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41. Home > Crops And Horticulture > Field And Plantation Crops > Legumes Written by Steve Koenning, Extension Plant Pathologist, this fact sheetprovides information on stem and root rots in soybean crops. http://agrifor.ac.uk/hb/23f62e21736c20a2ba24f323848965df.html | |
42. Soybean - Production And Management - Manitoba Agriculture, Food & Rural Initiat After one or two wellnodulated soybean crops, the rhizobia populationin a field may be adequate for subsequent crops. Soybean http://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/crops/specialcrops/bih01s01.html | |
43. BioAg News Release Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin produce 81 percent of US corn and 89 percent of US soybean crops, said Rick http://bioagnews.byu.edu/NewsRelease.asp?id=60 |
44. Iowa Farm Bureau Spokesman Online US farmers will grow recordlarge corn and soybean crops this year, but bigcrops are needed to satisfy growing demand, reports the US Department of http://www.ifbf.org/publication/spokesman/story.asp?number=22642&type=Market |
45. CWB - Crop Issues Report large European Union and Canadian canola crops, rising Australian canola acreage,a large soybean crop in the US in 1999, and large soybean crops in Argentina http://www.cwb.ca/en/growing/weather/2000/011200.jsp |
46. Kentucky Corn, Soybean Crops Fare Well In 2003 record and nearrecord production on their soybean and corn crops despite a rockystart. ! HEADLINE -title Kentucky Corn, soybean crops Fare Well http://www.ca.uky.edu/agc/news/2003/Nov/cropsupdate.htm | |
47. Ag Answers: 1997 Corn And Soybean Crops Could Be Record-setters 1997 Corn and soybean crops Could Be Recordsetters. http://www2.agriculture.purdue.edu/agcomm/aganswers/story.asp?storyID=904 |
48. IITA | Crops And Farming Systems soybean (Glycine max ( L.)) is a legume that grows in tropical, subtropical, and temperate climates. Approximately half of the world's soybeans are produced in the developing world, and the other half in the developed world. content of 20%, soybean has the highest protein content of all food crops, and is second http://www.iita.org/crop/soybean.htm | |
49. Plant Disease Central Detailed descriptions of crop diseases commonly occurring in the western corn belt. crops covered include, corn, sorghum, wheat, soybean, dry bean, sugar beet. University of Nebraska Lincoln http://pdc.unl.edu/ | |
50. USDA Briefing Room - Soybeans And Oil Crops Covers trade, market and policy information. http://www.ers.usda.gov/briefing/soybeansoilcrops/ | |
51. CNN.com - Agronomist Develops Polymer-coated Soybean Seed; Could Boost Productio CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/FOOD/news/08/30/double.crops.ap/index.html | |
52. CNN.com - Polymer-coated Soybean Seeds Could Boost Production - August 31, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/FOOD/news/08/31/double.crops.ap/index.html | |
53. Cooperative Extension Catalog Of Publications--Field Crops You've reached the Animal Diseases subject category in the Resource Catalog, a reference published by Nebraska Cooperative Extension at the University of Nebraska. Farm Management. Range Forage. Field crops. Safety. Foods Nutrition. Sheep Insectresistant crops Through Genetic Engineering. 0.50. soybeanS EC104. Nebraska soybean Variety Tests http://www.ianr.unl.edu/pubs/fieldcrops | |
54. Soybean Crop Germplasm Committee Report Like all other major crops, the nation s commercial soybean varietiesare descended from a small number of ancestral strains. Thirty http://www.ars-grin.gov/npgs/cgc_reports/soybeanstatus96.htm | |
55. Markets are in addition to the market s sensitivities regarding the oilseed crops in India.The Indian monsoon has been erratic and may reduce soybean and peanut http://www.agriculture.com/markets/morchive/7mort13.html | |
56. Pioneer Press 11/12/2003 State S Soybean Crop Drops But Corn Wisconsin farmers are taking a hit on their soybean crop as well, although thedairy state is less dependent on field crops than is Minnesota agriculture. http://www.twincities.com/mld/twincities/7246512.htm |
57. Soybean Rust Potential Threat To U.S. Soybean Crop are a variety of other important hosts that are leguminous crops or weeds that haveshown varying degrees of susceptibility to both species of soybean rust. http://www.cropinsurance.org/new/news/022404.htm | |
58. Soybean Crop Looks Huge, But So Does Demand 4/10/01 Add that kind of production to nearrecord soybean stocks  1,405 million the stocksdo not appear excessive, said Bill Tierney, crops marketing specialist http://www.oznet.ksu.edu/news/sty/2001/soy_update401.htm | |
59. Soybeans Top of Page . Related Topics. soybean Information. CropPest Ontario;crops Updates; Diagnostic Service; Factsheets, Infosheets Publications; http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/crops/field/soybeans.html | |
60. VIRK.DK - Siden Blev Ikke Fundet Lured by high prices this spring, farmers planted the largest corn and soybeanacreage in 15 years, making binbusting crops a near certainty. http://virk.dk/r/s/5790/579007.html | |
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