agency (Nasa) mission to map the world s ice sheets is in trouble


... Programmes
Last Updated: Friday, 4 July, 2003, 12:10 GMT 13:10 UK E-mail this to a friend Printable version Ice-tracking satellite in trouble

By Helen Briggs
BBC News Online science reporter
A US space agency (Nasa) mission to map the world's ice sheets is in trouble. A laser in the satellite's sole scientific instrument is not working and operations have been put on hold for the time being. The flagship US mission was launched six months ago to track changes in the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. The satellite uses a laser beam to measure distance The Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite (Icesat) was sending back promising data before the problem arose. A review panel has been set up to decide how to proceed. Icesat project manager, Jim Watzin, of the Nasa Goddard Spaceflight Center, hopes a decision will be made this month. "Right now the mission is temporarily on hold," he told BBC News Online. "Prior to the anomaly, we were getting excellent results." Heated debate The problem is with a laser used to measure the topography of the Earth's major ice sheets.

44. Universal Space Network To Provide Commercial Telemetry And Tracking For Sirius
Jr., Universal space Network, Inc. ( has built a multiuser,commercial satellite tracking ground station network. The mission of USN is

45. Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science | JAXA
HOME Our Enterprises space Technology Satellite/spacecraft Technologies Satellite mission Operation, tracking and Orbit Determination.

Our Enterprises Space Technology Satellite/Spacecraft Technologies Satellite Mission Operation, Tracking and Orbit Determination
Real-time operations of ISAS spacecraft can be directed from the Sagamihara Control Center (SCC) on the ISAS Sagamihara Campus. Tracking (i.e., range and range rate) data and telemetry data are transmitted from the remote tracking stations (UDSC and KSC). The Usuda Deep Space Center (UDSC) 64 m station is dedicated to tracking deep space probes. The Kagoshima Space Center (KSC) 20 m and 34 m stations are used for low earth orbit satellite tracking, etc. The data obtained are archived at Sagamihara. Orbit determinations for ISAS deep space probes are performed on a weekly basis, and antenna pointing/ frequency predicts are transmitted to UDSC for tracking operations. Commands are generated at SCC and transmitted to spacecraft through the remote tracking stations.
Our Enterprises Space Technology Satellite/Spacecraft Technologies

46. Jodrell Bank's Role In Early Space Tracking Activities
at NASA up to date with its tracking activities on were sent to the telegram addressSPACE CONN NASA a serious overheating which threatened the mission but was
Jodrell Bank's role in early space tracking activities - Part 1
An article by Sven Grahn - "Spaceflight History, Space Radio Tracking and Space Technology" web site Table of Contents Part 2
  • Tracking Soviet Interplanetary probes
      Venera-1 Mars-1 Zond 1 and 2 Venera 4 - the first of a series of instrumented entries in the atmosphere of another planet
    Ranger tracking Luna 4-14, the second generation Soviet lunar probes
      Luna 4,5,6,7,8 - trying again and again to land on the moon Luna 9 - the first landing on the moon Luna 10, 11, and 12 - shifting the focus to lunar orbit Luna 13 and 14
    Tests of a Soviet piloted circumlunar spacecraft - Zond 4-8
      Launches in 1967 Zond 4 and the launch attempt in April 1968 Zond 5 - a strange Soviet game of hide-and-seek and voices from the sky Zond 6 - a dress rehearsal that went wrong? Zond 7
    Luna 15-24 Jodrell Bank and public opinion about the space race
A strange new world
During the first years of the space age the public was exposed to a strange new world. Journalists and scientists scrambled to explain it and interpret technology and events. A source of facts about and authoritative comment to ongoing space missions was the Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories, Jodrell Bank, Cheshire (called Jodrell Bank hereinafter) and its director, professor (later Sir) Bernard Lovell. The observatory could intercept signals from space vehicles, interpret their general meaning as to progress of this particular space mission and thereby provide an independent source of news. Especially, official news about Soviet space events was not always completely candid.

