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81. 1998 Drought Information - Soybean With temperatures routinely running above 95° combined with the lackof rainfall, yield potential for the soybean crop is being lost. http://www.okstate.edu/OSU_Ag/oces/timely/soybean.htm | |
82. MSUcares: Soybeans crops Soybeans. Weekly Crop Update. Soybeans are not a major state crop,production wise, but they are an important commodity on most farms. http://msucares.com/crops/soybeans/ | |
83. Early Planting Gave Soybeans Strong Start (05-16-2003) Mississippi s soybean crop is off to a strong start, with 73 percent of thecrop planted by midMay compared to the five-year average of 58 percent. http://msucares.com/news/print/cropreport/crop03/030516.html | |
84. 031023 Low Soybean Crop Will Affect Meat Prices Iotron Technology Inc. 031023 Low soybean Crop Will Affect Meat Prices. October11, 2003 soybeans are the leading crop of Minnesota farmers, followed by corn. http://www.spcnetwork.com/mii/2003/031023.htm | |
85. Soybean Market News Informations 1. soybean News Abiove Brazil 2003/04 soybean crop to total 53m/t Monday, April05, 2004 01 52 pm/16 52 GMT Abiove Brazil 2003/04 soybean crop to total 53m http://www.agriseek.com/news/A12532/Soybean/ | |
86. Soybean Market News Informations 1. soybean News CÂ??éleres sees Brazil 2003/04 soybeancrop at 52.7m/t C©leres sees Brazil 2003/04 soybean crop at http://www.agriseek.com/news/A12553/Soybean/ | |
87. Soybean Scouting Schedule Penn State & Rutgers University Crop Master Table 2.420 - Suggested Insecticides, Rates, and Restrictions for soybeanInsect Control; Field Crop Pest Alert - Spider Mites; soybean Pest Control. http://www.cropmaster-icm.org/SctSoy.html | |
88. Area Farmers May Have A Record Corn And Soybean Crop This Year, If They Can Get Muddy farm fields hindering harvest. By Bonnie Jo Hanson. Area farmers may have arecord corn and soybean crop this year, if they can get it out of their fields. http://www.paynesvillearea.com/News/HeadlinesArticles/archives/102302/1023harves | |
89. Ohio Crop Performance Testing Program locations in Ohio on the relative performance of seed currently available to Ohiofarmers on several crops Alfalfa and other forages, Corn, Soybeans, and Wheat http://www.ag.ohio-state.edu/~perf/ | |
90. Agricultural Systems: Crop Production Get Adobe AcrobatThis publication (PNW 0525) introduces the reader to edamame,a specialty soybean crop, and describes how to grow and market it. 8 pages. http://agsyst.wsu.edu/edamhome.htm | |
91. LSU AgCenter News - Soybean Crop Needs Attention - July 31, 2002 Rouge, Louisiana 708945100 Phone (225) 578-2263 Fax (225) 578-4524 Distributed07/31/02 Good Weather, Improved Prices Mean soybean Crop May Need Attention http://www.lsuagcenter.com/Communications/news/July2002/Headlines/SoybeanStory.h | |
92. Soybeans Back From Space Station They ve measured and weighed plants, counted seeds, and collected additional physicalinformation from the firstever soybean crop grown aboard the orbiting http://www.spacedaily.com/news/food-02k.html | |
93. Pharmaceutical Corn Contaminates Soybean Harvest In Nebraska The company failed to comply with a fundamentaland simple-USDA requirementthat all stray pharm corn in this year s soybean crop be destroyed. http://www.ucsusa.org/news/press_release.cfm?newsID=302 |
94. Environmental Research Foundation Home In 1997, 15% of the US soybean crop was grown from genetically engineeredseed. By next year, if Monsanto Corporation s timetable http://www.rachel.org/bulletin/bulletin.cfm?Issue_ID=1252 |
95. Soybeans And Field Beans When these bacteria supply adequate nitrogen for the soybean crop,nitrogen fertilization is not recommended. Be sure to inoculate http://www.msue.msu.edu/msue/imp/modf1/06029713.html | |
96. Soybean Crop Management soybean Crop Management. Virgil Schmitt, crop specialist. PROBLEM A producerand dealer were concerned about the stand in a 40 acre soybean field. http://www.extension.iastate.edu/ag/success/schmitt4.htm | |
97. Ag Answers: Agronomist: Only Rain Will Save Soybean Crop Now Agronomist Only Rain Will Save soybean Crop Now. This same time last year,the soybean crop was rated nearly 50 percent in good condition. http://www2.agriculture.purdue.edu/agcomm/aganswers/story.asp?storyID=3168 |
98. Darrel Good Karen Bender Lowell Hill Department of Agricultural and Consumer EconomicsCollege of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental SciencesUniversity of Illinois at UrbanaChampaignAE-4733 March 2000MMaarrkkeettiinngg ooffS http://www.ace.uiuc.edu/research/ae/papers/ae4733.pdf |
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