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Home - Basic_S - Space Magazines & Publications |
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61. Magazines And Publications For Communication And Broadcasting Broadband, cable and telecom, Broadband space, satelite solutions magazine, Telepress, brazillian telecom magazine, Total Telecom, telecom publication, http://www.globalsoftwaresolutions.net/communications/publications.htm | |
62. Magazine Subscription Store Online UK Accent magazines. Aceville publications. Archant. Aging With Style magazine subscription, Air space magazine subscription, Air and space magazine subscription. http://www.shopperuk.com/uk/books_and_magazines/magazines/ | |
63. Book Stores, Libraries, Magazines: Links such as Fairwood Press, Cosmos Books, Wildside Press, Crystalline Sphere Publishing, space Time (magazine books), On Spec, Chimaera publications, etc. http://www.sfwa.org/links/booklink.htm | |
64. Society/association And Popular Magazines That Use SI Measurements Flight International (UK weekly), Reed Business publications, virtually 100 space News (A Gannett Newspaper), Army Times Publishing Nature, Macmillan magazines, Ltd http://lamar.colostate.edu/~hillger/magazine.htm | |
65. LookSmart - Directory - General Astronomy And Space Magazines Almanac Astronomy America s oldest running publication lists a known as Flash!, this magazine provides upcoming missions from the Goddard space Flight Center. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317914/us77590/us227188/us10111664/?& |
66. The OPEN SPACE Magazine If outside of USA enter country zipcode or postal code The OPEN space HOME PAGE. OPEN space publications. OPEN space Web Magazine. http://www.the-open-space.org/osjournal.html | |
67. Aeroseek: Publications Ag Air Update Online Ag Aviations Best Read Publication! Air space Magazine flight and space travel magazine of the Smithsonian National Air and space Museum http://www.aeroseek.com/links/Publications/ | |
68. Bo_pub the adventure of flight and space travel to Zoogoer, Zoogoer Magazine of the Friends of the Institution Traveling Exhibition Service publications Publishes books http://www.si.edu/redirect/bo_pub.htm | |
69. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Science/Technology/Space/Publications Good list of space and satellite links and publications compiled for space from Earth to the Edge of the Universe; space News A weekly magazine from USA. http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Science/Technology/Space/Publications | |
70. Arab Aircraft Magazines Arab Aviation space Magazine ? publisher, ISSN ? Monthly publication. No further information. Current Further information Saudi Distribution Company. http://www.aeroflight.co.uk/mags/mideast/middlemag.htm | |
71. Turkish Aircraft Magazines Subtitled Havacilik Ve Uzay Dergisi . Title means Wings Aviation space Magazine. Date first published not known. Bimonthly publication. http://www.aeroflight.co.uk/mags/turkey/turkmag.htm | |
72. Canada Wide Magazines And Communications Ltd. - Magazines And Publications This exciting fullcolour publication with a circulation of 20,000 is the Advertise in Waters magazine, then expand your horizons by booking space on the http://www.canadawide.com/waters_ad.htm | |
73. Internet Public Library: Astronomy adswww.harvard.edu/article_service.html publications of the StarDate magazine covers a wide range of to the science of astronomy, space exploration, skylore http://www.ipl.org/div/serials/browse/sci02.00.00/ | |
74. Ottawa Business Journal - Special Publications This annual publication is used as a reference guide This highquality glossy magazine is a joint project of copies of the Ottawa Office space Directory are http://www.ottawabusinessjournal.com/publications.php | |
75. Welcome! Your Resource For Collecting And Collectible Info At Collect.com Friday, May 07, 2004) By Mike Thorne (Coins Magazine, July 2004 Monday, July 29, 2002) macc Dealer Booth space at the Copyright (c) 2004 Krause publications, Inc http://www.collect.com/shows/default.asp | |
76. ADL000 Guide To Publications Sciences in space spaceRelated publications, Conference Papers, and Technical Reports; Site Central Directory - ScienceJournals and MagazinesEngineering and http://www.adl.gatech.edu/adl0/paperz.html | |
77. SportsShooter.com - Input On Favorite Photo Magazines, Trade Publications? jet printers, a technical article on color space, an in I agree, the NPPA magazine, News Photographer, is a great publication for photojournalists http://www.sportsshooter.com/message_display.html?tid=9228 |
78. TransOrbital, Inc., Links - Main The Farmer s Almanac; Fortune; LRC publications Home of Artemis Magazine. NASA Today - The Science Directorate at NASA s Marshall space Flight Center http://www.transorbital.net/links.html | |
79. Astron. Journals And Publications Resources ESO publications http//www.eso.org/gen-fac/pubs mailclub.net/eclipse French amateur s magazine in French com/ ExoScience NEWS (exoScience space News) - http http://www.stsci.edu/astroweb/cat-full_text.html | |
80. HCI Publications: Hydro Information, Waterpower Magazines, Hydropower Newsletter HCI publications hydro information, water power magazines, hydropower newsletters, conferences, books, North American hydro market, business and regulatory http://www.hcipub.com/hydrovision/exhibit_pricing.asp | |
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