47. Grand Bahama Island/ETR Tracking Station, Gemini Program, Album Page- Joe Fraske
day after splashdown March 17, 1966 Autographed by 6 Telemetry tracking stationpersonel and the 1st emergency landing of a manned US space mission took place.
Joe Frasketi's Space and other Topical Covers
Bargain Prices - Personalized Service - Bargain Prices - Personalized Service
Cover Album:
Grand Bahama Island
ETR/Tracking Station Covers
for Gemini Project Home Page What's New? Website Index Bargain Priced ... Info Sheets Can't find what you're looking for? Try a search.... This SiteƂ  The Web Powered by whatUseek A LIST OF GEMINI FLIGHT COVERS ON THIS PAGE:
Gemini 4

Gemini 8

Gemini 12

Gemini 4
Cover cancelled on Launch: June 3, 1965
Autographed by 11 Telemetry Tracking station personel,
(See bottom of page for a list of these names). Flight Length: June 3 to June 7, 1965 Astronauts: James McDivitt and Edward H. White II Major Accomplishments: First spacewalk by an American Astronaut. Gemini 8 Cover cancelled on day after splashdown: March 17, 1966 Autographed by 6 Telemetry Tracking station personel,, (See bottom of page for a list of these names). Flight Length: March 16, 1966 Astronauts: Neil A. Armstrong and David R. Scott Major Accomplishments: First docking with another space vehicle. Flight terminated in 7th orbit due to a malfunction, and the 1st emergency landing of a manned U.S. space mission took place.

48. EXTReMe Tracking
mission X space Game, Edit. URL http// Incl, Excl,Reloads, Day Week Month. Geo tracking, Domain Country Continent.;ref1?tag=missionx

49. TDRSS Overview
The TDRSS space segment consists of seven onorbit tracking and Data A mission togather data on the radiation from intergalactic space. mission COMPLETED.
The Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) is a communication signal relay system which provides tracking and data acquisition services between low earth orbiting spacecraft and NASA/customer control and/or data processing facilities. The system is capable of transmitting to and receiving data from customer spacecrafts over 100% of their orbit (some limitations may apply depending on actual orbit). The Goddard Space Flight Center receives programmatic direction from NASA Headquarters Office of Space Flight (Code M) regarding all aspects of the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System and the Space Network . At Goddard, the Space Communications Program Office , provides the day to day management and operations of TDRSS and the Space Network The TDRSS space segment consists of seven on-orbit Tracking and Data Relay Satellites (TDRSs) located in geosynchronous orbit . The spacecraft constellation is distributed to provide global coverage. The TDRS constellation of spacecraft to provide ready backup in the event of a failure to an operational spacecraft and in specialized cases, resources for target of opportunity activities or dedicated operations. The TDRSS ground segment is located near Las Cruces, New Mexico and consists of two functionally identical

50. Office Of Space Communications
A limited ground network of tracking stations for and services to connect the spaceand ground spacecraft, aeronautical, and balloon mission operations control
Welcome to the
Office of Space Communications
Space Communications is a vital leg in the interdependent triad of space transportation, payloads and space communications. Each leg of the triad must meet demanding performance requirements to ensure space mission success. We meet our responsibilities by planning, developing, acquiring and operating a world-wide collection of space and ground networks of tracking and data communications systems. The Space Communications Functional Team provides essential and responsive telecommunications services that enable NASA customers to effectively conduct mission operations and accomplish their program objectives. This team provides technical expertise and the unique capabilities necessary to economically serve the requirements of diverse airborne, spaceborne and terrestrial customers. These data acquisition, data transport, and data processing capabilities are provided to a multitude of customers, both NASA and non-NASA, U.S. and international. We hope you enjoy our web site.
OSC Organization and Mission
The primary value OSC brings is in using multimission solutions to provideeconomically- -the similar communications and information handling services essential to the success of all Agency programs. In carrying out its assigned functions, OSC relies heavily on using or adapting commercial solutions leveraging the commercial marketplace where possible. Most of its engineering and operations are "privatized"meaning industry already does the design, development and operations, responding to incentives to minimize life-cycle costs for the Agency.

51. ISS Visibility Data
On 10 February 01, space Shuttle flight STS98 on ISS mission 5A further or TLE)format generally used by PC-based satellite tracking programs contain all
ISS Naked-Eye Visibility Data
From Selected Cities
The OSF Orbital Visibility schedules at present cover 3,421 locations worldwide. To determine if your data for your city is available click on the "Country Search" link below . If you do not find your city/location on the list, for the time being, we ask that you to select the nearest listed entry. Please note that the times reported in the U.S. Cities tables are in the civilian AM/PM format used in the United States. The times reported in the non-U.S. Cities tables are in 24-hour format most commonly in use elsewhere in the world.
Country Search Now you can search for your country and then city of choice. City visibility information can also be bookmarked or added to your Favorite listing for future quick reference. List of Cities Served
ISS Altitude History
Apogee height Mean Altitude Perigee height
Two-Line Keplerian Orbital Elements
Dr. Jesco von Puttkamer

