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81. Research Centers, Institutes, And Laboratories Research Centers, institutes, and Laboratories Anderson Center for Wireless Teaching and Rocky Mountain NASA space Grant Consortium Director Doran Baker Phone http://www.engineering.usu.edu/research/centers.php | |
82. Iamslic_log0311: [IAMSLIC:3685] Library Space Planning Institut IAMSLIC3685 library space planning institutes at ALA Midwinter. From Susan Berteaux (ssbertea@syr.edu) Date Thu Nov 13 2003 090941 PST. http://listproc.ucdavis.edu/archives/iamslic/log0311/0049.html | |
83. Foreign Institutes & Projects Data Group; SIMBAD Astronomical Database; The VizieR Catalogue Service. institutes STScI (space Telescope Science Institute); Tufts University, Department of http://www-tap.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp/link/foreign.html | |
84. All.info: Science And Health / Biology / Associations And Institutes / You are in Science and Health / Biology / Associations and institutes /. More Categories . National space Biomedical Research Institute he USbased National http://all.info/directory/Science_and_Health/Biology/Associations_and_Institutes | |
85. Office Of Research & Sponsored Programs institutes. Institute Name INSTITUTE OF APPLIED RESEARCH AND POLICY ANALYSIS. Support Selfsupporting. College of Natural Sciences provides space for hardware. http://research.csusb.edu/Institutes_and_Centers.htm | |
86. Nasa: Diaz Named To Lead Planning Effort For Science Institutes Diaz, NASA Deputy Associate Administrator for space Science, to lead the development of plans for the Science institutes proposed by the US space agency. http://www.qadas.com/qadas/nasa/nasa-hm/0861.html | |
87. DePaul University : : About DePaul (Centers & Institutes) of interests and questions to broader publics through active outreach, and the chance to learn from these publics in turn by providing a space for voices from http://www.depaul.edu/about_DP/centers.asp | |
88. Transfer Of ESIS To Scientific Institutes The space physics system transferred to the scientific institutes is similar in concept. Organisation of astronomical observations. http://esapub.esrin.esa.it/bulletin/bullet86/ansa86.htm | |
89. Astronomy @ UWO institutes and Centres. AGU American Geophysical Union space Physics and Aeronomy Section; AIM Astronomical Institute Munster ? http://www.astro.uwo.ca/resources/institutes.html | |
90. SPIRE Institutes SPIRE institutes. Institute, Address. Alcatel space Industries, V7ZA22 100, Bd du midi,, BP 99, 06156 Cannes la Bocca, Cedex- France, Observatorio http://www.ssd.rl.ac.uk/spire/consortium/information/Institutes.asp | |
91. Archimedes Institute Library For Space Law And Policy Research The Archimedes Institute, an aerospace policy research organization, is working to improve the regulatory climate through the development of sophisticated analysis and private policy initiatives. http://www.permanent.com/archimedes/LawLibrary.html | |
92. Seven Universities Selected As NASA Institutes | SpaceRef - Your Space Reference Seven Universities Selected as NASA institutes. http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=8634 |
93. Jobs Resources space Jobs http//www.spacejobs.com/ space JOBS is a career advertising venue for employment opportunities in the space Industry - worldwide. http://www.stsci.edu/astroweb/cat-jobs.html | |
94. McGill Faculty Of Law - Research McGill UniversityÂs Institute of Air and space Law, through its accomplishments in teaching, research and publication has established itself as a center of http://www.law.mcgill.ca/research/centres_iasl-en.htm | |
95. Students Fashion Space Suits For Mars Materials Science, University of Alberta, 24.05.2004. Students fashion space suits for Mars. I donÂt know why we decided to design a space suit, Yarmuch said. http://www.innovations-report.com/html/reports/materials_science/report-29476.ht | |
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