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1. Massive Deforestation Of The Amazon For Soybean Crops 10/11/03 Massive Deforestation of the Amazon for soybean crops. Soybeans havebecome a major cash crop in Brazil and more and more of the http://www.mercola.com/2003/oct/11/deforestation_soy.htm | |
2. South American Soybean Crops Influence Prices City By City Dubuque, IA. South American soybean crops influence prices Now, with crops grown north and south of the equator, market cycles have tended to flatten. http://www.wqad.com/Global/story.asp?S=1100172 |
3. Gene-altered Corn Contaminates Soybean Crops 11/27/02 Genealtered Corn Contaminates soybean crops. Stray corn plants thathad been genetically modified to contain DNA of a protein used http://www.mercola.com/2002/nov/27/gm_corn.htm | |
4. Farmdoc - Marketing & Outlook: MAKING STORAGE DECISIONS FOR 2003 CORN AND SOYBEA Farm.doc seeks to improve farm decisionmaking under risk through education and research. MAKING STORAGE DECISIONS FOR 2003 CORN AND soybean crops. Late season heat and dryness is bringing the midwest corn and soybean crops to maturity a little quicker http://www.farmdoc.uiuc.edu/marketing/weekly/html/082503.html | |
5. Soybean Crops Finish Strong - Soybean Growers Get Relief In Agriculture Export A onagain/off-again kind of year for soybean growers who at one point during the growingseason thought this might be the record year for North American crops. http://agriculture.about.com/library/weekly/aa102401a.htm | |
6. Wisconsin Ag Connection - National/World News - Pioneer Introduces New Lodging R National World Ag News Headlines. Corn, soybean crops Seen Up Slightly its estimates of last year's U.S. corn and soybean crops when it releases its final 2002 crop report at http://www.wisconsinagconnection.com/story-national.cfm?Id=40&yr=2003 |
7. Wisconsin Ag Connection - National/World News - Record Corn, soybean crops Expected. USAgNet Editors 08/12/2003 Trade soybean crop estimates average 2.943 billion bushels in a range from 2.884-3.015 billion bushels, versus http://www.wisconsinagconnection.com/story-national.cfm?Id=864&yr=2003 |
8. Pork Magazine - Industry Insight More Industry Insight. Digging into the 2004 Corn and soybean crops ByMarlys Miller (Wednesday, May 12, 2004). Corn and soybean futures http://www.porkmag.com/news_editorial.asp?pgID=720&ed_id=2677 |
9. ODDS OF LARGE U.S. CORN AND SOYBEAN CROPS INCREASING? June 23, 2003. ODDS OF LARGE US CORN AND soybean crops INCREASING?The 2003 US planting season and early part of the growing season http://www.farmdoc.uiuc.edu/marketing/weekly/html/062303.html | |
10. AP Wire | 08/22/2003 | Corn And Soybean Crops Much Larger This Year Corn and soybean crops much larger this year The soybean crop is expected to produce 145.8 million bushels, up 15 percent from last year http://www.aberdeennews.com/mld/aberdeennews/news/6597399.htm | |
11. CORN AND SOYBEAN CROP ESTIMATES NOT AS LARGE AS EXPECTED crop. At the midpoint of the USDA s price projections, counter cyclicalpayments would be made for both the corn and soybean crops. http://www.farmdoc.uiuc.edu/marketing/weekly/html/081203.html | |
12. KARS/People/Houts/Classification Of Corn And Soybean Crops In Central Iowa Using a multidate NDVI classification, corn and soybean crops wereclassified with 99% and 98% accuracies, respectively. Additionally http://www.kars.ku.edu/about/people/houts/ERIM_precedings.htm | |
13. KCRG.com | KCRG TV9 Your 24 Hour News And Weather Source South American soybean crops Influence PricesSunday, January 26, 2003, 55936 PM Now, with crops grown north and south of the equator, market cycles have tended to http://www.kcrg.com/article.aspx?art_id=50452&cat_id=123 |
14. Growing Organic Soybeans On CRP Land - Kathleen Delate crops must include rotations of grain crops (ideally with nitrogenadding covercrops) in order to maintain adequate fertility for future soybean crops. http://extension.agron.iastate.edu/sustag/resources/soycrp.html | |
15. KR Washington Bureau | 09/02/2003 | Brazil In Hot Debate Over Farmers Planting M Search Articleslast 7 days. Articles-older than 7 days. The Web. for. Washington. Depression in Japan ». Road to Yucca Mountain. Do you have information to share with our reporting staff? Roberto Rodrigues, in favor of allowing gene-modified soybean crops. Tugging at the president's ear in http://www.realcities.com/mld/krwashington/6673931.htm | |
16. RECORD CORN AND SOYBEAN CROPS RECORD CORN AND soybean crops Mar 15, 2004 1200 PM Compiled By GregLamp USDA initial estimates for 2004 call for larger US plantings http://soybeandigest.com/mag/soybean_record_corn_soybean/ | |
17. Whopping Corn And Soybean Crops Whopping Corn And soybean crops Aug 1, 2000 1200 PM Richard BrockAs we go to press, it appears as though US farmers have a chance http://soybeandigest.com/mag/soybean_whopping_corn_soybean/ | |
18. Agricultural Applications - Deriving Crop Information From RADARSAT-1 Imagery Index. Introduction. Corn Crops. soybean crops. Wheat Crops. PolarimetricSAR Imagery for Crop Condition Assessment. soybean crops. http://www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/ccrs/rd/apps/agri/crop/soy_e.html | |
19. National Science Foundation Working To Improve Soybean Crop As Soyfood Sales Soa 11, 2002 /PRNewswire/ As soybean crops increase in the United States and consumersare setting new records for purchasing soyfoods, the National Science http://www.thesoydailyclub.com/FFF/nsf10152002.asp | |
20. Aphids Devastate Ontario Soybean Crops Aphids devastate Ontario soybean crops. 4 Aug 2001 Bugs that irk citydwellershorrify farmers; a field can hold billions From Canadian Press. http://ipm.osu.edu/trans/08_041.htm | |
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