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41. Distant Cousins - US State And Local Resources - South Dakota south dakota Mailing Lists. GenConnect south dakota Visitor Center. 1860 dakotaTerritory Census, south dakota portion. libraries, Archives, Museums. http://www.distantcousin.com/States/SD.html | |
42. Listings South Dakota: USA : South Dakota : Libraries All Categories, http://listingsus.com/South-Dakota/Community_Services/Libraries/ | |
43. Biblio Tech Review South Dakota Library Network Selects ALEPH And Metalib/SFX SDLN membership includes more than 60 academic, public, private, K12 school, tribal,medical and government libraries throughout the state of south dakota. http://www.biblio-tech.com/btr11/S_PD.cfm?DO=A&ArticleID=564&issueno=41 |
44. The NDSU Libraries: Germans From Russia Northwest Blade, Eureka, south dakota, November 5, 2003, Page 1, Volume 45. Strasburg,North dakota The libraries North dakota State University PO Box http://www.lib.ndsu.nodak.edu/grhc/order/nd_sd/ | |
45. South Dakota Genealogy Mine south dakota Research Outline at Family Search. The Library Index south dakota;Public libraries in south dakota; south dakota College and University libraries; http://home.ptd.net/~nikki/SD.htm | |
46. South Dakota Auto Shippers - Car Movers To And From SD http//www.brookingslibrary.org/ Brookings south dakota SD south dakotaLibrary Network SD Lists the member libraries in the network. http://www.topmovingcompanies.com/auto/south_dakota.shtml | |
47. Government Documents (BHSU Library) All state agency materials are processed through the south dakota State Libraryand distributed to the depository libraries throughout the state in order to http://iis.bhsu.edu/lis/govdoc/index.cfm | |
48. South Dakota STIC Library STIC LIBRARY. south dakota. Documents are generally listed in reverse chronologicalorder. COMPLAINT (2/23/98) Browse or Download. Back to STIC libraries. http://stic.neu.edu/Sd/SDTOC.htm | |
49. Native American Libraries And Resources Sinte Gleska University LibraryRosebud, south dakota. Sisseton WahpetonCommunity College LibrarySisseton, south dakota. OKLAHOMA. http://faculty-staff.ou.edu/P/Lotsee.F.Patterson-1/nalib.htm | |
50. Libweb - Directory Of USA Academic Libraries, South Dakota This page is a directory of Academic libraries in south dakota. libraries on theWeb. USA Academic south dakota. Current update 07/23/03. Keyword search. http://www.indiana.edu/~librcsd/internet/libweb-mirror/Academic_SD.html | |
51. Libweb - Directory Of USA Public Libraries, South Dakota This page is a directory of Public libraries in south dakota. libraries on theWeb. USA Public south dakota. Current update 07/23/03. Keyword search. http://www.indiana.edu/~librcsd/internet/libweb-mirror/Public_SD.html | |
52. Libweb - Directory Of USA Academic Libraries, South Dakota This page is a directory of Academic libraries in south dakota. libraries on theWeb. USA Academic south dakota. Current update 05/03/04. Keyword search. http://www.umsl.edu/library/mirrors/libweb-mirror/Academic_SD.html | |
53. Libweb - Directory Of USA Academic Libraries, South Dakota This page is a directory of Academic libraries in south dakota. libraries on theWeb. USA Academic south dakota. Current update 05/12/04. Keyword search. http://www.biblioteca.fciencias.unam.mx/bibliotecas/libweb-mirror/Academic_SD.ht | |
54. News: South Dakota Project Upgrades Public Computers In Libraries - Apr 25 2002 Technology. Apr 25 2002. PIERRE, SD More than 100 local libraries across SouthDakota have new computers for public use, under a new initiative begun by Gov. http://www.govtech.net/news/news.php?id=9772 |
55. South Dakota State Library south dakota State Library offers statewide catalog; indexes to magazines, genealogy, SD newspapers; eBooks; eJournals; Braille talking books; kids pages http://www.sdstatelibrary.com/ | |
56. South Dakota Library Network http://www.sdln.net/members/ | |
57. South Dakota Library Association south dakota Library Association. PO Box 1212,Rapid City, SD 57709 (605) 3944171 x501. http://www.usd.edu/sdla/ | |
58. South Dakota Library Positions south dakota Library Positions. south dakota State Library Position,State Librarian. Location, Pierre. Salary, $52,260.41 minimum. Deadline, http://lib.sdstate.edu/lib18/SDLAPos.html | |
59. SDSU Briggs Library Home Page Hilton M. Briggs Library south dakota State University Box 2115, Brookings,SD 570071098 Telephone (605) 688-5106, Fax (605) 688-6133 http://lib.sdstate.edu/ | |
60. South Dakota State And Local Government (Library Of Congress) south dakota State and Local Government. State Government. State of south dakota.Go to Library of Congress Library of Congress Help Desk (04/06/00) http://www.loc.gov/global/state/sd-gov.html | |
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