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41. BUBL LINK: 520 Astronomy: General Resources 520 astronomy general resources. 520 ResourceType documents Location uk LeicesterUniversity Educational Guide to space and astronomy Information source http://link.bubl.ac.uk/ISC6665 | |
42. SelectSurf -- Sci-Tech -- Space/Astronomy -- General And Space News SelectSurf Less Sand, More Surf, Sci-Tech space/astronomy general and spaceNews Earth and Sky daily radio show with topics from timeless old theories to http://www.selectsurf.com/sci-tech/space/news/ | |
43. Astronomy & Space astronomy For general astronomy links (many with images of planets and celestialobjects), check out HEASARC Outreach Links NASA Home page NASA space Science http://groups.msn.com/AstronomySpace/fieldguide.msnw | |
44. Astronomy & Space astronomy space, astronomyspace@groups.msn.com, Long before the general public wentonline, the net Library Internet Resources for astronomy http//www.stlcc http://groups.msn.com/AstronomySpace/astronomyontheinternet.msnw | |
45. IllumiRate Directory Education Science Astronomy General Absolute astronomy general facts and statistical information about planets you Featuresheadlines on recent astronomy research at Marshall space Flight Center http://www.illumirate.com/cat_items.cfm?Cat_ID=418312 |
46. Singapore Science Centre ScienceNet Astronomy Space Science as possible. astronomy space Science general astronomy. Q19697 Are there any short courses on astronomy in Singapore? Q19689 http://www.science.edu.sg/ssc/scinet_browse.jsp?type=6&root=6&parent=6&cat=65 |
47. Johnston's Archive--Astronomy And Space general astronomy Picture of the Daydaily astronomy picture with explanation.Bad astronomycorrects astronomyrelated misconceptions. Hubble space http://www.johnstonsarchive.net/astro/ | |
48. Astronomy - General Beyond Visions of the Interplanetary Probes Michael Benson astronomy general space photography space probes Outer space Exploration Science http://topics.practical.org/browse/Astronomy_-_General | |
49. Springer Verlag written Easily understandable by both the general reader and ASTROPHYSICS A. Unsöld B. Baschek astronomy, astrophysics and space research have http://www.burillier-uranie.com/pages/springer7.htm | |
50. MAD.SCI Libe: Astronomy general. The astronomy Cafe A NASA Home Page The NASA site is filled with picturesand information concerning shuttle missions, the Hubble space telescope and http://www.madsci.org/libs/areas/astronomy.html | |
51. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Sciences - Astronomy & Space - Refere A great resource for United States New - Library - Sciences - astronomy space - Reference Shelf - general Guides. Find the web s http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=898171 |
52. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Sciences - Astronomy & Space - Public A great resource for United States New - Library - Sciences - astronomy space - Publications - general Publications. Find the http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=10111664 |
53. Science - Space And Astronomy in the payload bay of the space Shuttle Endeavour National Optical astronomy Observatories(NOAO) K12 projects; current science events; general NOAO services http://www.rsts.net/edulinks/science/space.html | |
54. Curricular Resources In Astronomy of astronomical services, like general collections, ezines, specialized areas, andservers around the world. Athena Curriculum space and astronomy Athena has http://www.cln.org/subjects/astronomy_cur.html | |
55. Archive-name: Astronomy/ftp-sites missions; /pub/software space/astronomy software for all major platforms;/pub/faq general space info; Frequently Asked Questions; http://seds.lpl.arizona.edu/pub/faq/astroftp.html | |
56. Gravitation, Astronomy, General Relativity And Cosmology internetphysics. gravitation, astronomy, general relativity, and cosmology. 1. TychoBrahe and Johannes Kepler, Fowler. 20. space trips (in Spanish), Franco. 21. http://sky.net.co/physics/gravitacion.html | |
57. Astronomy And Astronautics Deep space 1 This new technology mission flew by Comet Borrellyon September 22, 2001. general EarthBased astronomy http://www.io.com/~iareth/space.html | |
58. ASTR 310: General Astronomy Links the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory/University of Arizona NASA Missions, More GeneralAstronomy, and Miscellaneous NASA Main page NASA s space Weather Bureau http://mintaka.sdsu.edu/faculty/wfw/CLASSES/ASTROBIO/astro-links.html | |
59. HobbySpace - Astronomy astronomy is obviously the oldest and most popular of space hobbies. There are innumerableweb sites already devoted to general astronomy and so we start below http://www.hobbyspace.com/Astronomy/ | |
60. Linking Library: Science(general): Astronomy/Space-travel The linking library is a humanities directory for the purpose of finding sites in service of an alternative timeconsciousness. http://www.theorderoftime.com/cyber/to/s(g)-file/astron.sp.tr.html | |
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