52. Space Shuttle Mission Chronology STS-6
mission Patch. STS 6. Challenger. TDRS-1. tracking and Data Relay Satellite-1.Pad A 6th Shuttle mission 1st flight OV-099 1st Shuttle space walk.
KSC Home Page Site Search FAQ's Site Survey ... Headlines Mission Patch STS- 6 Challenger TDRS-1 Tracking and Data Relay Satellite-1

Pad A
6th Shuttle mission
1st flight OV-099
1st Shuttle space walk
Shuttle Information
Orbiter Vehicles Shuttle Countdown Online Shuttle Launch Assessment Integrated Launch Assessment ... Table of Contents Crew Members Crew Photo
Paul J. Weitz (2), Commander Karol J. Bobko (1), Pilot Donald H. Peterson (1), Mission Specialist F. Story Musgrave (1), Mission Specialist Launch Landing

April 4, 1983, 1:30:00 p.m. EST
April 9, 1983, 10:53:42 a.m. PST
Orbiter Preps (move to)

OPF - July 6, 1982
VAB - Nov. 23, 1982
Pad - Nov. 30, 1982

53. Space Mission Acronym List And Hyperlink Guide (Q Through R): NASA Space Instrum
in Japan, and the RadioAstron mission, being developed DRAO, under contract with theCanadian space Agency and The Orbiting VLBI tracking station in Green Bank
NASA Space
Instrument and Sensing Technology
Space Mission Acronym List and Hyperlink Guide
(Q through R)
NOTICE: Because the original page had grown so large (~168K), I have split it into 14 pages including this page for mission acronyms beginning in Q and R. Some direct, named links will no longer work. If you are looking for information about a particular mission, please select the appropriate file from the following alphabetical listing. If you cannot find information on the mission you are looking for, you may find some information in the General Information page.
EarthWatch's initial plans called for a two-satellite series, each having single-band panchromatic and multi-band color sensors. The first satellite was targeted for a first quarter 1996 launch with three-meter panchromatic resolution and 15-meter multicolor sensors. This initial EarlyBird satellite was launched December 24, 1997 from Svobodny, Russia. Communications were lost December 28, 1997 as the result of an anomalous satellite undervoltage condition. The second satellite, originally scheduled for launch in the third quarter 1997 with high resolution one-meter panchromatic and four-meter multicolor sensors. The latest I've been able to find indicate a launch in 2000 for QuickBird.

54. Release 1965 0359
Administration s longest and most complex deep space mission. 1966, at the Goldstonespace Communication Station in this period, but periodic tracking of the
SEPTEMBER 24, 1965.
The Mariner IV spacecraft, having achieved its mission objectives and now in its 300th day of flight, will receive a command from Earth next week, concludingbut possibly only temporarilythe National Aeronautics and Space Administration's longest and most complex deep space mission.
Since launch November 28, 1964, Mariner IV has transmitted to Earth nearly 50 million engineering and scientific measurements on the environment of interplanetary space and in the vicinity of Mars. It flew past Mars last July 14 at an altitude of 6118 miles, recording the first close-up pictures of the planet's surface.
After October 1, when the ground command switches the spacecraft transmitter from Mariner's high-gain directional antenna to an omnidirectional antenna, telemetry from Mariner IV will cease.
Although next week will mark the end of useful telemetry between Mariner IV and Earth during 1965, project officials at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory said the spacecraft will continue transmitting and may renew its radio link with Earth in 1967.

55. JPL Events
Topic The Deep space Network challenge for 2003-2004 tracking Dozensof mission-Critical spacecraft Events. The Deep space Network
+ View the NASA Portal Search JPL EVENTS For information on JPL tours and the speakers bureau, visit our PUBLIC SERVICES site. ... Solar System Ambassador
View the archived webcasts. Topic - The Deep Space Network challenge for 2003-2004: Tracking Dozens of Mission-Critical Spacecraft Events
The Deep Space Network challenge for 2003-2004: Tracking Dozens of Mission-Critical Spacecraft Events

Presented by: Peter Doms
Deep Space Mission System Program Manager
Click here for archived webcast.

