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61. Scientia Agricola - Translate this page Two soybean cultivars, IAC-17 and FT-2, of 110 day cycle were utilized, the latterbeing more demanding for potassium. The results of three crops showed that http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0103-90162000000300012&l |
62. Invasive Species: Soybean Rust Profile rust in the US soybean rust is of particular concern because of its high potentialto reduce yields and increase production costs for US agricultural crops. http://www.invasivespecies.gov/profiles/soyrust.shtml | |
63. Symptoms And Controls Of Crop Diseases Survives in soybean crop residue, producing windborne spores that infect new crop.Control. Survives on soybean crop refuse. Spores can infect through wounds. http://www.ext.nodak.edu/extpubs/plantsci/crops/pp533w-3.htm | |
64. Soybean Crop Distribution Map wPests Weeds Information Resources Plant Pest Survey Program, soybean. CropDistribution Maps summarize the abundance of various crops across Minnesota. http://www.mda.state.mn.us/pestsurvey/cropmaps/soybean.html | |
65. GEO-PIE Project: Genetically Engineered Soybeans In the 2003 growing season, am estimated 81% of the US soybean crop is geneticallyengineered to be resistant to an herbicide (usually glyphosate aka Roundup http://www.geo-pie.cornell.edu/crops/soybeans.html | |
66. New Page 3 But, as farmers market their crops to raise cash flow for the planting effort, andthe interior waterways free up, the price of both soybean Meal and Oil fall http://www.commodityseasonals.com/soyoil_futures_2.htm | |
67. New Page 3 But, as farmers market their crops to raise cash flow for the planting effort andthe interior waterways free up, the price of both soybean Meal and Oil fall http://www.commodityseasonals.com/soymeal_futures_2.htm | |
68. Nematode Management In Soybeans If soybean cyst nematode populations are very high, grow nonhost crops for at leasttwo consecutive years. year 2, highly resistant soybean. year 3, nonhost crop. http://www.ncagr.com/agronomi/nnote2.htm | |
69. Crops Publications, Explore MU Extension Using Furrow Irrigation; G4953 Wheat-soybean Double Crop ManagementIn Missouri; G7140 - Sorghum Midge in Missouri; G7180 - Hessian http://muextension.missouri.edu/xplor/agguides/crops/ | |
70. Rediff.com: Rains Lift Hopes Of Soybean Crop In Central India: Reuters Rains lift hopes of soybean crop in central India. India s oilseeds season runs fromNovember to October and soybean and groundnut are the major winter crops. http://www.rediff.com/money/2002/aug/02rain1.htm | |
71. Cooperative Extension Catalog Of Publications--Field Crops Production, 0.25. RP553, Insectresistant crops Through Genetic Engineering,0.50. soybeanS. ÂEC104, Nebraska soybean Variety Tests, 0.25. EC136, http://ianrpubs.unl.edu/fieldcrops/ | |
72. Mississippi Soybean Crop Disaster Ahead Mississippi soybean Crop Disaster Ahead Rot and disease to claim at least half ofstate soybean crop Things are looking bad for soybean growers in Mississippi http://agriculture.about.com/library/weekly/aa092701a.htm | |
73. Stone Memories Producing milling durum wheat, hard red spring wheat, malting barley, canola, soybeans and forage crops. Also maintains a commercial cattle herd. http://web.ndak.net/~cenex/ | |
74. @gWorldwide: Smaller Soybean Crop Expected, No Change To Corn - 04-OCT-02 Smaller soybean crop expected, no change to corn. The resulting upper and lower boundsof the soybean crop would therefore be 2,674 to 2,574 million bushels. http://www.agriculture.com/default.sph/agNotebook.class?FNC=ArticleList__Aother_ |
75. Ontario Soybean Commentary - May 21, 2004 Turning to South America, the soybean crop there is into the finalstages of harvest and production forecasts are still falling. http://www.thesoydailyclub.com/Farm&Market/Commentary05212004.asp | |
76. Crop Diseases In Corn, Soybean, And Wheat (Purdue University) Crop Diseases in Corn, soybean, and Wheat. Search for a Disease Name. CropName Corn Disease Name Index to CORN Diseases http://www.btny.purdue.edu/Extension/Pathology/CropDiseases/ | |
77. Crop Diseases In Soybean 1 (Purdue University) Search for a Disease Name. Crop Name Corn Disease Name LEAF AND STEM DISEASES.soybean Image newBacterialblight.jpg, soybean. http://www.btny.purdue.edu/Extension/Pathology/CropDiseases/Soybean/Soybean.html | |
78. GE Corn Laced With Pharmaceutical Drug Contaminates Soybean Crop GE Corn Laced with Pharmaceutical Drug Contaminates soybean Crop.FDA Orders Destruction of soybeans Contaminated With Genetically http://www.organicconsumers.org/gefood/FDAandGEcorn.cfm | |
79. Chambers Family Farm Quality Identity Preserved Non-GMO Food Soybeans And Soybea Learn more about Naturally Pure Roasted soybeans (soynuts). Links to other informationand suppliers of healthful food and food soybean preparation. Kaneda Co. http://www.fairviewfarms.com/ | |
80. Record U.S. Soybean Crop Expected In 01 Record US soybean crop expected in 01 Apr 12, 2001 1200 PM By EltonRobinson Farm Press Editorial Staff US farmers will plant more http://southwestfarmpress.com/mag/farming_record_us_soybean/ | |
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