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21. Ocean Surface Topography From Space-Missions Ocean Surface Topography from space. First, despite the lag time, the tracking dataare the only actual data that mission operations people have on the http://sealevel.jpl.nasa.gov/mission/who-data.html | |
22. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Science/Technology/Space/Missions/Unmanned provides critical communications and tracking information to interplanetary spaceprobes. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory mission information and data http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Science/Technology/Space/Missions/Unmanned | |
23. @TITLE-1 = SPACE SURVEILLANCE at Pirinclik, Turkey, has the same general mission as COBRA system has two detectionradars and a tracking radar. is the only 24hour a day deep space sensor in http://www-tradoc.army.mil/dcscd/spaceweb/chap07f.htm | |
24. Space Today Online - Global Space And Astronomy Links links to all centers TDRSS Information Center tracking and Data of Small SatelliteEngineering (IJSSE) JAWSAT LunarSat space mission Microsatellite will hook http://www.spacetoday.org/Weblinks/satellites.html | |
25. Space Tracking Technology Focuses On Deep Space of nearearth objects (NEOs) by 300%. Basic research in detectionand tracking of NEOs benefits the Air Force space mission by http://www.afrlhorizons.com/Briefs/0006/OSR9901.html | |
26. Space Communications With Mars This capability gives the mission team several different ways to tracking the spacecraftcruise. During cruise, the Deep space Network antennas must pick up http://www.astrosurf.com/lombry/qsl-mars-communication2.htm | |
27. Air Force Maui Optical & Supercomputing Site Currently, through its primary mission for Air Force Command, the Maui space SurveillanceSystem combines largeaperture tracking optics with visible and http://www.maui.afmc.af.mil/about.html | |
28. VARA Shuttle/Satellite Tracking Software & Keplerian Elements of HF frequencies to monitor Shuttle mission audio and space Online by IK1SLD lotsof Mir information, Mir Shuttle QSL addresses, Mir SSTV, tracking info, etc http://www.qsl.net/w2vtm/sat_track.html | |
29. Past Space Shuttle Missions: Space Shuttle Flights, Space Shuttle Manifest And L 53, 54, Endeavour, 0113-93, tracking Data Relay Satellite TDRS-F, 5, 59, 61, Endeavour,12-02-93, Hubble space Telescope, Repair 1st Servicing mission-01, 7, http://www.thespaceplace.com/shuttle/past.html | |
30. ScienceMaster - Astronomy And Space Science - NASA Mission Links University of Arizona spacewatch program; Near Earth Asteroid tracking, a team ledby JPL; Lowell Observatory NearEarth Object Search. Non-space Science missions. http://www.sciencemaster.com/space/item/mission_links.php | |
31. NESS: A Dual-Use Microsatellite For Asteroid Detection/Tracking, And Satellite T by the Canadian space Agency (CSA) and Defence R and D Canada (DRDC). NESS usesa single satellite to perform a dual mission searching for and tracking Earth http://www.stormingmedia.us/90/9070/A907004.html | |
32. STS-98 Shuttle Press Kit way communications with the ISS and the mission Control Center via the tracking andData centerpiece of research on the International space Station, the http://www.shuttlepresskit.com/STS-98/ | |
33. About Universal Space Network, Inc. Clients And Partners the Consolidated space Operations Contract (CSOC) contracted USN to provide primaryspacecraft tracking and communications services for the Triana mission. http://www.uspacenetwork.com/clients_partners.htm | |
34. Project Tracking & Archive 05/06/2002, space, mission report, mission Report, Meeting Navigate Consortium,Milano, Michalis Ketselidis, meeting with navigate consortium. http://pta.jrc.cec.eu.int/show.gx?Object.object_id=SEC-----00000000000000C9&outp |
35. CNN.com - NASA Starts Countdown To Mars Mission - Feb. 27, 2003 director of the National Aeronautics and space Administration s (NASA in Australiato visit one of three tracking stations involved in the mission. http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/space/02/26/mars.countdown.reut/ | |
36. Space Missions Of General Interest and launch vehicles, launching and tracking the craft mission categories includeExploring our Solar System the Universe, and Fundamental Physics in space. http://tellus.ssec.wisc.edu/outreach/sp_miss/space.htm | |
37. Tracking Stations the National Aeronautics and space Administration (NASA The tracking station participatedin various projects including the first successful mission to another http://homepage.powerup.com.au/~woomera/tracking.htm | |
38. Florida Guardsman Online - Air Guard Receives New Space-launch Tracking System said. ÂThere is absolutely no other National Guard that has thetype of mission we do, or even does spacelaunch tracking. So http://www.floridaguard.net/news/read.asp?did=3084 |
39. NASA's Advanced Automation For Space Missions: Chapter 5, Appendix B According to the baseline mission for a growing Laser tracking is one possibility,but probably too Vision, FaultTolerant Systems, Large space Structures and http://www.islandone.org/MMSG/aasm/AASM5B.html | |
40. China These provided an indigenous weathertracking capability. signed the various UN treatieson space and began for development of a Small Multi-mission Satellite http://www.astronautix.com/articles/china.htm | |
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