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21. SelectSurf -- Sci-Tech -- Space/Astronomy -- Institutes/Societies SelectSurf Less Sand, More Surf, Sci-Tech space/Astronomy institutes/Societies American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) the principal http://www.selectsurf.com/sci-tech/space/institutes/ | |
22. Astronomy Institutes And Associations Trinity College, Astronomy Education / institutes . Associations. Lebedev Institute of Phyisics, Astro space Centre; Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. http://www.r-clarke.org.uk/astrolinks_institutes.htm | |
23. King Abdulaziz City For Science & Technology (KACST) space Research Institute (SRI). Cooperate with universities and research institutes in the areas of mutual interest and raise public awareness with respect to http://www.kacst.edu.sa/en/institutes/sri/index.asp | |
24. Links: Space Agencies And Institutes space agencies and institutes. NASA The National Aeronautics and space Administration. NASA European space Agencies and institutes. ESA http://www.astrofilitrentini.it/links/spazio_eng.html | |
25. Space Studies Board In response to a request for guidance on the establishment of science institutes, space Studies Board Chair Claude R. Canizares sent the following letter to http://www7.nationalacademies.org/ssb/cdva811.html | |
26. SSO - Swiss Space Office Swiss space Research and Scientific institutes and Industry. space research and science in Switzerland are carried out by various http://www.sso.admin.ch/Themes/05-Human_Flight_and_Microgravity/english/Swiss_Sp | |
27. SSO - Swiss Space Office Swiss space Research institutes are in close collaboration with the international space research community and ESA. Recently founded were http://www.sso.admin.ch/Themes/06-Space_Science/e-01_Introduction.htm | |
28. Organizations, Societies, Institutes, Centers, Museums, And Consortia Organizations, Societies, institutes, Centers, Museums, and Consortia. between Government, Industry and Academia concerning advanced space technology issues http://www.ssl.umd.edu/space/organizations.html | |
29. Research Institutes And Projects space Grants Research Funds, institutes Projects, Teleoperations. space Grant Consortia and Research Funds. space Grant Web Sites institutes and Projects. http://www.cyberpursuits.com/space/research.html | |
30. LookSmart - Directory - Laboratories And Institutes YOU ARE HERE Home Sciences Astronomy space Labs institutes. Laboratories and institutes Explore current and past research http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317914/us77590/us1094079/ | |
31. EUROPA - Space - Co-operation With Russia and cooperation in space-related projects, bringing together EU and Russian representatives of space agencies, research institutes, public authorities http://europa.eu.int/comm/space/russia/index_en.html | |
32. EUROPA - Space - Home For more than 20 years, European researchers and academic institutes have fostered international exchanges of students working in spacerelated physical http://europa.eu.int/comm/space/index_en.html | |
33. ES, IG-98-037, NASA Science Research Institutes procedures and Agency guidance on the use of cooperative agreements in establishing the science research institutes. NASA s Johnson space Center established http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/oig/hq/ig-98-037es.htm | |
34. School Of Earth And Space Sciences - Departments & Institutes Goto Homepage of SESS, Goto Homepage of Peking University. Homepage Departments institutes. Departments institutes. Copyright© 2002 SESS PKU. http://sess.pku.edu.cn/english/organization.htm | |
35. School Of Earth And Space Sciences - Departments & Institutes Introdution for Depart. of Spatial Information Sciences. Institute of Remote Sensing Geographic Information System. Introduction. Introduction. Introduction. http://sess.pku.edu.cn/english/space.htm | |
36. Japan Links:Education & Research:Research Institutes:Space, Environment & Weathe Research institutes. space, Environment Weather. Aerological Observatory. (Kishocho, Koso Kishodai). http//www.kousoujma.go.jp/english http://web-jpn.org/links/education/research/space.html | |
37. Belgian Science Policy - Scientific Institutes : Institute For Space Aeronomy Institute for space Aeronomy. Address Belgian Institute for space Aeronomy Ringlaan 3 Avenue Circulaire B1180 Brussels Tel. +32 (0)2 373 04 04. More http://www.belspo.be/belspo/res/institut/iasbbir/iasb_en.stm | |
38. Belgian Science Policy - Scientific Institutes - Institute For Space Aeronomy : Scientific institutes Institute for space Aeronomy. Federal museums. Institute of Natural Sciences. Museum for Central Africa. Museums for Art and History. http://www.belspo.be/belspo/res/institut/iasbbir/iasb01_en.stm | |
39. IMPRS Solar System Physics / Institutes expertise, outstanding data from space and ground-based programmes, as well as the involvement of the institutes in the development of space missions and http://www.linmpi.mpg.de/solar-system-school/institutes.html | |
40. Acronyms Of The Institutes USAAFGL, United States Army Air Force - Geophysics Laboratory, USA. USAF-SP, United States Air Force - space Division, USA. List of Acronyms. http://www.magnet.oma.be/sevem/Acronym-Institute.html | |
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