If you don't have RealPlayer,
you can download the free RealPlayer 8 Basic
Thursday, November 20
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA Friday, November 21 The Vosloh Forum at Pasadena City College 1570 East Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA Both lectures begin at 7 p.m. PST and run for approximately an hour. Admission is free. Seating is limited. For more information, call (818) 354-0112. Vital to every planetary exploration mission, the Deep Space Network provides the only means of communicating between the distant spacecraft and Earth. Commanding the spacecraft and returning science and engineering data is especially crucial during critical mission events such as orbit insertions and landings. From November 2003 until February 2004 the DSN must meet the challenge of supporting more concurrent events of this magnitude than ever in its history. Site Manager: Webmasters: Susan Watanabe Tony Greicius Jason Heidecker,

56. Ocean Surface Topography From Space-Missions
A Poker Flat tracking station proficiency test was conducted Jason1 mission Status01/11/02. calibration phase The joint NASA/French space Agency oceanography
@import url( "../main.css" ); + View the NASA Portal OVERVIEW SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY ...
MISSIONS - Jason-1
Jason-1 is the first follow-on to the highly successful TOPEX/Poseidon mission that measured ocean surface topography to an accuracy of 4.2 cm, enabled scientists to forecast the 1997-1998 , and improved understanding of ocean circulation and its effect of global climate. The joint NASA- CNES program will launch a French spacecraft on an American Delta II from an American base. Like TOPEX/Poseidon, the payload will include both American and French instruments. Jason-1 altimeter data will be part of a suite of data provided by other JPL-managed ocean missionsthe GRACE mission will use two satellites to accurately measure Earth's mass distribution, and the QuikSCAT scatterometer mission will measure ocean-surface winds. What's New Jason-1 Launched One Year Ago
Jason-1 was launched 1 year ago, on 12/07/01 at 7:07AM from Vandenberg Air Force Base. See the NEW Jason-1 Launch Footage and some pre-launch interviews with Gary Kunstmann, Jason-1 Project Manager.

57. John F. Kennedy Space Center - Expendable Launch Vehicles
1120 am There will be six tracking stations following the operations of its satellitein both space and time 1103 am -The mission Director has conducted his

Expendable Launch Vehicle Home Page
+ NASA Home
Date: April 20, 2004
Time: 12:57:24 p.m. EDT + First launch attempt April 19
Did you know?
The GP-B orbit is only 400 miles from Earth because the effects of local space-time weaken dramatically as one moves farther from the planet. GP-B is using IM Pegasi, about 300 light years away, as its guide star. The Delta rocket will carry two video cameras which will record the separation of the 2nd stage of the launch vehicle from the GP-B space vehicle. + Download Real Media Player
Gravity Probe B Launch Day Events The Virtual Launch Control Center was activated at
10:45 a.m.
EDT. The Virtual Launch Control Center was deactivated at 2:15 p.m. EDT. Thank you for joining us for live coverage of the successful launch of Gravity Probe B! 2:14 p.m.

58. Space Shuttle News Reference Manual
NSTS 1988 News Reference Manual
  • NSTS 1988 News Reference Manual
    Volume 2 - Operations
    Return to KSC Home Page Table of Contents Information content from the NSTS Shuttle Reference Manual (1988)
    Last Hypertexed Thursday August 31 10:22:45 EDT 2000
    Jim Dumoulin (

    59. Liftoff
    To learn more about space and NASA research, visit the educators and students sectionsof the NASA To use NASA s satellite tracking software, visit Science@NASA
    We are sorry, the Liftoff page is no longer available. For other exciting NASA content, try these websites: To learn more about space and NASA research, visit the educators and students sections of the NASA Portal , where much of the NASA Liftoff content now resides. To learn about astronauts and spaceflight, join NASA's Earth Crew To use NASA's satellite tracking software, visit Science@NASA NASA Official: Jim Pruitt

    60. Deep Space Network Home Page
    Where Are the Missions that the DSN is tracking? To view trajectory maps and informationon the current location of spacecraft that the Deep space Network is
    View the NASA Portal Dishes in the Desert:
    A Virtual Tour of NASA's Deep Space Network, Goldstone, Calif. Towering high above the sagebrush and Joshua trees of California's Mojave Desert, a series of enormous satellite dishes is busy talking to robotic explorers throughout the solar system. See the different antennas and locations with this Virtual Tour.

    ABOUT THE DEEP SPACE NETWORK The NASA Deep Space Network - or DSN - is an international network of antennas that supports interplanetary spacecraft missions and radio and radar astronomy observations for the exploration of the solar system and the universe. The network also supports selected Earth-orbiting missions. The DSN currently consists of three deep-space communications facilities placed approximately 120 degrees apart around the world: at Goldstone , in California's Mojave Desert; near Madrid, Spain; and near Canberra , Australia. This strategic placement permits constant observation of spacecraft as the Earth rotates, and helps to make the DSN the largest and most sensitive scientific telecommunications system in the world. READ MORE...

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