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81. Aviation-Aerospace Magazines Trade Publications - Publicity Lists, Media Databas AviationAerospace press media directory magazines trade publications http://www.gebbieinc.com/mags/5.htm | |
82. Aviation Directory, Airshow Magazine, Airshowreport.com produces publications for aviation and radiocontrol model enthusiasts. Browse magazine profiles and subscription information. Air and space Smithsonian - A http://www.airshowreport.com/ | |
83. AIR & SPACE - SMITHSONIAN Magazine Subscription. Business Magazine Subscriptions The magazine is the official publication of the National Air and space Museum.Discusses the design and history of all types of aircraft and space vehicles. http://www.business-magazines.com/prd9924.php | |
84. The 'AirNet' Web Site. Aviation Links: Aviation Publications & News Airshows.TV; Airshow World; AirsideTV.com; Air space Smithsonian Magazine; Air Transport publications; Air Transport World; Air University Press; Airway http://homepage.ntlworld.com/hjcurtis/pubs.html | |
85. DIRECTORY OF TECHNICAL MAGAZINES The Official Magazine of the National space Society, 202 An Official Publication of the American Association of Anatomists, 843/7927658, 843/792-7611, anarec http://www.techexpo.com/tech_mag.html | |
86. Arthur's List Of Interesting Places on the Internet; Forbes; Fortune; Geek.com; German publications space.com; Spectator , The; Stoic Voice Journal; Suck , a magazine of Internet criticism; Technology http://www.speechcode.com/outside-links/news.html | |
87. Nuts And Volts Magazine Writers Guidelines. partial exchanges of editorial for advertising space will be Unless otherwise stated, T L publications, Inc., buys articles in Nuts Volts Magazine for both http://www.nutsvolts.com/writers.htm | |
88. Pocket PC Magazine :: Browse Product Database Our Privacy Policy. I would be interested in receiving occasional information about Pocket PC magazine publications. Software Games space, http://www.pocketpcmag.com/_enc/subcat.asp?ub=Software&ca=Games&su=Space&cat=207 |
89. Running, Walking And Fitness Publications Cost $15/year (included with space Coast Runners Wasatch Athletics Magazine Address 8096 West Whitman Drive Cost $15/year Focus local USATF publication. http://www.teamoregon.com/publications/mags.html | |
90. Free Magazines - Internet At Lauhost.com DV Magazine Is the premier monthly publication dedicated to the needs of digital video and web video professionals Free Magazine. price, bandwith, space. http://www.lauhost.com/free-magazines-internet.php | |
91. Panpacmedia.com format, and practical aspects of design and space planning, as OÂ Call is SingaporeÂs only biannual magazine reaching out to Other Malaysian publications. http://www.listedcompany.com/ir/ppm/web/show.cgi?content=services |
92. FREE One-year Magazine Subscriptions: Computers, Business And Engineering Trade FREE subscriptions to computer, engineering, and business magazines. Topics include information technology, network management, telecommunications, graphics, manufacturing, multimedia and more! http://bizreport.tradepub.com/ | |
93. Australian Astronomy - Astronomical Society Of Australia - General Interest Australian SKY space Magazine A popular publication catering for the interests of backyard astronomers and space buffs in Australia. http://www.astronomy.org.au/ngn/engine.php?SID=1000008&AID=100021 |
94. Aviation Books And Magazine Links - AirParts.com to their leading aviation publications. Phillips Business Information, Inc. FREE SUBSCRIPTION FORMS when you email to the following magazine links Aviation http://www.airparts.com/books.html | |
95. TMC Free Magazine Subscriptions to the most reliable, actionable source of information in the CRM/contact center/teleservices space. Internet Telephony ® is the only magazine that provides http://www.tmcnet.com/scripts/magsub/fmag.asp | |
96. Feminist Campus Activism Online: Media Center VZ. Voices A publication of Santa Monica s Women s College, this nonprofit magazine offers a space for students to share their perspective on women s issues. http://www.feministcampus.org/know/journalism/journalism_femags.asp | |
97. PlantFloor: The Magazine Rack - Precision Manufacturing Advanced Manufacturing Magazine This leading publication offers the world s best Air and space Magazine - Brings the adventure of flight and space http://plantfloor.com/magazine.htm | |
98. National Security Media Resources Air and space Magazine From the Smithsonian Institution. AIR Enthusiast - British aviation journal. Air Force Magazine - Monthly publication of the Air Force http://www.sais-jhu.edu/centers/cse/online_supplement/section5.html | |
99. ARRLWeb: ARRL Product Catalog http://www.arrl.org/catalog/ | |
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